, ��15�6959
<br /> A lication of Payments. Un.�es�Applicab�e Law pr��ides a�herwis�, all paymen�s received by Lender shall be
<br /> �P
<br /> applied: tirs�,�o.any prepayment.charges due un.der the N ate; sec�nd,t� �nterest due;third, to princ�pa� due; and
<br /> last,�a any la�e charges due under th�Note.
<br /> �harg�s; Liens. Borrower shall pay a�l t�.xes, ass�ssments, charges, f�nes and im�os�t�ons attribu�able �a the
<br /> Proper�y vcrhi�h m�.�attain pr�ori�y over this Secur��}� Instrumen�; and leasehald payrnents �r ground rents, �f an��.
<br /> Barra�ver shall pay these �b�igat��ns fln time and di�ec�ly to �he pers�n�wed paymen�. At�he request of Lender,
<br /> Bar-ravver shall promp�:�y furn��h�o Lend�r rece�pts evidenc�ng�he payrnen�s.
<br /> Borrower shal� promp�iy discharge any�ien which h�.s priority over this Se�Ur�ty�nstrumen� uniess Borrov��r: �a�
<br /> agrees �n ��ri��ng to the payrnent of ihe �b�i,ga�ion secured by �he l�en in a manner acceptable to Lend�r; �b}
<br /> con�es�s in goad fai�h the �ie� by, or defends agains� enforcement of the l��n in, legal proceedings vt��ich in th�
<br /> Lerider's ap�nion opera�e �� preven� the enforc�ment �f the I�en; ar �c� s�cures fro�n �he hald�r af the lien an
<br /> agreement satisfac��ry�o Lender sub�rdinating�he Iien t�this Securi�.y Ins�rument. �f Lender de�errnines that any
<br /> part�f�he P�operty �s sub�ect to a�ien v�hich may attain pr}arity over this Securit}�rnstrument, Lender may gi��
<br /> B�rrower a natic� ideritifyinb�he l�en. Borrower shall�satisfy the l�en�r��ke ane or more�f the ac�ions se�forth
<br /> abo�re��vithin ��days of�he giv�ing of notic�. . . �
<br /> Hazard or praper�y Insurance. Borr�wer sha��keep�he impr�vements n�w existing or hereafter erec�ed on�he
<br /> Praper�y insured againsfi loss by f�re,hazards in�luded vvithin�he term "e�tended co�rerage"and any other hazards,
<br /> includinb floods �r r�o�ding, for which Lender requires insurance. This �nsuran�e sha�l be mair��ained in th�
<br /> amounts and for�he periods tha�Lender re�uires.The insurance car�rier pro�idi.ng th�insurance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Borrov�er subje�t ta L�nder's approval wh�ch sha�l r�ot be unreasanably wi�hheld. 7f Borr��ver fails �a ma�n�ain
<br /> co�erage descri�bed ab��e, L�ender �nay, a� Lender's a�tion; obta�ri caverage �� protec� Lender's rights in the
<br /> Properry:in a�cordance with se�tion titled Prote�tion af Lender's Rights in the Proper�y.
<br /> Al� insurance p�l�cies and renev�rals shal�be acc�p�ab�e to Lender and�shall include a standard m�r�gage �lause.
<br /> Lender sha�i Y�a�e the�ight t�hold the pali��es and renewa�s. �f Lender requi�es,Borrawer shall promptly.g�ve to
<br /> Lend�r alI receipts af paid pr�m�ums and renevval no��ces. In the e�ent�f loss, B�rro:wer shall���e prompt natice
<br /> t❑�h�insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may m.ake proof of loss if n4t made promptly by Borr�wer.
