��1 5�7��3
<br /> The property is lacated�n Hall ................................................ at .....................................
<br /> ... . .. ..
<br /> (Caunty)
<br /> ..7�D..S,.Blain�.St......................... ..Grand,=sland................... Nebraska 588�3
<br /> •, .. . . ........,.
<br /> �Address) (City) �ZIP Cade}
<br /> Together with a�1 rights, easements, appurt�nances, royalties, mineral rights, �il and gas rights, axl v�ater and
<br /> r�paraan righ�s, dxtches, and water stack and a11 �xisting and future improvements, structures, fixtures, and
<br /> replaGements that may now, ar at any time in the future, be par�of the real estate d�scr�bed abo���all referred
<br /> to as "Prop�r�y"}.
<br /> 3. 1VIA�IMUM QBLIGATI�]N LINIIT. The total pr�nc�pal amount s�cur�d by �his Security Instrument at any
<br /> one time sha�l nat exce�d $ l o{.�.o o..�.o................................... . This 1�mitation af amaunt does nat
<br /> xnclude �nter�st and other fees and charges validl� made pursuant to this SecuriCy Instrum�nt. Also, th��
<br /> lYmitation does not apply t� advances made under th� term� af this Security �nstrurnent ta protect
<br /> Benef��iary's s��urity and to perform any of the�a��nants cantained in this S�curity �nstrument.
<br /> 4. S��C.T�ED DEBT ANI]FUT�]RE ADVAN�ES. The term "Secur�d Debt" is defined as fallaws:
<br /> A.Debt in�urred under th� terzns of alI pramissory not���}, contraGt�s}, guarantyti�s} ar other�viden�� of
<br /> debt described �elov�, and all their extensions, renewa�s, m�difi�ations or �ubstitutians. �Yau must
<br /> specr'�f'r call�identify�h�d eb��s�secur�d and�ou should includ�the fi�al m�xturzty dQte of such debt�s},}
<br /> Nat� �ated Se�tember l9 2�15 In The Amount Qf $l0, 000.DO
<br /> AGcruing A� a Fixed Rate �nlith A,Maturit�r Date Of Octaber �5, �❑��
<br /> Said Laan In The Narn��s} 4f Blair E Hines
<br /> An.d Diana L Hzne s
<br /> B.All future advan�es from Benefi�iary to Trus�or or other fixture obiigations af Trus�ar to Ben�ficiary
<br /> under ar�.y promissory nQte, c�ntra�t, guaranty, or other evidence af deb� exec�t�d by Trustor in fa��or
<br /> af Benefic�ar� after this Security �nstrument whether or nat this Security Instrument is specxf�cally
<br /> referenced. �f more than one person sxgns this Security rnstrumen�, �ach Trustor agre�s that thrs
<br /> Security Instrument v�iil secure a�l future advances and future obligations that are given to or incurred
<br /> by any one ar more Trustor, or any one or rnore Trustor and ather�. All future ad�an�es and other
<br /> fu�ure obl�gations are secure�l by this Securi�y Zn�tnument even though ail or part ma� na� y�t �e
<br /> ad��anced. A11 futur� advances and �th�r future o���bations are secured as if made �n the dat� of this
<br /> Security Instrument, N�thing in this S�curity �n�trurnent shall canstitute a cornmitment ta make
<br /> add��ional or future 1�ans flr advances rn any amount. Any such camm.��ment must be a�reed to �n a
<br /> separate v`�riting.
<br /> C.Al� o�her abligatians Trustor owes to Beneficia.ry, wh��h may later arxse, �a the extent not prohibited by
<br /> law, zncluding, bu� not limYted to, liabilities f�r averdrafts relating �o an� depo�it a��ount agreemen�
<br /> between Trustar and B�neficiary.
<br /> D.A�� addrtianal sums ad�anced and expenses incurred by Beneficzar� far insuring, preser��ing or
<br /> otherv��ise protecting th� Proper�y and its value and any o�her surns ad�anced and expens�s incurred by
<br /> Beneficiary under the t�rms flf this Securi�y �nstrurnent,
<br /> In th�e�ent that Beneficiary faiis �o provide an� required natice of the rzght af rescx�sion, B�nef�ciary wai`�es
<br /> any subsequent �ecurzty interes�in th�Trustor's pr�ncipal dwellzng that is created by this Security rnstrumen�,
<br /> 5. DEED aF TRi]ST CC]VE�'ANTS. Trustor agrees that the�ovenants xn�hxs s�ctron are r�ateria� �blxgations
<br /> under the 5ecured Debt and this 5ecurit� Instrument. If Trus�or �reaches any covenan� �n thi� sectx�n,
<br /> Benefi�iary may refuse ta mak� add��ianal extensions of cr�dzt and reduce the credi��imit. By not exercising
<br /> either remedy an Trustor's breach, Sene�ciary daes nvt waive B�neficiary's r�ght to later cansider the e�ent a
<br /> �rea�h if Y�happ�ns again.
<br /> Payments. Trustor agrees that a.�I payments under�he Secured 1]eht will be paid when due and in accordanc�
<br /> wi�h the terms❑f the S��ured Debt and this 5ecurity Ynstrum�nt.
<br /> P�-iar Securzty �nterests. Wxth regard ta any other martgage, deed of trust, security agreement or other Xien
<br /> document that created a prior security interest ar encumbrance an �he Property, Trustor agrees t� make a�I
<br /> paym�nts when due and to perfarm ar carnply with aIl covenan�s. Trustor also agr�es n�t �o a11ow any
<br /> madification �r e�ctension of, nor to requ�st any future advances under any na�e or agreement secur�d by the
<br /> lien document withaut Beneficiary's priar written approval.
<br /> C�a�ms Aga�nst Titie. Trustor tivill pay all taxes ��ncXudzng any tax ass�ss�d to th�s Deed of Trust},
<br /> assessments, �xens, encumbrances, lease payments, ground r�nt�, uti�ities, and ather c�.arges relat�ng to the
<br /> Property when due. Benefic�ary may requir� Trustar to provide to Seneficiary copi�s ❑f aI� no�ices t�ia� such
<br /> amoun�s are due an� the receipts e�idencing Trustar's pa�ment. Trustor will defend titl� ta the Property
<br /> a�ainst any Glaims that would impair the lien af this Security Instrument. Trustor agrees to assign ta
<br /> $eneficiary, as requested by $enefzciary, any r�ghts, claims or defenses Trustor ma�have against parties wh�
<br /> supply labor or materials ta znazntain ar improve the Property.
<br /> Secur;ty Instrument-�pen-�nd-Cansurner-NE ❑CP-RE�T-N� 712;2Q1'
<br /> VMP��ank�rs 5ystemsT'"' VMP-C4B5{N�} �1��7}.Q�
<br /> 1NoIters Kluw�r Financial S�rvices�1994r 2Q1 T Page�af 6
<br />