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<br /> �EE� �F T�UST
<br /> Laan No: 'I�'I 29U147 {���1tll�u�d� �age �
<br /> and upon any appeal. Vllh�ther or nat any cour� action is inWal�ed, and �❑ the extent no� prahibi�ed by [aw, ail
<br /> reasvnable expenses Lender in�urs thafi in Lender's opinian are necessary at any time fvr the prafectian o�F its
<br /> int�rest ar�ha enforcement o�its righ�s shaf! become a parfi of the Indebtedness payabie an demand and shall bear
<br /> int��est at the Note rate from�he date of�he expendi�kure until repaid. Expenses ca�er�d by this paragraph inc�ude,
<br /> withaut limita�ian, havv��er subje�t�o any I�rnits under applicabl� law, Lender's afifiarneys' fees and Lender's legal
<br /> �xpenses, whether or not there is a lawsui�, including a�tarneys' fees and exp�nses �or bankrup�cy praceedings
<br /> �including effQrts to modify ar�acate any autvma�ic stay ar injuncti�n), appeals, and any an�kicipated pos�t--judgrnen�
<br /> �allectiQn ser�icesr the �ast❑f searching recards, ❑btaining title reports {including fo�-ecl�sure reparts�, surveyars'
<br /> rep�rts. and appraisal fees, �itle insuranc�. and fees fa� the Truste�, to the ex�ent perm�tted by app[icable law.
<br /> Trustor a�s�wil�pay any caurt costs, in additian tfl all ather surns provided by law.
<br /> Righ�s of Trus#ee. Trustee shali ha�e all af the righ�s and duties af Lender as set forth in this secfian. �
<br /> P�3V11ERS AND ❑BLIG�►TI�1VS OF TRUSTEE. The fallowing �rv�isions rela�Cin� to�he pawers and ❑bfigati�ns af Truste�
<br /> are part o��his De�d of Trust:
<br /> Powers o�F Trusfi�e. In adcliti�n to all powers of Trust�e arising as a matter a�f law, Trustee sha[f have �he power to
<br /> take the fallvwing acfions with respec��o �he P�operty upon the writfen request ❑f Lender and Trustar: �ay join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map �r plat af �h� Real Property, including the dedication o� streets ❑r ather righ�s t❑ the
<br /> puk�li�; (b} join in gran�ing any easement ❑r �rea�ing any restrictian ❑n �he Real Prop�rty; and �cy join in any
<br /> subardina�ion ar ather agreement affecting this Deed of Trust❑r the interes�o�Lender under this ❑eed�f Trus�.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shail meet alf qualifica�ions required for Trustee under appiicabie law. In additian ta the rights
<br /> and remedies set far�h aba�e, wi�h resp��t to a�l or any par� of the Praperty, the Trus�ee sha�� have the ri�ht fi❑
<br /> f�re�l�se by natice and sale, and Lender shall haWe the right��� fflre�lose by ju�icial fareclosure, in either case in
<br /> accordan�e wi�th and�o th�full e�ctent provided by app[icable�aw.
<br /> Su�cessar Trustee. Lend�r, at Lender's�p�ion, may from time fio�im� appflint a succ�ssor Trus�ee t❑ any Trus�ee
<br /> appoin�ed under �his D��d ❑f Trus� by an instrum�nt �x�cuted and ac�cnowledged by L�nder and recarded in the
<br /> vff�ce ❑f �he recorder a� HALL County, State of Nebraska. The instrument shall �on�ainr in addi�ian ta al� vther
<br /> matters req�ired by state law, the names vf �he original Lender, Truste�, and Trus�ar, the boak and page {or
<br /> cvmputer system reference} where this Deed o�F Trust is recarded, and �he narne and address o� the successvr
<br /> trustee, and the instrument shall be executed and acknawl�dged by all the ben��Ficiaries under ihis ❑eed af Trust or
<br /> �Cheir suc��ssars in interest, The su��essor��rust�e, wi�haut c�nveyance of�he Pr�per�y, shall succeed to all the
<br /> title, pawer,and duties conferred upon th�Trustee in this �eed af Trust and by applicable law. This procedure�Far
<br /> su�sfiitution❑f Trustee sha�l gavern�❑�he exclusian a�all ather pr�visions for substifiution.
