2� 15�7395
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ��ontinu�d� P�ge �
<br /> Enviranrnental Laws. TrustQr authorizes L�nder and its ag�nts to enter upvn the Property to make such
<br /> inspections and t�sts, at Trustor's expense, as L�nder may deem appropriate ta determine camplianc� of the
<br /> P�vperty with this section vf the Deed of Trust. Any inspections or tests made by Lende� shalf be �ar Lender's
<br /> purpases only and shall not be cons�rued to cr�ate any responsibility or liabi�ity on the part ofi Lender t❑ Trustor or
<br /> �o any o�her person. The represen�ations and warranties con�ained he�ein are based an Trust�r's du� di�igence in
<br /> in�estigating the Prope�ty f�r Hazarr�ous 5ubstances. Trus�or h�reby {1} refeases and wai��s any future claims
<br /> against Lender far indemnity or cont�ibution in the e�ent Trustvr becomes I�able far cl�anup ❑r vther �os�s under
<br /> any su�h laws; and ��� agrees to indemnify, defend, and ho�d harmf�ss Lender against any and all claims, losses,
<br /> liabili�ies, damages, pena(ties, and�xp�nses vvhich Lender may�irectfy or indirec�ly sustain or suffer r�sulting �rom
<br /> a brea�h of this section of the Deed of Trust or as a consequen�e af any use, generation, manufacture, starage,
<br /> dispasa�, release ar threatened release o�Gurring pri�r t�Trustor's awnership ar int�rest in the Praperty, whether o�
<br /> not th� same was or should ha�e been known ta Trustar. The pro�isi�ns of this sectivn ❑# the Deed ❑f Trust,
<br /> including the obligation�o indemni�Fy and defend, shal!sur�i�e the payment of the lndebtedness and the satisfaction
<br /> and recon�eyance of the lien of this Deed v�Trust and shafl not be affect�d by L�nder's acquisition vf any interest
<br /> in the PropertY, whether by foreclasure ar atherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, INaste. Trustor shall n�t cause, conduct or permit any nuisan�e nvr commEt, permi�, or suffer any
<br /> stripping of or waste on or tv �he Praperty ar any pvrt�vn a� the Properfiy, Wi�hvut limiting #he generality o� the
<br /> fvr�going, Trustor v►►ill nat remo�e, vr grant tv any other par�y the right t� remo�e, any �imher, m�nera�s �including
<br /> oil and gasy, �oal, clay, s�aria, svil, gravel vr rvck produCfis w�th�ut Lender's prior wr�tten c�ns�nt.
<br /> Remo►►al of Imprv�em�n�s. Trustar shall n�t demalish�r r�ma�e any lmpra�ements���m�he Real Proper�y vvithout
<br /> Lender's privr wr�tten consent. As a cvndition�ta the rerna�al of any Imprv�ements, Lender may require Trustor to
<br /> make arrangements satis�actory to Lender tv replace such Impra�emen�s with Impro�ements vf at least equal
<br /> �afue.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and L�nder's agents and representa���es may enter upon the Real Prapert►� a� all
<br /> reasonable times to �ttend ta Lender's interests and to inspect th� Real Proper�y for purposes of Trustar's
<br /> complianc� with the t�rms and conditions of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> �vmpliance wifih Gv�ernmental Requiremen�s. T�'LIS�Di" shall promptly �ompiy with all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> �egulations, now or her�after in effect, flf all go�ernm�ntal authorities applicable �v the use ❑r �ccupancy of the
<br /> Prap�rty. Trustor may contest in good fai�h any such law, ❑rdinance, ❑r re�ulation and withhald G�mplian�e during
<br /> any praceeding, including appropriat� appeals, so lang as Trus�tor has nvtified Lender in writing prior �a do�ng so
<br /> and sa lang as, in Lender"s sole�pinivn, Lende�'s interests in the Praperty are nvt jeopardiz�d. L�nder may require
<br /> Trustar to post adequa�e security or a surety bond, reasonably satisfa�tory to Lender, to prot��t Lender's int�rest.
<br /> Du#y �❑ Pro#��t. Trus�or agrees neither to ahandon ar lea�e unattended the Property. T��stor shal[ d� all vther
<br /> a�t�, in additian to those acts set�orth abo�e in this sectian, which fram the character and use of the Property are
<br /> reasanably ne�essary ta prvtect and pr�ser�e the Praperty.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. L�nder may, at Lender's aption, declare immediately due and payable all sums
<br /> se�ured by this Deed af T��st upon the saCe or transfer, withvut Lender's prior written consent, of all ar any par�of the
<br /> Real Property, or any interest in�he Real Proper�y. A "sa�e or transfer" means�he �on�eyance of Real Prap�rty or any
<br /> right, title vr interest in th� Real Property; whether [ega�, bene�icial or equi�able; whether �aluntary or in����ntary;
<br /> whe�he� by autright sale, deed, installment sale cvntra�t, land �antra�t, �on�ract for deed, �easehaid int�rest with a
<br /> term greater than three �3� years, lease-optian contract, or by sale, assignment, ar�rans�er of any ber�efi�ial inte�est in
<br /> vr�a any land trus� ho�ding ti�le to the Real Property, or by any o�her me�had ❑f con�eyance of an int�res� in the R�al
<br /> Prvperty. Hvwe�er, �I'll5 option shafl no� be exercised by Lender i� su�h exercise is prohibited by �ederal law or hy
<br /> Nebraska [aw.
