<br /> i
<br />� 2� 15�7422
<br />� DEED �F�TRUST � ,
<br />� Loan Na: 'i�'i�9D'i 4'i �Cor7tlrlued� Page 3
<br /> reasonably necessary ta prvtect and preser�e the Property.
<br /> DUE �N SALE-CaNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's opti�n, declare immediately due and payable all sums
<br />� secured by fihis ❑eed of Trust upan the sale flr transfer, wi�hou�Lender's priar written cvnsent, o�F a11 or any part of the �
<br />� R�al Prope�-�y� or any int�rest in the Rea! Property. A "_sale or�ransfer" means th� cvn�eyance o�Real Property vr any
<br /> right. title ar Enterest in �he Real Property; whether legal, b�ne�icial or equ�table; whether �oluntary ❑r in��lun�ary;
<br />' whether by outright sale, deed, ins�allment sale con�rac�, �and contract, �ontract �ar deed, leasehold int�rest with a
<br /> f
<br /> term grea�e�-�han three {3} years, lease-option contract, vr by sa�e, assignment, vr trans�er v�any beneficial �nterest Fn
<br /> or�o any land trus� holding tit[e �to�he Real Praperty, ❑r by any other me�hod o� con�eyan�e ❑� an interest in �he Real
<br /> Pr�per�y. Hvwe�er� �hts optian sha�E nat be exercised by Lender i� such exercise is prvhibited by fiederaf law vr by
<br />' Nebraska law.
<br /> TA�CES AND LlENS, The �ollowing prvvEsions relating t� �he tax�s and liens vn �he Praperty are part o�this ❑eed ��
<br />� Trust:
<br />; Payment. Trustvr sha11 pay when due �and in all e�ents prior to delinquen�yy all�axes, special taxes. assessments,
<br />� charges {including wa�er and sewery, fines and impasitions ie�ied against or❑n accvunt ❑f the Prvperty, and shall
<br /> pay when due all claims for work dane ❑n or��r ser�ices rendered ar ma�erial furnished fio the Prvperty. Trus#or
<br />� shall main�ain the Proper�y free of all liens ha�ing priority v�er or equal�❑the interest v�Lender under this Deed ❑f
<br />� Trus�, except for the (ien ❑f taxes and assessments not due and except as otherwise prv�ided in this ❑eed o�
<br /> Trus�.
<br />: Right to Contes�. Trustor may withhold payment of any tax, assessmen�, ❑�r claim En conne�tian with a gaod faith
<br />� dispute ❑�er the ahligati�n t� pay, so Iong as Lender's interest in the Prop�r�y�s not jevpardized. If a lien arises or
<br />� is fFled as a result ❑f nvnpayment, Trustor shal� within fF�fteen �'15} days after�h� IEen arises or, ifi a lien is filed,
<br /> within �ifteen �1�y days after Trustor has notice o�th� �iling, secure the discharge of the li�n, ar i� requ�sted hy
<br />; Lender, deposit with Lender cash❑r a sufficien�corpora�e surety bond or other security satisfacfiory to Lender in an
<br />, amaunt su�ficient to discharge the lien plus any casts and.atfiorneys' ��es, or other charges that cvuld accrue as a
<br /> resuft o�a fore�lasure�r sale under the lien. ln any contest,Trustor shall defend itsel�and Lender and sha�[satis�y
<br /> any ad�erse judgmen�befar-e enfarcemen�against the Prvper'ty. Trustor shal� name Lender as an additional abligee
<br /> under any surety band�urnished in�he con�es�praceedings.
<br />� Erridence o�Payment. Trustor shall upon demand �urnish tv Lender sat�sfactory e�idence vf payment❑f�he�axes
<br /> ❑r assessmen�s and shall authorize the appropriate gn�ernmental official fi❑ deii�er t❑ Lender at any time a wr�tten
<br /> sfiatement o��he�axes and assessments agains��he Property. .
