��l 5�71 73
<br /> satisfaction,prov�ded tha�such inspe�tion sh��l be un�.er�ak�n pramptly. Lender rnay pay f�r the r�pa�rs
<br /> and res�oratian xn a sing�e disbursem�n�or in a serxes of prQgress payments as the�ork zs c�mp�eted.
<br /> Unless an agreemen�is m.ade in writing or App�icab�e Law requires interest�o be pazd on such
<br /> Miscellaneaus Pr�c�eds, L�nder sha�l not be requ�red�o pay Borrower any�n�erest or earnings an such
<br /> Miscel�aneous Proceeds. �f the restorat�on ar r�pa�r zs nat e�an�mically feasib�e or Lend�r's securzty�au�d
<br /> be�essened, the Mi�ce��aneous Proceeds sha��be appX��d to�he�ums secured by th�s Securzty�ns�rument,
<br /> �hether or nat th�n du�, v�ith�he e�c��s, �f any,pa�d t�Borr�wer, Such Mis����ane�us Proceeds sha�� b�
<br /> app�ied in�he order prou�ded for in Section�.
<br /> In the event af a�a�a�taking, de�truc�xon, or loss in�a�u�af�he Pr�perty, the Misce��aneaus Proceed�sha��
<br /> b�app�ied to the surns secured by�his Securi�y Ins�rument, �vhe�her or not then due, with the excess, �f any,
<br /> pa�d to Barr�w�r.
<br /> �n the�vent of a part�a� tak�ng, des�ruc���n, or Ioss in�alue of�he Proper�y�ri which the fair mark���a�ue�f
<br /> �he Proper�3�irnmed�ately before the par�ia��ak�ng, des�ruct�on, or�oss�n va�ue�s equal t�or g�eater�han�he
<br /> amaun.t�f the sums secur�d by this 5�cur�ty�nstrument�rnm�diate�y bef�re�he par�ia� takit�g, �es�ructi�n, or
<br /> X�ss zn va�u�,unles�Borrow�r ar�d L�nder otherwise agree in writzng, the surn�s secu�red by th�s Securi�y
<br /> �nstrum�nt sha��be reduCed by�h�am�unt of the M�sce��aneous Proc�eds rnult�pl��d by�he f�l�ovv�ng
<br /> fraction: �a}the t�ta�am�unt af�he sums�ecu�red�r�m�diat�ly before the par�ia�ta�ing, destruct�an, or�oss
<br /> in vaiue div�ded�x(b}�he fa�r marke�vaiue of the�'roper�x immediately before the par�ia�tak�ng,
<br /> des�ructi�n, or Xoss in value. Any balance sha��be paid�o Borrower.
<br /> �n�h�event af a par�ial t��ng, des�ru��ion, �r Iass in�ra�u��f�he P�roper�y in whi�h the fair marke��alue of
<br /> thc Prop�r�y irnmcdiatcl�before the pur�i�t���ng, de�truction, ar�a��zn�ra�u�i� ����th�n th��rnoun�of the
<br /> sums secured immedia�e�y bef�re th�par�za��al�ing, destruction, or�flss in va�ue, un��ss B�rr�v�er and
<br /> Len�ier�therwise agree in writ�ng, th�MisceZ�aneous Pr�ceeds shall�e applied��the sum�secur�d by thi�
<br /> Securi�y �ns�rument vvhether ar not the sums are�hen due.
<br /> �f th�Property�s abandaned by Borrower, or if, af�er no��ce by Lender to Barr�wer�ha�the�ppasing Party
<br /> �as def ned�r�the next sente�ce�a�fers��mal�e an award t�s�tt�e a c�aim far damages, Borr�wer fa�1s to
<br /> respond�o Lender wi�h�n 3fl day�af��r the date th�no�ice is given, Lender i5 au�hor�zed t�co��ect and apply
<br /> th�Misc�l�aneous Proceeds e�ther to r�storatzan or r�pair af the Proper�y ar to the sums secured�y th�s
<br /> Security Ins�rurn�nt, wh�ther or no�ther�due, "�pposing Par�y" m�ans�he third par�y that ow�s Bvrrower
<br /> M�scellaz���us Proc�eds ar the par�y against whom Borrower has a right af action in regard ta Misc���aneaus
<br /> Praceeds.
<br /> Barrower shall be in defau�t�f any a��ian or p�roceeding, whether ci�i��r crimuinal, �s begun�hat, �n Lender's
<br /> judgmen�, could result in farfe�ture of�he Praper���r other material irnpairment af Lender's�nterest�n the
<br /> Property ar r�ghts under�his Secur�ty �ns�rument. Borrower can cure such a defaul�and, �f acceleratian ha�
<br /> oCcurr�d, reinstate as provided in Sec���n �9, by causxng�he ac�ian or proceeding to be dismissed with a
<br /> ru��ng that, in Lender's judgment, precXud�s farfeitur�of�he Prop�rty or�th�r material impairment of
<br /> Lender's�n�erest in the Proper�y ar rights u�d�r this Secur����nstrument. The pr�ceeds af any award ar
<br /> c�airn far damages that are a�tributable�o the��npairment af Lender's in�eres�xn the Pr�per�y are hereby
<br /> assigned and shal�be paid to L�nder.
<br /> A1�Mis��l�aneaus Pro�eed�that are n�t app�ied to restara�ion�r repair of the Proper�y shal�be applied�n�he
<br /> order pro��d�d for in Sectz�n 2,
<br /> NEBRASFCA-Single FamiEy-Fannie MaelFrPddiP M�c UNlFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3��$�ID1
<br /> VMP� VMP6tNE)413n2j
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financiai S�r�ices Pags 1d af�7
<br />