2� 15�7448
<br /> An�ap�a�ica�ion of payments,insurance proceeds,or Misc��lan��us Proceeds to principal due under the N�te sha��
<br /> not ex�end or pastp�ne the due date,or chax��e the am�un���f�he Periodic P�ym�r�ts,
<br /> �.F"un�is��or Esexow�t�m�s,����w����a�1 pa��a Lender on�he day�eriodic Pay�nent�are du�under the Note,
<br /> �����the��t�i���.��.i�fu�l,a sum��e"�`unds"���pro�ide for payrnen�of amaun�s du�for:(a}�axes and a�s�ssmen�s
<br /> and oth�r items whi�h can atta.in priorit� a�er�his Se�ur�� �nstrument as a lien ar encumbrance on the Prvpert�y;
<br /> �b}�easehold paymen�s or ground rents on�he Property,if any;�c�premiums far any and a.�l insurance required by Lender
<br /> under Sec��on 5;and�d�Mor�gage�nsurance premiums,if any,or any sums payable by Borrower tv Lender in�i�u of�he
<br /> pa�ment af Martgage �nsurance premiums in accordance with the pro�isions of Se�tiori 1�.These items are ca�led
<br /> "Escrow �tems."At �r��inati�n or a� a.ny �im� during the term of�he Loan, Lender may requi�e �ha� Cammunity
<br /> Association Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any,be escrovved by Borrower,a�ad such dues,fees and assessmen�s shall b�
<br /> an Escrow ��em. Borrower sha�� promptly furnish to Lender ali notices �f amounts �o be paid under th�s Sec�ian,
<br /> Borrovve�shall pay Lender the Funds far Escraw I�ems un�ess Lender wax�es Borrov�r�r's obligat�on to pay th�Funds f4r
<br /> any or ai�Escra�Items.L�nder may wa��re Borrower's obliga��on�o pay ta Lender Funds f�r any or a�l Escr�w Items at
<br /> any time.Any such vvaiver may only be in wri�ing,In the event of such wa�ver,Borr�vver shall pay directly,v�rhen and
<br /> v�rhere payable,�he amounts due far any Escrow Items f�r v�rh.�ch payment of Funds has been wai�ed by Lender and,if
<br /> , �Lender requ�r�s, shall fixrnish to Lender receip�s evidenci.ng such payment vvi�h�n such t�me perifld as Lender may
<br /> � requir�.Borrower's obligation to make such�aymen�s and to pro��de re�eip�s sha�l f�r a��purposes be deem�d to be a
<br /> co`venant and agreemen�cantained�n this S�curifiy�nstrument,as the phrase"�ovenan�a.nd agreem�nt"is used in S�ction
<br /> 9.�f Bor�rower is ob�iga�ed�o pay Escro�v�r�t�ms dir���Iy,pursuant to a waiver,a,nd Borrower fails ta pay�he amoun�due
<br /> for an Escrow I�em,Lender may ex�rcise its rights under Sect�an 9 and pa�such amount and Barro�vsrer shall�then be
<br /> ab�iga�ed under Se��tion 9 to repay�o Lender any such amount.Lender may revoke�he waiver as�o any or all Escrovv
<br /> T�ems a�any��me by a notice g�ven in accordance with Se�tian 15 and,upon such re�4cation,Borrov�er shai�pay to
<br /> Lender alI Funds,and in such amounts,tha�are�hen r�quired under�his Section 3.
<br /> Lende�may,a�any�ime,coliect and hald Funds in an amount�a�su--i�'�cient��permi�Lender to apply the Funds at
<br /> the time specif ed under RESPA,and�b}not to exceed�he maximum amoun�a�ender can require under RESPA,Lender
<br /> shall estima�e the amaun��f Funds due an�he�asis of�urrent da�a and reas�nable�s�imates af e���nditures vf future
<br /> Escraw Items or a�herwise�n acca�dan�e w�th Applica�Ie Law:
<br /> The Funds shall be held in an inst�tu�ion vvhose deposits are insuxed by a federa.l agency,iristrumentality,�r en��ty
<br /> ��nciuding Lender,if Lender is an ins�itutifln whose depos�ts are sfl insured}or in any Fed�ral Home Laan Bank.Lend�r
<br /> shall apply the Funds to pa�the Escrow���ms no�a�er than�h�time sp�cified under RESPA.Lender shali no�charge
<br /> Borrower for h�lding and applying th�Funds,annually analyzing the escrow accaun�,or ver�fying�he Escrow Items,
<br /> un�ess I�ender pays Borrovver in�erest on the Funds and App�icable Law perm�ts Lender�o make such a chaxge.Uni�ss an
<br /> agreemen�is made�n writing�r Applicabie Law requires interest�o be paid on the Funds,Lender sha��not be requ�r�d�v
<br /> pay Barrawer any interes�or�arnings on the Funds.Barrower and L�nder can agree in wri�in�,howe�er,that inter�st
<br /> shall be paid on the Funds.Lende�r sha�l g�ve to Borrovver,withou�charge,an annual accounting of�he Fund�as required
<br /> by RESPA.
<br /> �f there is a surp�us�f Funds held�n�scraw,as def ned under RESPA,Lender shall ac�aun�ta Barrawer for�he
<br /> excess funds in accordance wi�h RE�PA.�f there is a shor�age of Funds h�ld in es�row,as defined und�r RESFA,Lend�r
<br /> sha1�notify Borrov�er as requ�red by RESPA,and Borrower shaii pay�o Lend�r�he amount necessary�o make up the
<br /> sh�rtage in accordance with R�SPA,but zn n�more�han�2 mont,�aly payments.�f there is a defic�ency af Funds held�n
<br /> escrov�,as d�fin�d under RESPA,Lender shal�natify B�rrov�rer as required hy RESPA,and Barrower shal�pay to Lender
<br /> the amount ne�essary��make up�he def�lency�n accar�anc�v�ith RESPA,bu��n na rnore�han 12 month�y payments.
<br /> Upan payrr�ent in full af a�l sums secured by�his Securi��nstrumen�,Lender shail promptly refund tv B�rr�wer any
<br /> Funds he�d by Lender.
<br /> 4.Charges; Liens,B�rrflwer sha��pay all taxes,assessments,charges,fnes,and impositions attributab�e to the
<br /> Propex�y which can a�tain pr�ority aver�h�s Security Tnstrumen�,leaseho�d payments or ground ren�s�n�he Proper�y,if
<br /> any,and Cammun��y Ass�c�a��on Dues,Fees,and Assessmen�s,if any.To�he extent tha�these items axe EscrovFr��ems,
<br /> Borrow�r sha��pay them in�he manner pra�ided�n Sec�ion 3.
<br /> NEBRAS�CA-Sing�e Fami�y-Fannie MaelFreddie�IIa�UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Farm 302 �14�
<br /> Page 4 of�3 '
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<br /> �as,���. Borrower�s}ini�als � r �
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