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��1 5�7��� <br /> required by RESPA, and Borrnwer shall pay to Lend�r�he am�un�n�cessary to make up the def�cienc�zn <br /> accardan�e with RESPA, bu�in na more�han �2 mflnth�y payments. <br /> [lpan payment in fuli af al� sums se�ured b��h�s Secu�r�ty�nstrum.�nt, L�nde�shall prnmptl�refund t� <br /> B�rrower any Funds heid by L�nder. <br /> 4. Charges; �iens. Borrowe�r shail pa�a�l ta�.es,ass�s�ments, char�es, fines, and impositions attribu�abl�to <br /> �he Property wh�ch can attain pr�or�t�❑ver this S�curi�y Instrumen�, �easehald payments ar graund rents on <br /> the Pr�perty, �f any, and Cammunity Assaciat�on Du�sy Fees, ar�d Assessment�, if any. To th�ex�ent that <br /> �hese�tems a�r�Escraw Items, B�rrawer shall pay thern�n�he manner prov�ded�n�e�t�on 3, <br /> B�rrower shall promp�ly d�schar�e any I�en wh�ch has prior��y o�er�h�s S�cur�t� �ns�rument unl�ss <br /> Borrower; (a� ��rees �n wr�t�ng�o�he payment�f the ob��gation secured�y the lien in a rnanner acceptable <br /> ta Lender, bu�on�y s�long as B�rrower is p�rforrning su�h agreement; �b}�antes�s the�ien ir�good fa��h by, <br /> or def�nds against�nf�rcernent of�he lien in, l�gal proceedings wh�Gh�n Lend�r's op�n�on�perate to pz�e�ent <br /> the enforcemen�of th�l��n�hi�c�hose proceed�n�s are pend�ng, but�nly unti�such proceedzngs are <br /> conciuded; or{c� secu�res from�he ho�d�r af�he l�en an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the <br /> licn t��his Securi�y �nstrurn.�n�. �f Lender detern��nes that any part�f the Property i�subject ta a lien�vhich <br /> �an atta�n pr�arity a�er thi�Securi���nstrurnent, Lender ma�gi�e Borrower a not�ce iden�ifying the�ien. <br /> �'S�'�thin ��days af the dat�an��hich that n�tice is given, Borrawer shall satisfy the�ien ar�al�e❑ne�r m�re <br /> of the actians set f�rth abo�e in this Sec�ion 4. <br /> L�nder rnay require Borr�wer ta pay a�ne-�ime charge for a real�state tax�erif�catian andlar r�par�ing <br /> s�r���e used by L�nder in connec�ion with�his Laan. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrawer shal�k�ep�he impro�ement�now e�is�ing or hereafter�re��ed an th� <br /> Fr�per�y �nsured against la�s by fire, hazards inc�ud�d w�thin the�errn"ex�ended co�rerage," and an�r ather <br /> hazards inc�uding, bu�nat lim..���d�o, �ar�hquakes and floods, f�r wh��h Lender requires�nsuran�e. This <br /> insuranc�shaii be mainta�ne�.�n�he amounts�inc�uding deductib�e�evels} and for the period��hat Lender <br /> requir�s. What Lender requ�res pursuant t�the pr�ceding �entences can�hange during the term of the Loan. <br /> Th�insurance carrier pro�iding the in�urance sha�i he chasen by Borrou�er subject�o Lender's r�ght to <br /> di�appro��Barrawer's chaic�, which r�gh�sha��not be exercise�unreasonably. Lender may require <br /> Barrawer t�pay, in cannection w�th this Loan, either: �a}a one-�ime charge for f�ood zone d�t�rmina�ian, <br /> �er�ification and trackin�serW�c�s; or�b} a an�-tim�charge far f�ood 2ane determ�nation and c�rt�f�cation <br /> ser�ice� and subsequen�charges each time remappings or s�mi�ar Changes occur which reasonably rnzgh� <br /> affect such determ�na��on or c�r��f�ca��on. Borx�wer sha�l a�so be r�sponsible far the payment�f any fees <br /> imp�sed l�y the Federal Emergency Management Agenc�in corine�tion with the rev��w af any flood ztine <br /> determ�.nat�fln resultin�fram an objection by B�rrower. <br /> �f Borrower fails ta main�ain any of the covera�es described abo�e, Lender ma�r ob�azn insurance caverage, <br /> at Lender's op�ion and Borrawer's expense. Lender�s under no ob�igatzan t�purchas�any par�icuiar type or <br /> am�unt of c�verage. Therefare, such cove�age sha��co�er Lender, but m�ght�r m�ght not protect Barrower, <br /> Borrower's equi�y in the Prop�r�y, or the can�ents of the Pr4per�y, aga�n�t an�r�sk,hazard or��a�zlity and <br /> m�ght pr��ide greater�r lesser coverage�han was pr��iaus�y �n effect. B�rrawer acknawledges that the c�st <br /> of the insurar�ce coverage so ob�ained might signi�cant�y exceed the�ost of insurance that Barrower cau�d <br /> have�btained. Any amounts d�sbursed by Lender under this Sec�ion 5 �hall become additi�nal deb�of <br /> Borrower�e�ur�d by this Security�nstrument. These amounts shal�bear interest at the N�te rate from�he <br /> date of d�sbursement and shall be payab�e, �vith such inter��t, upon nn�ice fram Lender t�Borro��v�r <br /> requ�sting payment. <br /> N�BRASECA-Singfe Farnily-Fannie MaelFreddis Mac UNIFORM iNSTRUMENT Form 30�8 11L]� <br /> VMP� VMPFtNE}t13�2) <br /> Wvlters Kluwer Financial 5ervicss Page fi❑f 17 <br />