. � ��15�6953
<br /> payrnent �f junior�rust deeds;mar�gages,,or other lienholders and the balan�e, if an�r, �� the person �r persons
<br /> legally �enti�led theret�. The�recitals in the Ti�ustee's deed shall he p�-i_ma facie e�idence of filie truth �f �he
<br /> sta�ements made in it.�f Lender chooses��in�ake-�he pflwer�f sale,L�nder or Trusfee wi1�.�ro�r�de notice Qf sale
<br /> pursuant to app��cable la�.Any,such sale.�r a sa�e made pursuant to a�udgmen�ar.a decree for�he forec�osure
<br /> hereaf may, at fhe �pt�an of Lend'er, b�e mad� en masse. The c�mmencement af pro ceed.usgs �� fareclose �his
<br /> Secur��y�ns�rumen�in an�manner au�horized hy]aw shall be deemed as e�ercise of�he ab��e�pti�n.
<br /> Llpon�he �ccurrence of an Event.of Default, Lender shall im�mediately be entitled to make application far and
<br /> ol�tain the appaintmen�of a recei�rer for.the Proper�y and vf the earni.n.gs, income, issue and profits�f�t,with the
<br /> pov�rers as the court making the appnintments confers. Grantar hereby irre�acably c�nsen#s �o such app�intment
<br /> and wai�es no�.ce of ariy appl�cation therefvr. .
<br /> N� VVAIVER.Na dela�or�failure af.T�ender t❑ �x�r��se any righ�t, remed�, po�er or pri�ri�ege hereunder shall
<br /> affect that righ�,r�medy,pov�er ar pri.�i�ege n�r shail any sxngle ar par�ial e�ercise�here�f preclude the exer�ise of
<br /> any right,remedy,p�wer..or pri�ilege.Na Lender delay.�r failure to demand st�rict adh�rence to the��rms of�his
<br /> Secur�ty Instrument sha1��e deeined�a cons�itu�e a c�urse vf c�nduc�u.lc�nsist�nt wi�h Lender's right at any time,
<br /> b efore or after an�event �f defau�t;�t���d�mand s�r�ct adh�renc e to the �erms �f th�s S ecurity Instrumen� and the
<br /> Related Do�um.ents�.- . :� �� . �. .
<br /> Si��3STITUTE TRUSTEE.Lend�r, at its��t��n,may fi om time���ime remove Trus�ee and appoint a su��essor
<br /> trustee �o ariy Trustee` appov.a�ed Y�ereund�r by an instr�m�nt=recorded �n the c�un�r in vtlhich this �Security
<br /> Instrument �s recorded.='S��-�hout con�eyance of the Propert�, �he successor trus��e shall succeed�� a1i the����e,
<br /> power and dut�es c�nferred up�n Trustee h�er�in and by app�ica��e Iavv. � �
<br /> J�INT A.Nl3 SE'�ERAL LIABILIT'�.If this S��uri�y�nstrurnen�s1lould be s�gned 3�}�more�han one pers�n,all
<br /> persons execut�g�his�Secur�ty Ins�rument agre�tha�they shall b�j vintl�and�everally bound,where p�rm�t�ed by
<br /> 1avr�. , - . , . :
<br /> SITR'VIVAL.Lender's righ�s in:this 5ecur�ty rns�rumen�w�ll cnntinue in its su��ess�rs and assigms.This Security
<br /> Instrumen�is binding on a1I heirs;e��cu��rs,adminisi�ators,assigns and successors of Grant�r.
