��1 5�7��3
<br /> Property Condzt�on, Alterations and Inspection, Trustar w�ll keep the Proper�y in goad condit�on and
<br /> make aii repairs that are reasonabiy necessar�y. Trustor shaXl n�t cammit or allow any �va�te, impa�rment, or
<br /> det�rioratifln of the Prap�rty. Trus�ar agrees that the nature af the accupanc� and use will not sub�tantially
<br /> change withaut �eneficiary's priar writ��n cQnsent. Trustor wxl� nflt permit any change in any licens�,
<br /> res�ricti�e ��venant or �asement without Beneficiary's pri�r written consent. Trustar wi�1 notify 8eneficiary
<br /> of a11 d�mands, proceedings, �laims, and actian�aga�nst Trustor, and af any lass ar damage to the Proper�y.
<br /> Benefi�iar�r or Beneficiary's agents may, at Benef���ary's option, �nter the Prap�rty at an.�reasonable time for
<br /> �he purp�se af inspecting the Proper�y. Bene�ciary sha11 give Trus�or nat�ce at the time of ar before an
<br /> �nsp��tian specifyrng a reasona�Ie purpas�far the inspeGtion. Any�nspe�tion of the Property sha.lX�e entir��y
<br /> far Ben�ficiary's benefit and Trustor�vili in no way rely on B�neficiary's insp�ctzon.
<br /> Authar�ty to Perfarm. Zf Trustor fails to perform any duty or any of the��venants contained in this 5�curxty
<br /> Instrumen�, Beneficiar�r may, with�ut natx��, p�rform or cause them to be perfarm�d. Trustor appoints
<br /> ��n�ficiary as attorne}� in fact ta sign Trustor's name ar pay any amount necessary for performance.
<br /> Beneficiary's right to p�rfarm far Trustor shall no� �reate an flbiigatian to perform, and �enefzciary's fa�lure
<br /> to perfarm w�11 nat pre�lude Beneficiary from e�ercising any flf Beneficiary's ��her rights under the law ar
<br /> �his Security Instrument.
<br /> Leaseholds; Cond�rn�n�um5; Planned Un�t De�e�aprnents. Trustor agrees to comp�y with the pravxsions of
<br /> any Xease if thi� Security rnstrument is on a l�asehald. �f the Praperry inc�udes a urut in a�ondominium or a
<br /> planned unit deuel�pment, Tru.stor vv�l� perform all of Trustor's duties under the �ovenan�s, by-1aws, or
<br /> regulat�ans of the candaminium ar pianned unit de�elapm�nt.
<br /> �andemnati�n. Trustor will give Beneficiary prompt no�zce of any pending or thr�atened ac�ian, by pr�vate
<br /> or public entitie� �� purchase vr take any ar a11 of the Prvperty through condemnatxan, eminent damazn, or
<br /> any ather means. Trustar autharizes Benefi�iary to intexvene in Trustar's nam�in any of the ab�ve described
<br /> actions ❑r ��aims. Trustor assigns �o Benef�ciary the proceeds of any award or claYm for damages cannec�ed
<br /> with a �ondemnatian or other taking af aIi or any part of the Pxoperty. Su�h proceeds sha�I be considered
<br /> payments and w�ll be applied as pravided in �his Security Yn�trument. This a�si�nment of praceeds i� subject
<br /> ta the t�rms of any prior m�rtgage, dee�t�f trust, s��uri�y agreement aar ather lien document.