<br /> Ilnless L�nder and Borr�wer o�h���vise agree in wri�ing, insurance proceed� shall �� appiied �o r�st�ration or
<br /> repair �f the Property damaged, if, �n Le�der's�sa1e discretian, �he res�arat�an or repair �s ec�nomica�iy f�as�ble
<br /> and Lender's s�curity is n�t l�ssened. If, in Lende�'s sQie discretion, �he restara�ion or repalr is no�economically
<br /> feas�bl��r L�nder's secu��ity v+�auld be l�ssened,�the insu�ance praceeds shai��e applied ta�he sums s�cured by this
<br /> Secur�ty Instr�.�ment, �vhether ar na� �her� due, wit� any �xcess paid �o Borrar�er. �f Barr�wer abandons �he
<br /> Pr�perty,�r does no�ans�ver.v��i�hin the number�f days pre�crib�d b�App�icable Lav��as se�forth�n a na�ice from
<br /> Lende�r to Borrov�re�r that the insura�.�e c�rr�er has affered t� se�.tle a�c�a��n,then Lender may calie�t the insurance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may us�th� praceeds to repair Qr restore the Praperty ar to�ay sums secured by�his Securfty
<br /> �nstrum�nt,wheth�r or n���hen due.The per�od o f ti�ne for Borr�v�er�o ansv�rer as se�for�h�n�he natice wil�begln
<br /> when the natice i�g��en. �
<br /> Un�ess Lender and Barr�wer�thervvise agree in��riting, any app�ica�ian of proceeds to pr�ncipa� shal�no�e��end
<br /> or pastp�ne th� due date of the payrn�n�s referred�o in the section t��led Payment af Pr�ncipa� �nd In�erQst;
<br /> Prepayrnent and Late�harges ar chang�the a�n�unt of the payl�nen�s. �f under the sec�ian titled Acee�eration;
<br /> Rernedies,�he Property �s acquired by Lender, �3arrawer's righ�t� any insuranGe p�licies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from darnage�o i:he Praper�y prior�o�he ac�uisition shal�pass�o Lender t��he e�ten�of the sums�ecured by�h�s
<br /> �ecurity�n�trument irnmediately priar to the a�quis��i�n.
<br /> Preser�a�ion, 1'�ain�enan�� and Pr�tection of fhe Proper�y; �3orrower's Laan App�ica�ivn9 Leasehulds.
<br /> Bonrav�er shail nat destr�y, darnage ar�rnpair the Praper�y, allov�the Pr�p��.y to deteri�rate, or commit w�.s�e on
<br /> t��e Praperty. Ban ow�er shall k���n defauit if any forfeiture ac�iori�r proceed�n�,�hether civi�or crim�nal,is begun
<br /> that in Lender's good,fa��h judgment cauid r�sult in f�rfeiture of�he Pr�p�rty ar otherwise materi�.�1y i���pair the
<br /> lien c�-ea�ed �by �his Securi�}r �nstrumen� ar Lender's �ecurity in�erest. �3or�awer may cure such a default and
<br /> reinsta�e; as pro�ided in s�ct��n t��Ied Borrnwer's l��ght�o Re�ns�ate,�by causing�h� a�tion or proceeding�o be
<br /> disrnissed��vi�h a ruiing�tha�,in Lender's g�od faith de�ermination,prec�udes forfeiture of the Borrovver's interes�t�
<br /> the Prape�ty or o�her material impairmen� af the Iien creat�d by this Security Instrument ar L�nder's securzty
<br /> interes�.Barrovver shail aiso be�n defaut�if Borrawer,dur�ng the 1oa�app�ication pracess,gave ma��r�ally false�r
<br /> �nac�urate �nfannation or staternents to Lender �or fai�ed to �r�vid� Lender with any mat�rial informa���n} in
<br /> connection w�th the loan eWidenced by t�e Nat�. If�his 5ecurity 7nstrument �s on a �easeho�d, Barrvv►�er sha11
<br /> ��mp�y w�th all the proWis�ons�f�he�ease.�f Borr4��er ac�uires fee ti�Ie to�he Proper�ty,the Ieasehold and#he fee
<br /> �itie�hall n��merge unless Lender agrees�t����e mer�er�n writi�g.
<br /> Protection of Lender'� Ri�h#s in th� Prnperty. �f Borravver fa��s t� p�rf�rrn the covenan�s and agreements
<br /> �on�ained in this Securi�y �n�trument, �r�here �s�a�egal pr�ceeding tha��nay sign�f��an��y affect Le��der's righ�s�n
<br /> the Praper� �such as a praceeding in�bankrupt�y, probate, for condemnation or forfei�ure or�� enforce �aws ar
<br /> regulati�ns}, then L�nder may do and pa� for �hatever is necessary to pra�ect th� �ralue of the Prapert� and
<br /> Lender's ri�,h�s in�he Pr�per�y. Lende�'s ac�ians��nay i�clude pay�ng ariy sums secured by a�ien whi�h has pri�rx�
<br /> over th�� Secur��y rnstrument,appearing_in court,paying reasonable attarneys`f�es and en�ering on�he Praperty to
<br /> �nake repairs.Although Lender may ta�e act�on under t�is sec�iQn,Lend�r d�es n�t have t�do s�.
<br /> Any amounts disbur�ed by Lender under th�s sec��on shall Uecome addi�ional c�eb� of Barrov�er secured by this
<br /> Security �ns�rument. Un l�ss Borrow�r and Lender agree fia a�her terms of paymen�, these arnQunts sha�l bear
<br /> Q 2064-2415 Cgmp�iar�ce Systems,Inc.AbBC-d E9C-2015.3.5.1D64
<br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security-Instrurnent DL2036 - Pa�e 2 vf G wwr��.compliancesystems.cam
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