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� � .� � � � � � ��15�6953 <br /> such abliga���t�; and the �as��hereof shai� be added to �he Indeb�edn ' � <br /> Gran�flr. <br /> ess and pazd on Lender s demand �y <br /> ASSIGNIV�EN'�'�F LEASES AND R.ENT�.As additiona� se�ur�ty for-�he a m�Y��of�he Indeb��d� <br /> perfornlan�e �f the ���renan�s cot�ta�ned h�re�n Grant�r here p � � �. �ess and the , <br /> � � vy asslgns and �transfers.ovex �o�Lender aIX re���s, <br /> income and praf��s �"Rents"�under a71y prese�t�r fu�i��-e Ieases, subleases:o�• Iic�nses of���e Pro er ' <br /> any guarantres, exl:enslans, amendznen�s or re�ewa�s thereof from the u - � � p �'� II�C�llC�ll�g <br /> , se a.0 th e P�op�z-ty. S o long as Grantox•Is <br /> n��in default,�rantor may r��e�ve,;callect and exxj�y a�I Rents.acc�-uing firv.rri the,p�•o er. -but not more�har <br /> month 7n ad�ance�f�he due da�e. L�nder ma. also re uire p ��� ��pe <br /> . �' q Grantflr,tenant:and az�y:ather user❑f�he Propex�y�o <br /> make paymen�s af Ren�s dire���y�o Lender.Howe�er,by recei�'v�g any such payxnen�s,Le��der is n�t and shall n <br /> be consYdered,an a ent fvr an ar� or�nti � + ' °� � <br /> t g. Y P y �_Any amou2��s co�Iected xnay,a�Lend��•s so�e d�scre��on,be app�ied <br /> to pra�ec� Lender s �nterest :in the Praper�y, �.nc�ud�ng but no� Iimited ta��he pa�menfi af ta�es and �nsurance <br /> premxums and ta �he �ndeht�dn�ss. A.t Lender's_sole �iscr�tivn, a�i�leases,_sub�eases and �zcenses mus� f�rs� be <br /> approv�d hy L�nder. : � -- . .. <br /> �DNDEMNA�'I��T. �ran�or sha1�gxve Lerlder n�tice of an ac�ion�ak�n- .�. <br /> � or���reat�ned�o he taken by pr��a�e ar <br /> pub�ic en�ities to appr�pr�a�e the Property or any par�there�f,through�conde�r�na�io71,eminent do�nain ar an ofher <br /> actl�n.Further,Lender sha�I be permr��ed�o par�icipate or inter��ne �n�.n of the ab,ove desc�•ibed • � <br /> any maiiner �� sha�I a� zts sale discreti�n. deter�nine. Lender is he - � � p�o��edings Yn <br /> rcby g��re� fu�I p��er, right and autharil.y �o <br /> recei�e and receip�for any and a�x damages a�arded as a r�su�t of the fuX�or par�iai�akin ar a ra riati�n and:in <br /> i�s s�le discretion, to app�y said a�ards ta�:he Indebtedness whether�r not th g pp � - <br /> a en d.ue or o�her���se in a��ordance <br /> wzth app�icable �av�. Uniess Lender other��se agrees in�ri��ng,�any app��ca��on of roceeds ���he �ndebtedne <br /> shall no� extend-or pas�pone.�he due da�e of'the a xnents due under t p 5� <br /> P Y . he �ndebtedn.ess ar change�he arnoun�flf <br /> such payments. � . . . � . . <br /> � <br /> GRANT�R'S ASSURAN�ES. At �any �ime, upon a �-equest af Lender, Grantar wii� execu�e and <br /> delx�er to <br /> Lender, and zf appropr�ate, cause�o be recorded, such fu�-ti�er mor�gages, assig-��men�s, assig��men�s of leases and <br /> rents, security agreemen�s, pledges, flllanczng s�a�ements,. or su�h o�her�document �,s Lender may �-equire, in <br /> Lender's sole d�scretion,�o eff.ectua�e, colnplete and to p�rfcc�as�e�I�as�o con��nue to reser�e the�ndebtedness <br /> or the Iien ar secur�ty in�eres�crea�ed by th7s Securi Insn�u�nent. , � ' <br /> tY . . . <br /> ATT�RNEY--IN�FACT. Grantiox appo�n�s Le��der as at��rne --ir�-:CaCt on be <br /> y , half of Grat�tor. �f Grantar faYls �o <br /> fu�fi�� any of Gran��r's �b��ga��ons.under.t�.is Secur�� Ins�rulnen� or an Re]a�ed�D��ume t ' <br /> . Y . n s, �t�c�uding those <br /> �bliga�[ons rnentxoned in the precedrng paragraph, Lender as at�o�Yiey--in�fact �na� fu�fill�he �bZi a�ians wi�hou� <br /> notice to Gran�or.Thzs po�rer of a�torney sha�I nat be affec�t�d b �he disabili of the Cran� • � <br /> � � o�. . <br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. T'he fol��w�r�g e�ents shall constitute default under�th�s Se�L�ri � <br /> .t��ns�t urnen��each an <br /> "Event af Defau��"�: ` � � � . :_ ' . , . , . . . <br /> �a� Failure�a make requ�red pa�men�s:v�hen due under�nd�b�edness•.