<br /> Znsurance. Trustor shall k��p Property insur�d against Ioss by fir�, flood, theft and other hazards and risks
<br /> r�a�anab�y assoc�ated with the Proper�y due t� its t�pe and lacatian. Thzs insurance�ha1�be maintained zn th�
<br /> amounts and far the periods that Ben�fY�iary requires. What Benefxciary requir�s pursuant �a the pr��eding
<br /> �wo sentenc�s can change durYng the term af th� Secured De�t. The insurance carrier prav�d�ng �he insurance
<br /> shall be chasen by Trustor subject ta B�n�f��iaxy's appraval, which shal.I not be unreasanably withheid. If
<br /> Trus�ar fails to maintain the co�erage descr�bed abflve, Ben�ficiary may, a� Beneficiary's ap�ion, obta�n
<br /> ��vera�e to protect$enefxcxary's righ�s in the Property according ta the terms of thi� Security znstrum�nt.
<br /> Ail insurance policXes and renewals sha1X be acceptable ta Beneficiary and shal� include a s�andard "mortgage
<br /> �lause" and, where applYcable, "loss payee clause." Trustor shaii imrnedxate�y notif� Beneficiar�r af
<br /> cancellatian ar terminatian of the insuran�e. Benefi�iary �ha.il have th� righ� �� hoid th� polYcie� and
<br /> renewals. �f Ben�ficiary requ�res, Trustar shall �mmediate�y giv�to Ben�fi�iary a��receipts of pazd premiums
<br /> an�renewal. notices. Upon loss, Trus�or shall gi�e immediate natice to the insuranc�carrier and Beneficiary.
<br /> Beneficiary may mak�proof af Ioss if not made immediat�ly by Tru�tor.
<br /> Unless otherwise agreed in writing, a�� xnsurance pr�ceeds shall be app�ied to th� restaratzon or repair of the
<br /> Property or to the S��ured D�bt, whether ar not then due, at BenefiG�ary's option. Any app�ication of
<br /> proceeds t� princ�pa� sha11 n�� extend ar pas�pane the due date of the scheduled payment nor change the
<br /> amount af any payment. Any exc�s� wili �he paid to the Trustor. �f the Pr�p�rtv is acquired by B�neficiary,
<br /> Trustor's right io an� insurance polxcies and pro�eeds resulting from damage to the Praper�y before the
<br /> acquz��tion shall pass to�enefic�ary to th�extent of the S��ured De�t�mmediately befare the acquisitifln.
<br /> Financfa� Re�orts and Add�tiona� Da�uments, Trustor vvill pro�ide ta Bene�ciary� upon requ�s�, an�
<br /> finan�ia] statement or informatian �en�f�c�ary may deem reasonably n��essary, Tru�tor agr�es to sign,
<br /> deli�er, and file any addXtianai d��uments �r�ert�fi�ati�ns that BeneficYary may cans�der ne�essary to perfect,
<br /> cont�nue, and preserwe Trust�r's obligations under thi� Se�u�rit� �ns�rument an�i Bene�'icia.ry's lien ��atu� an
<br /> the Proper���.
<br /> G. W TY �F TITLE. Trus�or warrant� that Trustar zs ar wi11�e�awfully seized of�he estat�con�eyed
<br /> by this Securi�y Instrument and has�he r�ght to irrevocably grant, can�e�, and seil the Proper�y�o Trustee, in
<br /> trust, wi�h power of sale. Trustor also warran�s that�he Property is unencumbered, exeept far �ncumbrances
<br /> �f recard.
<br /> 7. DUE �N SALE. Beneficiary may, at xt� aption, de�iare the entire balan�e of the Secured D�b� to be
<br /> �mmedxately due and payable upon the creation of, or con�ract for the �reation af, a transf�r ar sale of a11 or
<br /> any part of the Prop�r�y, Th�s r�ght is subje��to the restrzctions imposed by fed�ra.l law �12 C.F.R. 59�}, as
<br /> applica�le.
<br /> 5ecurity lr�strument-Dpen-End-Cansumer-NE �CP-REDT-NE 7I212Q��
<br /> VMPD Bankers Systems'-"" VMP-G4fi5{NE] t1 1 a7}.0❑
<br /> Walters Kluwer Fir�ancial Ser�ices Q1994,��3� Page 3 of 6
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