<br /> TA�CES AND LlENS. The �ol�owing prv�isions relating tn �he taxes and liens �n the Property are part ❑f this Deed af
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustar shall pay when du� �and in all e�en�s priar ta delinquenGy� all taxes, special taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �including water and sewer}, fin�s and impasitions I��i�d against vr on account vf the Prop�rty, and shali
<br /> pay when due all ciaims �or ►rvork done an or far ser�ices render�d or material furnished to the Property. �rustar
<br /> shall maintain the Property free of all iiens ha�ing priority o�er or equal tv the inte�est of Lender under�his D�ed a�
<br /> T�ust, ex�ep� for the lien of taxes and assessmenfis nat due, exc�pt for the Existing indebte�ness re�erred to
<br /> bei�w, and ex�ept as❑therwise pro�ided in this ❑�ed of Trust.
<br /> Right tv Cvntes#. Tru��or may withhold paym�nt�f any tax, assessment, vr c�aEm in connection with a good faith
<br /> dispute o�er the vbligation ro pay, so Iflng as Lender"s interest in the Prvperty is no�jeapardized. �f a fien arises or
<br /> is fE�ed as a resuft of nvnpayment, Trust�r shal! within fiifteen �15� days aft�r the lien arises or, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within fif�een {�5� days a�t�r Trustvr has notice of the filing, secure the d�scharge of the lien, ar if reques�ted by
<br /> L�nder, deposit with Lender cash or a suf�icient�orpora�te surety �vnd or other seGurity satisfa��ory to Lend�r in an
<br /> amount sufficient tv dis�harge the lien plus ar�y costs and attorneys' fees, or other �harges that could accrue as a
<br /> result ofi a foreGlosure ar sale under the�i�n. ln any contest, Trustar shaf�defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgmen��efore en�arc�ment against�he Prvperty. Trustor shall name Lender as an addit€anal obligee
<br /> under any surety bvnd�urnished in�he contest praceedings.
<br /> Evidence o�Payment. Trustor shai� upan demand furnish to L�nder satisfactvey e�idence of payment af th� taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall authvri�e �he apprapriate go�emmenta( official to deli�er to �ender a�any time a written
<br /> sta�ement of the�axes and assessments agains��h� Property.
<br /> Notice ofi Construction. Trustv� shall notify Lender at iea�t fi€teen �15y days befose any wvrk is �ammenced, any
<br /> ser�ices ar��urnished, �r any materials are supplied to the Property, if any mechan�c's lien, ma�erialmen's iien, or
<br /> o�her �i�n �auld be ass�r�ed on accaunfi of the work, ser��ces, or materials and the cos� exceeds $'�,DDD.04.
<br /> Trus�or will upon request �f Lende� fiurnish to Lender advance assurances sa�isfacta�y to Lender that Trustvr Gan
<br /> and wi11 pay the cast af such im��v�ements.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAIVIAGE INSURANGE. The following pro�isians re�ating to insuring �he Property are a part a�this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance of �nsurance. Trustor shall procure and maEntain policies of fiire insuran�e with standard ex�end�d
<br /> ca�erage end�rs�ments an a r�p[acemen� bas�s for rhe full �nsurable �alue ca�ering all Imprv�ements an tF�e Reai
<br /> PrQperty in an amoun� su��icient tv a�vid applicat�on o� any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mor�gagee
<br /> claus� in fa�or o� Lender, to�ether with such other hazard and liability insurance as Lender may reasonably require.
<br /> Pal�ci�s shall be written in �orm, amounts, co�erages and basis reasonably acceptabfe �o Lender and �ssue� by a
<br /> cornpany vr companies reasanably ac�epta�ie to Lender, Trus�or, upon request flf Lender, wi�� deliver to L�nd�r
<br /> from time to t�me the palicies or cer�ificates of insurar�ce in form satisfactary to Lender, inciuding stipula�ions that
<br /> co�era�es wi11 not be cance�led❑r diminished without at least thirty {3�� da�s prior written nat+c�to Lende�W Each
<br /> insuran�e policy also �ha11 inGlude an endvrsement prv�iding that���erage in �a��r��f Lender wil[ no� be impaired
<br /> in any way by any aGt, amissivn ar de�fault v#Trus�or ar any other person. Shou�d the R�al Property be located in
<br /> an area designated by the Administrator of fihe Fed�ra� Emergency Managemen�k Agency as a sp�cial flvad ha�ard
<br /> area, Trus�or agrees �to vbtain and main�ain Fed�ral F[oad Insurane�, if a�ailab[e, for �he max�mum �maunt o�
<br /> Trustar's credit line and the �u�I unpaid principa� ba�ance af any privr li�ns on the property securing the loan, up to
<br />