<br /> IVQTICES. Any n��ice requires� to be given under this De�d of Trus�, including wi�hout limita�ion any noti�e ❑f default
<br /> and any no�ice of sale shall t�e given in wri�Cing, and shall be effiect��e when actually de�iv�r�d, when actually receiWed
<br /> by telefacsimil� {unless otherwise required by Iaw7,when dep�s�ted v�ri�h a nationally recagni�ed❑�ernight courier,ar, if
<br /> mailed, wh�n depasited in the United S�ates mail, as first class, certified ar registered mai� postage pre�aaid, direc�ted ta
<br /> the addresses shoWn nea�the beginning vf�khis Deed ❑f Trust. A�I copies of natices af fflreclosure fram the holder af
<br /> any lien which has priority c��er this Deed a�Trust shal� be s�nt to Lender's address, as shawn n�ar�khe beginning ❑f
<br /> this Deed o�F Trust. Any party may chang� its address for n�tices und�r this i�eed of Trust by giving forma� written
<br /> natice t� the other parties, sp�cifying that the purpose of the notice is to change the party�5 address. For notice
<br /> purpos�s, Trus�or agrees �o keep Lender infarmed a� all times of Trus�Qr's current address. Unless otherv�rise provided
<br /> or required by law, if there�s mo�re than❑ne Trustor, any noti�e gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is deemed to be natice
<br /> gi�en to all Trustors.
<br /> MISCELLANEaUS PR�V[Si4N5. The following misceilaneous pro�isions a�-e a part of this C]eed af Trus�:
<br /> Amendrnent�. This Deed of Trust,tagether with any R�la�ed Dacuments, canstitutes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreement of the parties as to �he rnatters set forth in this �3eed of Trust. N❑ al�era�ion of ar amendrnent ta this
<br /> ❑eed of Trust shall be ef�Fecti�e unless given in writing and signed by the party or parties soughfi ta be charged ❑r
<br /> baund by the aEteration or amendrnent.
<br /> Annua� Repor�s. If the Proper�y is used for purpases other than Trus��r's residenGe, Trustar shal[ furnish t�
<br /> Lenderr upon request, a cer�ified staternent o� net operating inCome received �rom the Prop�r�y during Trustor`5
<br /> previaus fiscal year in such fiorrn and detail as Lender shall requi��. "Net aperating in�ame" shall mean ali cash
<br /> re�eipts from the Prop�rty I�ss a�l cash expend�tur�s made in�onnec�ian with the ❑peration af the Praperty.
<br /> �aptivn Headings. Caption headings in this Qeed o�F Trus� are �F�r conven�enc� purposes only and are nat to be
<br /> used ta interpr�t or d�fine the pro�isions af this Qeed af Trust.
<br /> Merger. Th�r�shal� be no merger af the interest�r es�afie creat�d by this Deed of Trust v►r��h any other interest or
<br /> es�ate in the Prap�rty at any tirne held by❑r for�he benefit vf Lender in any capacity, wi�Ch�ufi the wri��en consent
<br /> af Lender.
<br /> �o�erning Law. This Deed of Trus� wi�l be ga�erned by fed�ral Iaw appCicab�e tv Lend�r and, ta the extent not
<br /> preempted by federa�iaw,the laws�f the State of Ne�raska wi�haut regard#o i�s canflicts v�law provisivns. This
<br /> ❑eed of Trust has been acc�ep#ed by L�nder in the Sta�te of Nebraska.
<br /> �hvice a�Venu�. If there is a lawsui�, Trustor agr�es upon Lender's request t❑ submit tv the jurisdiction af �he
<br />