<br /> NUTIGES AND WAP�'ER���N�TI�E. Unless other�vise re�uired by ap��icable �av�, any no�ice ar demand
<br /> given by Lender to an�part��s c�nsid�red effectiWe: �i� �hen it is depasited in the Uni�ed States Mai1 with�he
<br /> appropria�� postage; �i�� v�rheil �t �s sen� v�a, e�ectr�n�c mai�; �i�i� when i� is sent via facsimile; ���} �hen it is
<br /> deposi�ed vWi#�a a na�ionall�recognized overnrgh�caur�er servrce; (�� �n the day of persflnax deli�rery; or �vi� any
<br /> other cammerc�ally reasonable means.A copy of any notice shall be sent��each party a��he address of�he party
<br /> gi�ren at�he l�egu�ning �f th�s 5ecuri�y Instrument unless an alternative address has been provided t� Lender in
<br /> wa.•it�ng..Ta the exten�permitted by_Iaur, Gran�or u�aives not�ce�f Lender's acceptan��of�his S e�uri�y Instrumen�,
<br /> def�nses based�n suretyship,any defens�ar�sing frorn any e�ecnon by Lender under i:he United�ta�es Bankruptc�
<br /> Cod�, Uniforin Caminercia� Code, as enact�d�n�he s�ate�rhere Lender is l��a�ed ar�ther applicable �aw or in
<br /> equity, demand, notice af acceleratian, no�xce of n�npayment, presentment, protest, notice �f dishanor and an�
<br /> v�her natice. . • . x . � � �
<br /> RE�UE,ST F�R NDTI�ES: Gran�flr request�that copies of the n��ice of default and not�ce of sale be sent t��he
<br /> address af ea�h party gi�ren at the beguan�ng of the Security Instrument.
<br /> , .
<br /> WAIVE�t,�F APPRAISEMENT�I�GHTS�. �rant�r waives al� appra�semen�righ�s rela#ing�� the Proper�y to
<br /> the extent permit�ed�y Ia.�. -� � . •. �. .
<br /> LENDER'S��PENSE�S. Grant�r.agrees to pay alI expenses incurred by Lender in cannection wifih enfarcement
<br /> of its r�ghts under�he�ndeb�edness,�th�s Se�cw-ity Instrumen�or in�he e�ven�Lender�s made party��any�itigatian
<br /> because af the existence of f1�e Indeb�edness�.or this Se�urity Ins�rument,as well as�ourt cos�s, collection charges
<br /> and re asonable atto�.neys'fee s and�is�ursements. .
<br /> ASSIGNAI�ILITY..Lender may ass�gn �r ��hervvise transfer�his Security Instrument or any �f Lender's rights
<br /> under this Security Ins�ument�vi�hout nv�ice.�� Gran�ar. G�•antor may not ass�gn this �ecurity Instrument or any
<br /> part of�h�SecurYty rn5trument,t�vi�hou��he express�xr�r�t�en consent of Lend�r.
<br /> G�'V~ERNING LAW. This 5ecur��y InstrumE.ent�1�be governed by the laws of the State gf Nebraska�ncluding
<br /> all proceedings ar�sing from�his Secur�ty Ins�.rurnent. � �
<br /> ST�'YERABIIIITY. �f a court af cvmpefient j urisdiction determines any t�rm or pro�rision of this S e�urity
<br /> Instrument is iri�aiid or prahxbited by app�.xcable �aw, that term �r provisian wil� be in�ffective t� �he extent
<br /> requ�red.An��erm�r pr�vision that has been determined t�be�n�va�id or prohih��ed w�II be severed from the r�st
<br /> �f the Security Ins�i umen� �i�h�u� �inval�dat�ng �he rernainder af either the affected provision or th�s 5ecur�ty
<br /> Ins�rumen�,
<br /> 'PVAIVER �F .rUR'Y� TRiAL. AI� parties to this Security Ins�rument hereby knawing�y and voluntari�y
<br /> waiv�,to the fulle�t ex�ent p�rmit�ed�by Iaw,any right to trial hy jury of any di5pute,whether in contra��,
<br /> tort,vr otherwise,arising❑ut of,in canne���on wi�h, related�o,flr incid�ntal�❑the reia�ionship established
<br /> be#ween them in �his Security Ins�rum�n� or an� ofher insfrument, docum�nt �r agr��ment e��cuted ar
<br /> de�iv�red in connec�ion w��h this Securi�y Instrument or�he Re�ated Doeuments.
<br /> �2UQ4-2U15 Camplian�e Systems,Inc.3A7D-EEDS-2�15.3,5.984
<br /> Cammercial Real Estate Se�uriry Instrument-DL�a47 Page�af 5 w►vw camglianeesysFems.com
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