2� 15�7448
<br /> �G�"Loan"means the deb�evidenced by�he Na�e,plus in�eres�,any prepaymen�chaxges and�a�e charges du�under�he
<br /> No�e,and a��sums due under this Security�nstrumen�,plus in�eres�. '
<br /> �H����ders"means all Riders to th�s Security�nstrumen��a�are executed by Borrovver.The follow�ng R�ders are�o be
<br /> exe�uted by Barrower[che�k bax as applicable];
<br /> ❑ Ad�ustable Ra�e Rider [] Condominium Rider ❑ Second H�me R�der
<br /> �C] Bal�o�n Rider ❑ Planned Un�t De�elopm�nt R.ider ❑ VA Rider
<br /> ❑ 1 W4 Family Rider ❑ Biweekly Payment R.�der
<br /> ❑ ��her�5pecify�
<br /> �I�"Appl�cable Law"means all cantrolling appli�able f�deral, state and�aca� s�a�u�es,regu�ations, ardinances and
<br /> administrat�ve rules and orders �that ha�e the �ffect of law� as vvell a� a�l applicabl� fnai, non-appealable judicial
<br /> opini�ns.
<br /> �J}"Cammunity Associati�n Dues,Fees,and Assessments"means ali dues,fees,assessments and v�her charges tha�
<br /> are imp�sed on Borrower or�he Praper�y by a condaminxum associatian,homeavsmers asso�ia�ion or simila�organizat�on.
<br /> �I��y�E�ectronic Funds'1�-ansfer"means any transfer of funds,other than a transac�xon or�gina�ed by che�k,draft,or
<br /> similar paper instrument,wh�ch�s ini�iated thr�ugh an e�ectronic termina.I,�e�eph�nic instrument,computer,or magnet�c
<br /> tape sa as�o arder,�nstruct,or au�horize a f nan�ial ir�.st�tu�ion�o d��bit or credi�an,account.Such term includes,but is no�
<br /> i�mi�ed ta,pai�.�-of-sa�e�ransfers,aufi�mated tel�er machine transac�ions,�ransfers initiated by teiephone,wzre transf�rs,
<br /> and autamated c�earinghouse�ransfers.
<br /> �L}i�Escrow Items"means�hose items�that ar�described in S�ction 3.
<br /> �M�i�Mis�ellaneaus Proceed�3'means any c�mpensation,se�tiem�n�,award�f damages,Qr proceeds paid by any third
<br /> party�o�her�han insuran�e praceeds paid under�he��verages descri�ed ix�Se��ion 5}f�r:�i�damage�o,or d�5�ructi�n
<br /> of, the Proper�y; �ii}condemnat�on or o�her tak�ng of al� or any pa.r� af�he Proper�y; �ii�}conveyance in lieu of
<br /> condemna�ian;or�iv�misrepresen�at�ons of,o�amissions as ta,�he value ant�lor candi�ion of th�Prop�rty.
<br /> �N}`yMflrtga�e Insurance"means irisurance prot�cting Lender against�he nonpayment of,or default on,th�Loan.
<br /> ��}�iPer��dic Payment"means�he regularly sch�duled amaunt due for�i}principal and in�eres�under�h�Note,plus
<br /> �ii}any amounts under Sect��n 3 af this Security�nstrument.
<br /> �P���RESPA" means the R�a.l Es�ate Se�tiement Procedures Act ��� U.S.C. � 26D 1 et seq.� and its implementing
<br /> regulatifln, Regu�ation� ��2 �.F.R. Pa:r� �.��4}, as they might b� amended from�ime to time, or any addi�ianal or
<br /> successor legis�a���ri or regula��an that go�erns the same subjec�mat�er.As used in this Security�nstrumen�,"RESPA"
<br /> refers��ali requirements and restrictions that are�mp�sed in re�ard t�a"federa��y related mar�gage loan"e�en�f th�
<br /> Loan does nat qualify as a"federa��y rela�ed mortgage loan"under RESFA.
<br /> �Q}y�Successor�n Interest�f Borrvwer�'means any pa�ty tha�has taken t�tle t�th�Property,whe�her ar not tha�par�y
<br /> has assun�ed Borrovver's obligat�flns under�h.e Note andlor�his Security Instrument.
<br /> This Security �nstrument secur�s to Lender: �i} �he repaym�n� of�he Loan, and a1� renev�rals, extensions and
<br /> modifica�ions of the Note; and �ii} �he performance af Borrov�rer's ca�enants and agreements under �his Security
<br /> Ins�rumen�a.nd�he N�te.For�his purpos�,Borrovver irr�vocably gran�s and con�eys to Trustee,xn trust,v�ith pov�er�f
<br /> sale,the fo��owing d�scr�bed property�ocated in the�oun�y of Haz�:
<br /> Lot Se�en�7},Bi�ck Th�rty-se�en�37),in�harles Wasmer's Add�ton,City af�rand Island,Hal��aunty,
<br /> Nebraska
<br /> Paxc�l ID Number:40�1Q9751
<br /> NEBRASKA-Sing�e Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRN!�NSTRUMENT Farm 30 r �l0�
<br /> Fage 2 of�3
<br /> �os,�r�c, Barrower�s�initial ���
<br />