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<br /> Home Federal Savings&Loan Assoc�at��n af Home F�deral Sa�ings&Laan_�ssaciat�on of
<br /> Grand Is�a��d Grand �s�and�. � - � . :
<br /> 22I Sou�h Locust Stree� Z2� Sauth Locust Street ��
<br /> GRAN.Q ISI�AN�],NE�880I GRAND ISLAND, NE 6g841
<br /> (Space Aho�re T}�is Li��e For Ftecord���g Dafa} � � '
<br /> I.,C)AN�R�G�N.�T�R���PANy�AM E: Hvme Federal Sa�r�n��� Laa n Assoc�a�ion o f�ra n d ls�an d
<br /> I�MLS��MPA�Y II�ENT�F�ER:44f 443
<br /> L�A�i�RI��NATDR NAME: Li�a Mayer
<br /> NMLS�RI��hIAT�R�DENTIFI.ER:494�69
<br /> I]EEI] �F TRUST
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRUST �"Security Ins�rumen�"� is mad.e on C7ctvber Z, �U�5. The gran�ors are M�CHAEL L
<br /> ENGL�SH and BARBARA L EN�L�SH, husband and wife, whose address �s 6543 N NQRTH R�,
<br /> GRAND ISLAND, Nebraska 5SH�3-94D5 �"Barrower"). Borr�wer is no�n�cessari�y t��e sa�ne as �he Pers�n or
<br /> Persans vvh� s�gn the�o�e. The ab�xga�ions o�Barrowers wha did not si�n �he Nate a�e exp�ained fur���er in the
<br /> sec�ion ti�led Su�cessors and ASsign� Bflund; Join� and Se►�eral Lia�iii�y; A�ccammoda�ion Signers. The
<br /> t�-ustee i� Ar�nd R. B�a��, A�tarn�y v����s� addr�ss is P.�. Box 794, Grand �sland, Nebra�ka 658�2
<br /> �"rrustee"}.The ben�ficiary is Home FederaI�awing5&Loan Assac�a�ivn�f Grand Island,�v��ich�s�rganized
<br /> and e�xs�i��g und�r the �aws of the Y]ni�ed Sta�es of Amer�ca and �hose address is ZZ� Sflu�h Lacus� Street,
<br /> Grand ��Iand, N�brasi�a GBSOI. �"Lender"�. M�CHAEL L �N�LISH and BARSARA L �N�L�SH awe
<br /> Lender the princ�pa�surn of Six Thausand Fif�y and nQl�qD Dollars�U.S. $6,DSU.4a),u��hich is evidenced by�he
<br /> note, e�psurner loan agreernen�, ar simz�ar�vr��i��g d�ted �he �ame da�e as this Secur��y Ins�rument �tl�e "N�te"},
<br /> ��vhich praWides fflr period�c payments �"Peri�d�c Payment�"�, with the fu11 d�bt, if no� paid eari�er, due on
<br /> �c��ber 2�, 2pI S. This Secur�� Instrument secures �o Lend�r: {a� the repayrne�x� of�he deb� ��idenced by the
<br /> No�e, �V��h II1���'�5�, and all renewa�s, e��ensions and modif�a��ans nf�he No�e; �b��he pay��ent�f a�i a�her sums,
<br /> v�ith in�ere�t, advanced t�protect the securi�y of t��is Security�ns�rument under the pro��sians of the s�ctio��i��ed
<br /> Protection vf Lender's R.igh�s in the�'roper�y;and�c�the pe�-forrnance.�f Barrav�er's�a�enan�s and a��reements
<br /> under�h�s SeGuri�y Instrumen�and�he N��e. Fo�this purpase, Barro�er; in considera��on�of the deb�and�he trus�
<br /> here�n created, irrevacabiy gran�s and con�e_ys �� Trus�ee, �n firus�,�vvith�povver af sa�e, �he follo�ving descr�b�d
<br /> proper��laca�ed in t��e C�unty af Hal�,S�a�e nf Nebraska: �
<br /> Address: 6543 N NC�RTH RD,GRA.�TD ISLAND,�ebraska�88�3�-94�5
<br /> L�gal Descrip�ion:Se����1I�7�� "A,'►
<br /> T�GETHER �ITH .a�l the imprQ�ements no�v or hereafter ere�t�d on �he propetty, and all easemen�s,
<br /> appurtenances, and fi�fiur�s n�w or h�reafter a part af�he �roperty. A�1 replacet��en�s and additions shall al�a �be
<br /> ��ver�d by �:his Security �nstrurnen�. A�l of.�h� f�regoing �s refe�-red t� in .this 5e�.u���y, �ns�rumenf as t���
<br /> "Propert�." .
<br /> B�RRUWFR��VENA�TS �hat Barrower is �a�fully seised of the es�a#e ��ereby conveyed �.nd has �he right to
<br /> grant and con�ey �he Property and �ha� the Proper�� is unen�u�-nbe�-ed, except fa�r en�Umbranc�s af record.
<br /> Borrovver vvarrants and w�l� defend genera��y �he ti�le�a �he Property agains� all c�aims and demands, subje�t��
<br /> any encumbrances af record.
<br /> Borrower and I�er�der co��nant and agree as failov�vs:
<br /> Pa��ment of Pr.inci�a�and In�er�st; Prepaymen�and Late�harge�.Barr�wer sl�a�l p�-omp�ty pay when due the
<br /> princ�pal �f ar�d xn�erest an �he debt evidenced by�he No�e and any prepaymen� and Ia�e charges due und�r�he
<br /> Na�e. .
<br /> Appl�eable Law. As used in this Securi�y ��ns�rumen�, �he term "App�icable Law" shal� mean all contira�Iing
<br /> appiicable fed��-a�, s�ate and �ocal s�atutes, �eguiat�ans, arc�inan�es �nd administra�i�e rule� and orde�rs ��ha�ha�e
<br /> �he effec�of lavv�as we�l as al�app�icable fna�,non-app�a�able�ud�c�al ap�n�nns:
<br /> �20Q4-2d t S Compliance Systems,Inc.AGSC-6�9C-2��5.3.5.l Od� _
<br /> Cv�sumerReat Estate-Se�urity Tnstrument DL2036 Fa�e 1 off - , . www.compliancesystems.cam
<br />