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<br /> V1lHEN REC�RDED MA1L T�:
<br /> Five Pvints Bank
<br /> Attn:Stolley Park
<br /> Pa Box '15�7 �
<br /> Grand Island NE 688���'1507 F�R REC�RDER'S U5E�NLY
<br /> ���D�DD�O�����9�'i 41 D34���232�15�
<br /> DEED �F TRUST �
<br /> TH1S DEED �F TRUST is dated �ctaber �3, 2��5, amvng TAMMY PHAM; A 5ingle Persan
<br /> {"Trustor"}; Five Paints Bank, whose address is Sauth Branch, 3��7 1J11. Sto�l�y Pk. Rd.. Grand
<br /> lsland, NE �88�1 �referred to be��w svmetimes as "Lender" and sametimes�as "Beneficiary"};
<br /> and Firre Paints Bank, whvse address is P.� Bvx 'i 5�7, Grand Island, NE ��88�2�'I 5�7 �referred
<br /> tv �e1aw as "Trust�e"}. ��_ :. .:..
<br /> G�NVEYANCE AND GRANT. Fvr valuable �onsiderat�an, Trustvr con�eys tv Trustee in firust, WITH PaWER �F SALE,
<br /> for the henefit o� Lender as Beneficiary, all ❑�Trus�vr`s right, title, and interest in and �o �he fvllawing described real
<br /> property, together with a!! �xisting or subsequently e�-ecfied ar affixed buildings, impro�ements and fixtu�-es; all
<br />, easements, �Eghts o�F way, and appurtenan�es; afl wa�er, water rights and di�ch rights �inc�uding stvck in u�i�ities with
<br /> ditch or irrigation r�ghts�; and aI� ❑ther rights, royalties, and prvfifis relafiing �o the real property, including wi�hvut
<br /> [imitafiion a11 minerals, oil, gas, gevthermai and similar matters, {the "Real Property'"� �vcated in HALL
<br /> Cvunty, State af Nebraska:
<br /> Lvt Fifteen 4'15�, Black "E", Park--View Suhdi►�isian, in the C�ty vf Grand fsland, Hall Caunty,
<br /> Nebraska
<br />� The Real F�roperty or �ts address is commanly knvwn as �5�9 P1�NEER BLVD, GRAN❑
<br />� 1SLAND, NE �88�3,
<br />� CR�SS-COLLATERAL�ZATIDN. In additivn�❑ th� Nate, this Deed v�Trusfi secures all abligations, dehts and liabilifi�es,
<br /> plus in�erest therean. of Trus�or to Lender, ❑r any�ne or more ❑f them, as weEl as all cEaims hy Lender against Trustor
<br />� or any ❑ne or mvre v�F them, whe�her nvw existing vr hereafter arising, whe�her rela�ed or unrelated tv�he purpase o#
<br />' the Na�e, whether �alun�ary or otherw�se, whe�kher due ❑r not due, direct or indirec�, defiermined or unde�ermined,
<br />' ahsofute ❑r contingent, iiquida�ed or unliquidafied, whether Trus�or may be liable indi�iduafly or join�ly with ❑thers,
<br /> whether a1aligated as guarantar, surety, accommodativn party or otherwise, and whe�her reco�ery upon such amvunfis
<br /> may be❑r hereafter may be�ome barred by any sta�ute o-F limitations, and whether the❑bligatEon tv repay such amounts
<br /> may be or hereaf�er may become otherwise unenforceable.
<br /> REVDLVING LENE �F CREDIT. This Deed of Trus� secures the Indebtedness incjuding, withau� limi�a�ion, a re�ol�ing
<br /> line of credit, which ohligates Lender#o make ad�ances to Trustvr so Inng as Trustvr complies with all the#erms of fhe
<br /> Nofe.
<br /> Trus�ar presently assigns �v Lender �a�sa knawn as Beneficiary in �his aeed of Trust} a!I o� Trustor's righ�� title, and
<br /> in�eres� in and to all present and future �eases af �he Praperty and all Rents from the Praper#y. ln addition, Trustvr
<br />�
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