� �'-� ., . � <br /> . �b). Fai�ure�o p�rform �r keep any of the co�enan�s�of this�S�e�ur.i.���i�st�-um�en��or a d <br /> . . �' . . efau��. undel an�af <br /> -�he Reia�ed Docum.ents;� - . : � : . ;,:r . _:. . .- . . , <br /> � - .�. <br /> �c� The making of any oral ar ��-�tten sta�e�nen�or asser�ion�.tio�.L'ender �ha��s fals��ar.mi e ' <br /> . sI ad�ng tn any <br /> � material.respect by Gran�or or any pei•son�b�iga�ed an�tie��Zndebtedn�ss}:. � . � <br /> �d} The death, dzss�Iu�zon,Ynsolve��cy,bankrup�cy�r re�ei�ership pr��e�aing nf.Gran�or oY-of an ersan <br /> or�entity�obliga�ed on the Indebtedness; _ -- . . .. :. ,. : - ... - <br /> Yp <br /> ���. Any assigrunent by Gran�flr for�he benef�❑f�r-antar's.�rec�itors;,� �� , <br /> �f} A xnaterial adverse c��ange o�curs �n�he fnanc�al canditi�n, fl�nexs�iip�or mat�agernent of Gran�or or <br /> - any perSon�b�iga�ed an�he Inde�ted��ess; or ` � �' -.� - . <br /> �g� Lender deems itse�f�nse�ure far ar�y reason vvhatsoe�e�•.� .� ' �.� � . <br /> _ . . , <br /> REME�IES QN DEFAULT. Upon �he occurrence �f an E�ent of Defau�� Let�der �na wifh � <br /> .. � y, ❑u� dema��d �r <br /> notice,-pay any ar aII�axes,assess�nents,premiums, and Iiens�required paid b�Gran��r,�effect an insurance <br /> pr��zded for herein,make such repalrs, cause�the abs�racts�f����le�r tit�e Yn�suran�e oli� anc� � � <br /> p y �ax hYst�rles of�he <br /> Proper�y fio be cer��f ed to date, or pr�cure ne� abstracts �af��tle or ti��e insurane�e-and tax h�s�ories xn case non� <br /> �vere furnished to xt� and procure�i�le repor�s�c�vering�the Pt=operty, z���I�.ding�:sur��ys_ T�ie amoun�s paid f�r an. <br /> such purposes wxll be added:�o�he Indebtedness and v�il�bear ll�teres�at���ae ra�e af intierest athe ' y <br /> r�zse accruii�g o1�. <br /> ti�e Indeb�edness unti� paxd. �Zn�he e�en.� �f, �la.e abst�-acts of���le or.�itre �nsura��ce sha�1 becotne tl�e <br /> . praper�y�f Lend�r.AI� abstracts �f���Ie,ti.t�e insurallce,�ax his�ories, sur�eys, ar�d�:�her d�cumen�s per�aining�� <br /> the�ndel�tedness v�iil remau�.in Lender's possession unt�i the Indeb��dness�s paid��n full. � �� <br /> IN THE EVENT�F THE SALE�F TH�S PR�PE�TY UNDER TI�E-PRQ�EDURE F�R F�RE�L�SURE <br /> �F <br /> A SECUF�IT�INSTRUMENT BY.�,DVERTISEMENT,.AS PRDVIL7ED BY APPLI�ABLE LAV�,�R�N THE <br /> EVENT LEI�DER E�ERCISES ZTS R�GHTS UN.DER THE�S��GNMEI�IT QF L-E.�SES AND RENTS, THE <br /> LENDER SHALL PROV�DE.A:LL STATUT�R�LY REQUZRED N�TZ�ES �F SALE AND N�T�CES �F <br /> JUD�CIAL HEARTN�S BEF�RE .LENDER E�ER�ISES ANY �QF I'I'S� RIGHTS UNI]ER THIS <br /> IIrTSTRi]MENT. . � � : . � � � �. � <br /> Up�n the occur�•ence of an Even.t af I3efau�#,Lender may,�rit�lout n�tice�uired b �lavv and <br /> . q y , a�its opt�fln, <br /> declare�he entire Indebtedness�due and payable,as it may elect;regard�ess^�f t��e'date or-�d�.�es,flf rnat��rity thereaf <br /> at�.d, if p�rmitted by sfate�a�i, is aut��orized and empow�red to,c�use th�P�-vpez-ty� saId�at pub��c auction,and <br /> ta e�ecu�e and deli�er to�he'purchaser ar pu�_chasers at such sa��az�y.,deeds of canve�ance good and suffc�ent a� <br /> Ia�v,pursuant to the statu���n su�h case made a�ad pr��ided. The Trus��e sIial�.ap I�..t1��eeds af the Trustee's <br /> sa�e, firs�,to�he cos�s.and.e�cpenses af eYercis�n .the o�ver of � � - � �� � � `� <br /> g : p sale and of.fihe sale �nc�ud���g�he payment of the <br /> Trus�ee's fees actually an�urred; se�and, �o�paymen� af�he ob�xga�ron:secu�•ed.�y�the-���-us� d�ed- �hird to the <br /> . . . . . . ... � a <br /> �2404-2�25 Camp[ianre Systems,In�.3A7D-EEDS-2015.3,5.984 . '� � � <br /> �omrnercial Real Estate 5ec�rity Ittstrument�DL4d07� Page 3 of 5 � ' ' ` �' � ' � �- ' <br /> ' - . . • ' .. _ . . . :' -• .., . ., .• ..,�v� <br />