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rn <br /> m � � � <br /> rnm � y rn <br /> �� � �n �rn IV rn <br /> � �orn � � o <br /> � �z � � z� � � <br /> � �� � � �z � � <br /> � z� �' � �rn � z <br /> � �� � � �� � � <br /> � �� rn �� � <br /> rn� � � =c�r� � � <br /> �o cn � � � <br /> �� r� <br /> �� � �� rn <br /> Qm� � � z <br /> � CI] � <br /> C�] Z <br /> � <br /> VIIHEN RE��RDED MAIL T�: <br /> ExGhange Bank <br /> GI-Allen Qrive Branch <br /> '[2��4 A11en ❑r <br /> P� Box 5793 <br /> �rand�sland, NE 688�� FOR REC�RDER`S USE�NLY <br /> DEE[] �F TRUST <br /> TH�S �3EED QF TRUST is dated []�taher 2�, �U'15, among SHEILA R HULME. A Single Person <br /> t�"Trustvrr'�; Ex�hange Bank, wh�se address is GI - Alien Dri�� Bran�h, �2�4 Al�en Dr, P� Bax <br /> �793, ��and �sland, NE �58�� �referred to belaw sometimes as "Lender" and sometimes as <br /> "B�neficiary"}; and Exchange Bank, whose address �s P� Bvx 397, Kearney, NE ��848 <br /> t referred to be{aw as '"Trustee"�. <br /> C�NVEYANCE AND GRAiVT. For�a�uable �onsideratian, Trus�ar canveys to Trust�� in trust, WITH PQWER �F SALE, <br /> for the benefit of L�nd�r as Beneficiary, all �f Trustar's right, title, and interest in and tv the fa[[vwing des�rib�d real <br /> property, tagether with all existing or subsequently ere��ed or affiixed buildings, imprv�ements and fix�ures; all <br /> easements, rights ❑f way, and appurtenan�es; all water, water rights and ditch rights {including sta�k in utilities with <br /> ditch ar irrigation rightsy; and all other righfis, royalties, and pro�it� re�ating to th� real prvper�y, inGluding without <br /> limitativn a�l minerals, oil, gas, geothermal and simi[ar matters, �the �'R�a1 Prvperty"� lo�ated in HALL <br /> C�unty, State vf Nebraska: <br /> L�T FIVE �5�. 6LDCK TINENTY-TWD �2��. �HARLES 1NA5MER'S ADD�TIDN, �ITY �F <br /> GRAND ISLAND, HALL C�UNTY, NEBFiAS�A. <br /> The Rea�f Praperty v� its address is common�y known as 'i a2'I 'W ��ENIG 5T. GRAND �SLAND. <br /> NE �58�1. The Rea� Prope�ty tax identification number is 4��'t�8615. <br /> REV�LVlNG LINE �F CRED[T. This Deed of Trust secures the lndebtedness incEuding, without limita�ian, a re�vl�ing <br /> �ine❑f�redi�, which obl'rgates Lender#o make ad�ances tv Trus�or sa�ong as Trustor complies with al!the terms af the <br /> Credit Agreement. Such ad�ances may be made, repaid, and remade from time to time, subje�t ta the limitatian that <br /> the totai vutstanding halance vwing a� any ❑ne time, not �ncluding finance �harges on such balance a# a fix�d or <br /> War�abl� �ate or sum as provided in the Credit Agreement. any tempvrary a�erages, ather charges, and any amounts <br /> expended or ad�anced as provided in ei�her the Indebtedness paragraph or this paragraph, shali no� exc�ed the Credit <br /> Limi�as pravided in the Gredit Agreemen�. It is the in�entivn af Trustvr and Lender that this aeed o�F Trust secures the <br /> balance outstanding under the Credit Agreem�nt fram time to�ime from �ero up tn the Credit Limft as prv�ided in the <br /> Credit Agreement and any in#ermediate balance. <br /> Trustor pr�sen#ly assigns ta Lende� talsv known as Benefii�iary in this Deed vf Trusty all of Trustar's right, titfe, and <br /> inte�est �n and to al[ present and fiuture leases of the Proper�#y and all Rents f�om the Prvperty. In addition, Trustor <br /> grants to Lender a L1n�form �ammercial Code se�urity Enter�st in�he Persona! Property and Rents. <br /> THiS DEE❑ QF TRUST, fNCLU�ING THE ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST lN THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSDNAL PR�PERTY, IS ClVEN T� SECURE �A} PAYMENT OF THE INQEBTEDNESS AND tg� PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> EAGH C]F TRUST�R`S A�REEiVIENTS AND �BLlGATiqNS UNC]ER THE CREDIT AGREENtENT, THE RELATED <br /> DaCUMENTS, AND TH15 �EED �F TRUST. THIS DEED �F TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED t�N THE F�LLnWfNG <br /> TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANGE. Except as otherwise prv�ided in this Deed of Trust, Trustor sha�� pay to L�nder all <br /> amaunts secured by this fleed vf Trust as they become due, and shall stri�tly and in a timeiy mann�r per�orm all af <br /> Trustor's obliga�i�ns under the �redit Agreement, this Deed of Trust, and the R�lat�d Do�umen�s. <br /> PDSSE55IDN AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PRC7PERTY. T�ust�r agrees that Trustor's p05SE551Dn and use vf the <br /> P�operty sha��be go�erne� by the�ollovv+ng pro�isions: <br /> Poss�ssion and Use. lJnti! the accurren�e of an E�ent af Defaul�, Trus�or may (1} remain �n possession and <br /> cantrol of�he Property, ��f us�, opera�e ar manage�the Property; and �3y Golle��the Rents fram the Property, <br /> Duty to Ma�ntain. Trustor sha�l rriaintain the Praperty in gavd c�ndition and pramp�ly perform a!� repairs, <br /> replacements. and maintenan�e necessary�o pr�ser�e its�a[ue. <br /> Gompliance With En�ironmental Laws. Trus�or represents and warrants ta Lender that: �1} �]uring the perioc! ofi <br /> Trus�or's o�rvnership of t�e Property, t�ere has been no use, generatian, ►�nanufa�tu�e, storage, treatment, dispvsal, <br /> r�lease ar �hr�atened reiease of any Hazardous 5ubstan�e by any person on, under, a�out ❑r from the Proper�y; <br /> �Z� Trustor has na knowledge ❑f, ❑r reas4n ta belie�e �hat there has been, ex�ept as pre�iously discivsed to and <br /> acknowfedged by Lender in wr�ting, �a� any breach or �iolatian afi any En�ironmental Laws, �by any use, <br /> generation, manufa�ture, s�ora�e, treatment, dispasal, r�lease or threatened re�eas� �f any Hazardous 5u�stance <br /> on, under, a�au� or from the Proper�y by any prior owners or occupants o# the Prap�rty, or {c� any a�tual or <br /> threatened litigati�n ar Glaims of any kind by any person r�lating t� such matte�s; and �3) Except as pre�iously <br /> disclosed t❑ and acknowledged by Lender in writing, �af n�ither Trustor nvr any tenant, contractor, agent ar other <br /> authorized user of the Praperty shaii use, generate, manufac�ure, store, �rea�, dispvse o#or refease any Ha�ardaus <br /> 5ubstan��on, under, abaut or from the Property; and �b� any such acti�ity shall k�e conduc��d in comp�iance with <br /> al� appiEcable federal, ��ate, and [ocal laws, regulations and ordinanGes, including withaut limita��on all <br />