<br /> Notice of Cansfiruction. T�us�or shall no�ify Lender at �east�ifteen {'i 5� days be�ore any work is commenced, any
<br /> ssrWices are furnished, or any materials are supp�ied�a �he Prvperty, i�any mechanic's [i�n, mafierialmen's lien, ❑r
<br /> other lien could �e asserted on account ❑�the work, services, or ma�erials. Trus�vr wEll upvn request ❑� Lender
<br /> furnish �o Lender ad�ance assurances satis�actary ta Lender that Trustor can and will pay the cos� o� such
<br /> imprv�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY aAMAGE�N5lJRANCE. The foffowing praWisions rela�ing�� insuring the Property are a part of�his �eed ��
<br /> T�-ust.
<br /> Maintenance of lnsuran�e. Trustor shall procure and maintain palicies of�ire insuran�e with s�andard ext�nded
<br /> coWerage end�rsements on a fair �a�ue basis �vr fihe full insurable �alue co�ering all Imprv�ements ❑n the Real
<br /> Proper�y in an amount su��icient ta avoid appl�ca�ion of any coinsurance clause, and with a s�andard martgage�
<br /> c�ause in�a�vr o�Lender. Trus�tor shal� also procure and maEntain comprehensi�e general liability�nsurance in such
<br /> �v�erage amounts as Lender may �-equest with Trus�ee and Lender being named as additiona! insureds in such
<br /> Eiabili�y insurance pali��es. Additi�naily, T�-ustor shall maintain such ❑�her insurance, including but nafi limi�ed �o
<br /> ha�ard, business interrupfiion, and hailer insurance, as Lend�r may reasonably require. Policies shall be written in
<br /> �Fvrm, amounts, �o�erages. and basis reasvnably acceptable to Lender and issued by a company ❑r cvmpanies
<br />� reasonahly accep�able to Lender. Trus�ar, upon request v� Lender, will deli�er fia Lender from �ime fio time �he
<br /> pvlicies ❑r certificates o�insurance in��rm sa�isfac�ory-to Lender, incfuding stipuia�ions that co�erages witf no�be
<br /> i cance�led or diminished wEthvut a� least ten ���} days pri�r written nvti�e to Lender. Each insurance pv�icy afso
<br /> shall include an endarsement pro�idEng�hat ca�erage in fia�vr v�Lender wil� not be impaired in any way by any a�t,
<br /> omission ar default vf Trustvr or any vther person. Shauld the Rea� Property be loca�ked in an area designa�ed by
<br /> the Adminis�ra�or❑�the Federa! Emergency Management Agency as a specia! flood hazard area, Trus�ar agrees�o
<br /> ab�ain and maintain Federa[ F1ood Ensurance, if a�ailala�e, within 4� days aft�r notice Es�gi�en by Lender tha� the •
<br /> Property is laca�ed in a special flvod hazard area, for the full unpaid principal 1�alance��the laan and any prior liens
<br />� on�he property securing the ��an, up�o the maximum po�icy limits set under the Natianal Flaad lnsurance Pr�gram,
<br /> ❑r as otherwise requtred by Lender, and to maEntain such insurance far the term of the Ioan.
<br /> Application of Prviceeds. Trusfivr shall promp�ly n�ti�y Lender❑f any lass or damag�t� �he Property. Lender may
<br /> make prvo� o� Ioss if Trus�ar fails to do s❑ within fiifteen �'�5} days ❑f the casua�fiy. Whether ❑�- not Lende�'s
<br /> securi�y is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's elec�ion, re�eive and retain fihe proc��ds ❑� any insurance and appEy
<br /> the proceeds to the reduction of the lndeh�edness, payment vf any lien affecting the Proper-ty, �r the rest�ration
<br /> and repair of the Property. If Lender elec�s fio apply the praceeds to res�orat�on and repair, Trustor shall repair❑r
<br /> replace �he damaged or destr�yed lmpro�ements in a manner satisfactory �k❑ Lender. Lender shail, upvn
<br />� satis�acfivey proof of such expenditure, pay or reimburse Trustar �rom the praceeds �ar the reasonahle cvst ❑�
<br />