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��1 5��8�� <br /> �EE� fl� TRLJ�T <br /> Loan iVv: 7�9���'I 47 �Con'��nu�d} Page 9 <br /> caur�s of HALL Cvun�y, 5tat�o�Nebraska. <br /> Join� and Severa! Liability. ►0►11 obligativns of Borrower and Trustor under this ❑eed ❑�f Trus� shal! be j�int and <br /> several, and al� references ta Trustor shall mean�ach and e�ery Trustar, and all re�Ferences ta Borrower shall ��ean <br /> �ach and e�ery Borrower. This means that each Trustar signing below is responsible far alI obliga�ions in this Dsed <br /> of Trust. <br /> No VlJaiuer hy Lender. Lender shall not be de�med fi❑ ha�e wai�ed any rights under�his Deed of Trust unless such <br /> v�raiver�s gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. Na de[ay or❑missian ❑n th� part�f Lend�r in exercising any rEght <br /> shall ❑perate as a waiver❑f such righ�or any ather right. A wai�er by Lender of a pro�isi�n �f this Deed ❑fi Trus� <br /> shall not prejudice or canstitu�e a waEWer of Lender's righ� ❑therwise to demand strict cornpliance with that <br /> provision ❑r any other pro�isian of this ❑eed vf Trus�. fVo prior waiWer by Lender, nor any course �� dealing <br /> between Lender and Trustar, sha�l constitute a waiver af any o�Lender's rights ar af any ❑�Trustar's ❑b�igations <br /> as t� any future transactions. Whengver the cons�n� of Lender is requ�red under this D��d of Trust, the granting <br /> of su�h consent by Lender in any instance shall not �onstitute continuing c�nsent t� subse�uent ins�ances wher� <br /> 5uch�onsen�is required and in all cases such cansen�may be�ranted or withheld in the sale discr�tion�f Lender. <br /> 5everahility. I�f a caurt o� �ampet�n�jurisdicti�n finds any p��visi�n �f this Deed �t Trus� ta be illegal, in�afid, or <br /> unen#vrceable as t❑ any person or circumstance. that findin� shal� no�make the o��ending provisian il�egal, invalid, <br /> or unenforceab[e as tv any vtl�er pers�n ar �ircumstan�e, I� �feasible, the a��ending prov�sion shall be considered <br /> mfldi�ied s❑that it becames fegal, valid and enforceable. I�F the o��ending provisian cannat be sv modi��i�:d, it shall <br /> be considered deleted �r�m th�s Deed af Trus�. �nless atherwise required by law, �hs illega[ity, in�alidity, or <br /> unenforceabiiity ❑f any pravision ❑f this aeed of Trust shal( n�t affiect the legality, �alidity ar en�forceabili�ky of any <br /> ather provis�an of this Deed of Trust. <br /> Successars and Assigns. Subject to any limitafiions sfa�ed in this Deed af Trus# on transfer�f Trustor's interes�, <br /> this Deed of Trust shal� be binding upon and inure ta the benefi� �f the parti�s, their successors and assigns. I� <br /> ovvnership of the Praperty becames �es�ed in a persan �ther than Trustvrr L�nder, withaut natice t� Trustar, rnay <br /> deal with Trustvr`s successors with ref�ren�e�❑�ihis []eed of Trust and the Indebt�dness by way of forbearance ❑r <br /> extensian withoufi releasing Trustor�frorn the obligations of�his Deed v�Trust or liability under the Indeb�edness. <br /> Time is vf�he Essen��. Time is of the essence in the performance❑f th�s Deed of Trust, <br /> Waiver of Homestead Exempfiion. Trustor h�r�by releases and wai��:s all rights and benefits vf th� homes�kead <br /> exemption laws of the 5tate❑f Nebraska as to all Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trus�. <br /> aEFIIVITION�. The followin� capi�alized words and terms shall ha�e the fi�llawing meanings when used in this Deed o� <br /> Trust. LJnless sp�cifica�ly stated to the contrary, al� refer�nces t❑dol�a� amounts shall mean am�unts in law�ul mon�y <br /> o� the UnEted State� af America. Vllords and t�rms used in the singular shall include the plural, and the plural s�all <br /> include �h� singufar, as the can�ext rnay re�u�re. Words and terms nat otherwise defined in �fhis ❑eed of Trust shali <br /> haW�the meanings �ttribu�ed tfl such�erms in th� Un�farm CommerciaC�ode: <br /> Beneficiary. The word "F3eneficiary" means F��e Poin�s Bank, and Ets successors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The ward "Borrawer" means RYAN gARTELS and includes a�l co-signers and �o-mai�ers signing �he <br /> Note and all their successors and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trusfi. The wards "Deed ❑f Trus�" mean this Deed af Trus� among Trustar, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes without limitation all assignmen� and security in�erest prv�isions relating �o th� Pers�na! Property and <br /> Rents. <br /> Defau[t. The ward "Default" means the Defaul�sst forth in this Deed a�Trus�in the secfiian titied "De�Fauft", <br /> Envirunmental Laws. The words "En�ironmen�a[ Laws" rnean any and a�l s�a�e, federa� and lacaf statu�es, <br /> regu�at�ons and �rdinan�es relating t❑ the protection of human health or the environmen�, incEu�ing without <br /> limitafiion the ��mpr�hensfve EnWironmentaf Respons�r Compensation, and Liabili�y AGfi o� 198�, as amended, 4� <br /> U.S.C. 5ection 96��, et seq. R"CERCLA"�, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorizatian Act of 1986, Pub. L. <br /> Na, 99-49:3 �"SARA"},the Ha�ardous Makerials Transparfiati�n Act, 49 U,S.�. Section �8��� et s�q.,th�Resource <br /> Conser�a��on and Reco�ery Acfi, 4� U,S,C. 5ection 5��1, et seq., or ather applicab�e state ar federal laws, ruIes, <br /> ar regula�tians adopted pursuant theret�. <br /> Evenf of Defaulfi. The words "E�en�af Defiault" mean any of th� evenfis of de�ault set far�h in�his Deed af Trust in <br /> the e�ents o�defauft section of this ❑e�d�f Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The ward "Guaranty" rneans the guaranty�Frorn guarantar, �ndorser, surety, or acc�mmodation party ta <br /> Lender, including without limitatian a guaranty ofi ail or part of th�N�t�. <br /> Hazardaus Substan�es. The vvflrds "Hazardous Substances" mean mat�riais that, hecause of �heir quan�i�y, <br /> c�ncentratian or physicaf, �hemical ❑r infectiaus characteristics, rnay cause ar p�se a present ❑r potential hazard <br /> to human h�alth or th� enWironmen�when improperly used, �reated, stored, disposed af, generated, manufaGtured, <br /> transpar��d flr othcrvv�se handled. The words "Hazardous Subs�ances" are used in �heir very broadest sense and <br /> in��ude without limi�tation any and ai1 ha�ardous or ��xic substances, materials ar waste as defined by or Iis�ed <br /> und�r fihe Enviranmen�af Laws. The term "Ha�ardous Substances" alsa includes, withaut limitatian, petroleum and <br /> petroleum by-pr�du�ts or any�racti�n thereof and ashestos. <br />