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��1 5�7��� <br /> A�� insurance poli�ies requir�d by Lender and renewa�s af such pol��ies shail he subjec�tti Lender's r�ght to <br /> disappro�e such policies, shall inciude a standard mor��a�e clau�e, and shal�name I�nder�s r�ar�gagee <br /> andlor as an addit��nai�ass payee. Lender sha�l have the r�ght t�hold the po�ici�s and renewal cer�if�Gates. �f <br /> Lender re�uires, Borrower sha11 promptly g�We to Lender al�r��ezpts af pa�d p�rerniums and r�ne�val notices. <br /> �f Borrower�b�a�ns an�farm�f insuran�e Caverage, not otherw��e required b�r L�nder, for damage to, �r <br /> destruct��n of, the Proper�y, such p���cy sha��include a standard mar�gage ciause and �ha�l name Lend�r as <br /> mor�gag��andlor as an add�t�onal�oss payee. <br /> In�he event of loss, Barrower sha��give promp��otice�o the�nsuranGe carrier and Lender. I.�nd�r may <br /> make proof of�flss �f��o�made prampt�y b�Borrower. Unless Lend�r and Borr�wer otherwise ag�ee�n <br /> wri��ng, any insurance proceed�, whe�her or n�t�he underlying�nsurane�was req�ired�y Lender, shall he <br /> appli�d to restaration or repair of�he Propert�, if�h�r�stvration❑r repair�s e�anomicall�fias�ble ar.�d <br /> Lende�'s securxty�s not lessen�d. During such repair and rest�rat�on p�riod, Lender sha��ha�e the right to <br /> hold such insurance proceeds un�il Lender has hari an oppartunit��.o inspe�t such Praper��to ensure ihe <br /> work has be�n comp�e�ed to Lender's satisfac�ion, provided that such inspectian shai�be undertaken <br /> promptly. L.ender may disburse pro��eds f�r�he repairs and restoratinn in a single payment or in a series of <br /> progress payments as�he w�rk�s comple�ed. Unless an agreement is made�n writing�r Appl��ab�e Law <br /> requ�r�s�n��rest�o b�paid on such insurance pr�ce��s, Lender shall not be requ�red to pay B�rrower any <br /> in�erest or earnings on su�h proce�ds. Fees for public adjusters, or o�her�hird par�i�s, re�ained by Barrawer <br /> shai�nat b�paid aut af the insuranc�p��Geeds and sha�l be�h�sole obligat�on of Borr�wer. If the restara�ion <br /> or repair�s not��y feas�ble or Lender's securi�y would be�essened, fhe insuran�e proceeds sha��be <br /> appl�ed�o�he sums s�cured by�his Securi�y�ns�rumen�, wheth�r or not then due, �vith the excess, if any, <br /> pa�d to Borrawer. Such insurance proceeds shall be applied in the order pro�ided for in S��ti�n 2, <br /> If B�rro��r abandans the Proper�y, L�nder ma�file, negotia�e and sett�e any a�railab�e�nsurance claim and <br /> re�ated matters. �f Barrower does nat respflnd vvi�h�n 3�da�rs to a notice from Lender tlaat�he�nsurance <br /> carrier�ia�offered to settle a c�aim, �hen I.ende�nlay ne��tiate and sett�e�he claim. The 3�--day periad wi�� <br /> b�g�n when th�notice�s given. ���eith�r event, ar if Lender ac�uires the Praper�y under Sect�on 2�or <br /> otherwis�, Borrower hereby as�igns�a Lender�a}Borrawer's ri�hts�a any �nsuran�e praceeds in an amaunt <br /> no�to exc�ed the amaunt�unpaid under the Note or th�s Se�ur�t��nstrument, and�b)any o�her af <br /> Borrower's righ�s�fl�her�han the r�ght fo any refund of unearned premiums�aid by Borrower}under a�l <br /> insurance p�l�c�es cavering the Property, insofar as such rights are app�icable�o�he coverage of tl�� <br /> Praper��. Lender may use the insuran�e proceeds e�ther�a repa�r or res�ore the Property or ta pay amaunts <br /> unpaid under the Note or this Se�uri�y Instrurnen�, vvhether or not then due. <br /> �. Dccupan�y. Borro�er shall oc�upy, estab�ish, and use the Proper��as Borrower's principal resid�n�� <br /> wi�h�n 6�days after the e�ecut�on of�his Secur����ns�rumen�and sha��con��nu��o occupy the Proper��as <br /> Borrower's principal residen�e far at�east ane year af�er�h�date of flccupancy, un�ess Lender�therwise <br /> agre�s in Wri�ing, vvhich�onsent shall not be unreasonably withh�Id, or unless ex�enua�ing ci�-�umstan�es <br /> e��st vvhich are beyond Borrower`s c�n�ro1. <br /> 7. Preservat�on, Ma�ntenance and Pr�tectivn of the Praperty; �nspectiflns. Barrawer sha��not destroy, <br /> damage or impair�he Proper�y, allaw the Prap�rt�to d�teriorate or commit was��an the Froperty. �h�ther <br /> or n�t Borrower i� residing in�he Property, Barrow��shall maintain the Proper�y in order t�prevent th� <br /> Proper��from deter�arating�r decrea�ing in�alue due ta �ts condition. C1n�e�s it is det�rm�ned pursuant ta <br /> Se�t�on 5 �ha�r�pair or restorat�on�s not econorni�ally feasi�le, Borr�wer shall prompt�y repair the Proper�y <br /> if darnaged�o avoid fu�th�r de�eriarat�on ar damage. If insuranc�or condemnation proceeds are paid in <br /> connection w�th damage to, or�he taking af, the Proper�y, B�rrower sha11 be responsib�e for repairing or <br /> restoring the Proper�y onl��f L�nder has re�eased proceeds for such purposes. Lend�r may disburse proceeds <br /> NERRASKR-Singfe�amily-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIFQAM tNSTRUM�NT Forrn 3�28�1�� <br /> VMP� VMP��NEy[130�} <br /> Wolters Kluwer�inan�ial 5ervices Page T o#77 <br />
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