<br /> 2� 15�7448
<br /> v�rhether or not then due,with�he excess,if any,paid to B�rr�wer.Such insura�ce proc�eds sha11 be appl�ed in�he ard�r
<br /> provided for in Sec�ion�.
<br /> ��'����vv��������������������� �L��������������������������1+��������1��1���i�ur�in�e��ain�ax�d re��ted
<br /> ma�ters.�f Borrovsrer does nat res on�within 3�da s t�a notic�fr L ' '
<br /> p y am ender tha�the�nsuranc�ca.rr�er has offered to
<br /> se�tle a claim,�hen L�nder may negotia�e and settle the claim.The 3D�-day period vsri�I begzn when�he not�ce is gi�ren.�n
<br /> either ev�n�, �r if Lender acquires the Prop�rty under Sec��on�� or o�herwise, Borro�er h�reby assigns�a Lender
<br /> �a�Borrower's rights to any�nsurance proceeds in an am�un�not�o ex�eed�he amounts unpaid under�h�No��or�his
<br /> Secu�r�ty�nstrument,and�b�any�th.�r of Borrower's rights�ather than the ri�ht�o any refund of unearned premiums paid
<br /> by Borrow�r}under a�l insurarice poli�ies co�ering�he Proper�y,insofar as such rights are applicable�o the co�erage af
<br /> �he Proper�y.Lender may use�he insurance praceeds ei�her�o repair ar restore the Proper�or to pay amoun�s unpaid
<br /> under�he Na�e ar this S ecurit�r�ns�rumen�,whe�her ar nat then due.
<br /> 6.��cupancy.Borrawer sha�i o�cupy,�stabl�sh,and use�h�Proper�y as Bo�-rovver's principal residen�e within 6�
<br /> days after the e�ecution af this S�cur�ty�nstrum�n�and sha��con�inue�o�ccupy�h�Fraper�y as Borrower's principal
<br /> r�sidence for at least one year after th.e date af occupancy,unless Lender a�herwi�e agrees�n w�i�ing,wh�ch co�sent shall
<br /> no�be unreasonably�ithheld,ar un�ess ex�enua�ing circumstances exis�vvhich are b�yond Borrov�rer's contral.
<br /> � 7.Preservat�on,Maintenance and Protec�f on af the Property;Inspect�ans,Borrower shal�n��des�roya damage
<br /> or im�air�he Property,a�1ow�he Prop�r�y ta de�terxora�e or c4mm��v�ra.s�e on�h�Proper�y.Whe�her nr no�Borr�wer�s
<br /> residing in the Pr�perty,Borrawer shall ma�ntain the Prop�r�y in order to pre�ent the Proper�y from deteriora�ing or
<br /> de�r�asing in�alue due t���ts condi�i�n.Un�ess it is de�erm�ned pursuan��o Section 5�hat repair or res�ora��on�s no�
<br /> ecanomica.I�y f�as�ble,Borrower sha�l promp��y repa�r the Propex�y if damaged�o av��d further deteriaration or damage.
<br /> If�nsurance or condemnati�n proceeds axe paid�n connectian�vith damag��o,or the taking of,the Fr�perty,Borrower
<br /> sha�i be respansible for repairing ar restoring the Prope�,y�nly if Lender has re�eased praceeds for such purposes.Lender
<br /> may disburse proceeds for the repairs and res��ra�ion in a single paym�nt or in a series�f pragress paymen�s as the work
<br /> is comple�ed.�f�he insurance ar condemnation proceeds ar�not sufficient�a repair or restor�th�Praperty,Borrower is
<br /> n��rel�e�ed of Bo�rrawer's ob�iga��on f�r the campietion of such repair or r�s�oration.
<br /> Lender or its agent may make reas�nable entr�es upon and�nspe�ti�ns of the Praper�y.�f i�has reasonable cause,
<br /> Lender may lnspec�the interYor Qf the improvements on the Proper�y.Lender shaTl gzve Barrower natice at�h��ime of or
<br /> prior to such an in�erior znspec�ion specifying such reas�nabie cause,
<br /> 8.Borrower's Loan App�fca��on.Barrower shall be in defaul�if,during the Loan appl�cation process,B��rrower or
<br /> any persons or en�it�es acting at the d�r�ction af Borrovver ar with Borrovver's knowledge ar consent ga�e materially
<br /> false, misl�ad�n�, or inaccurat� informatian ar s�a�ements �a Lender �or fa�Ied to pro�vide Lender w�th material
<br /> information} in conne�tion with�he Loar�. Ma��r�al repres�ntati�ns inc�ude, �ut are not I�mited to, representa�ians
<br /> concerning Borrawer's oc�upancy of the Praperty as BorrovWer's�rincipal residence.
<br /> 9.Protect�on of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security In�trument.�f�a�Borr�wer
<br /> fa��s to perfo�m the cavena�ats a,nd agreemen�s contained�n�his Securi�y�nstrumen�,�b}��aere is a legal proceeding tha�
<br /> migh� sign�f cant�y affe�t Lender's interest in �he Pr�perty andlor righ�s under this Security �ns�rument �such as a
<br /> praceedin�in bankruptcy,praba�e,for condemnat�on ar forfe�ture,far enfflrcement af a l�en wh7ch naay at�ain prior��y
<br /> ave�this Security zns�rument or t�enfo�rce laws or r�gu�ations3,or���Borr�vrrer has aband�ned the Praper�y,th.en Lender
<br /> may do and pay for whate�r�r is reasonable or appropriate�Q pra�ect L�nder's interest�n the Property and rights under th�s
<br /> Security�ns�rument,inc�uding protecting andlor assess�ng�he value�f�he Praper�y,and securing andJor repairing�h�
<br /> Pr�perty.L�nder's actions can include,but are na��imit�d�a:�a}paying any sums secured by a Iien which has pri�r�ty
<br /> vver this Secur�ty Instrumen�;�b�appear�ng�n court;and���pay�ng reasonab�e a�torneys'fees�o prat�c�its�nterest in�he
<br /> Property andJor rights under th�s Secur�ty�nstrument,including i�s secured posi�ian in a bankruptcy proCeeding.Securing
<br /> th�Praper�y�ncludes,bu��s not��muted�o,entering the Property to ma.ke repairs,chang�lacks,rep�ace�r board up doors
<br /> and w�ndaws, drain water from p�p�s,eliminate building or o�her cade vioia��ans or dangerous conditions,and have
<br /> ut��ities turned on❑r afF.Althvugh Lend�r may tak�action u.nder�his Secti�n 9,Lend�r does no�have�o do sa and�s nat
<br /> NEBRASKA-5ingie FamilyWFannie Mae�Fr�ddie Mac UNIFORM�NSTRUMENT Fvrm 30 �l��
<br /> Page�af�3 �
<br /> �
<br /> �os,�nc, Borrowerts}ini��als � ��
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