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<br /> �EE� �F T`F�LJS�'
<br /> �van Na: '[D'I���'l47 t��ntinued� Pag� �
<br /> EVENTS ❑F DEFAULT. Ea�h �f the fal[vwing, a� Lender's ❑ption, shall canstitute an EUenf of Defaul� under#his ❑ged
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> Payment D�faul�. Borrower fails to make any payment when due under th� Indeb�edness.
<br /> Dther ❑e°faults. Borrower or Trust�r fail� ta ��mply Wl�h or to p�rform any o�her term, �bligatian, cov�nant ❑r
<br /> canditi�n c�n�ained in this ❑eed af Trust❑r in any af the Rela�ed ❑acuments �r t❑ comply with or�o perfa�m any
<br /> term,obliga�ian, co�+enant ar c�ndition contained in any other agreement between Lender and B�rrower�r Trustflr.
<br /> �amplianGe Default. Failure to carnply with any ather term, ❑hligation, cv��nan� or conditi�n con�ained in this
<br /> De�d of Trus�,�the Note or�n any a�f the Relat�d ❑acurnen�s�
<br /> Defaul�vn��kher Paymenfis. Failure ��Trusfior withirt the time require� by fhis Deed��F Trust fo rnake any paym�nfi
<br /> for�axes ar insuran�e, or any other payrnent necessary�a pre�ent filjng o�or ta effect discharge ofi any lien.
<br /> Fal$e 5fia#ements. Any war�anty, represen�atian or s�a�ement made or furnished t� Lender by Borrower o�Trus�or
<br /> or on Borrow�r's ar Trustar's behalf under �his Deed o�F Trust ❑r the f�elated ❑o�uments is false or misleading in
<br /> any materia! respect, either now ❑r a# the time made or furnished �r la�cvmes false ar misleading at any �time
<br /> thereafter.
<br /> ❑efecfiive Collateraliza�ion. This Deed of Trust or any �f th� Related Da�uments ceases to be in full �orce an�f
<br /> �ff�c� {inc�uding failure of any coliateral da�ument �a create a ualid and perfected security in�erest or lien7 a� any
<br /> �Eme and far any reason,
<br /> ❑ea�h or Insolvency. The dea�h of eorrower ar Trustar.the insolvency vf 6arrower or Trus�or,the appointment af
<br /> a recei�er far any part❑f Barrower's or Trust�r's proper�y, any assignrnent�or the benefiit vf�redito�s, any type of
<br /> credi��r warlc�ut, ❑r the �omrnencement❑� any pro�eeding under any bankruptcy ar insalvency lavvs by ar against
<br /> Borrov►rer❑r Trustor,
<br /> Credi�ar or Forfeitu�e Proceedings. Cammencement o# fore�#osure or forfei�ure pr�aceedings, wh�ther b�judicial
<br /> proce�ding, self-help, repossessian ar any vther me�hod, by any credit�r of 6orrower or Trust�r or by any
<br /> g�vernmental agency agains� any property securing the lndebtednes�. This includes a garnishment �f any ❑f
<br /> 6orrower's ar Trustar's acGaun�s, including dep�sit aecaun�s, w��h Lende�. Howe�er, this E��n� ❑f ❑efault shal�
<br /> nnt apply if there is a good faifih dispu�e by Borrower❑r Trus�or as t� th� �al�dEty ar reasanableness of fhe claim
<br /> which is�Che basis�f�he creditor or�Farfeiture pro�eeding and if 6arrower or Trustor gi�es Lender wrifiten noti�e af
<br /> �he creditar or iorfeiture pr�ceeding and d�pasits with Lender manies or a surety band far the cr�edit�r or farfeitur�
<br /> proceeding, in an arnaunt d�termined by Lender, in i�s s�le discretion, as�eing an ade�uate reserv�or bond for thg
<br /> dispute.
<br /> Breach of�ther Agr��men�. Any breach by B�rrower ar Trus�or under the�erms of arty❑fher agreement hetw�en
<br /> B�rrower or Trustor and Lender tha�k �s no� remedied v+�i�khin any grace period pro�ided th�r�in, in�luding �vithaut
<br /> Ifmi�atton any agreement c�ncerning any indeh�edness or ❑ther ❑bligation af 6orrow�r or Trustor to Lender,
<br /> whe�her existing nov�r or later.
<br /> E�ents A���c�ing Guarantor. Any❑f the preceding even�s flccurs with respec�t❑ any guaran�or, endarser, surety,
<br /> ar accommadat��n par�y ❑f any af �he Indebtedness ar an� guarantor, �ndors�r, surety, or acc�mmada�ion party
<br /> dies nr l�ec�mes incarnpetent, ar r�v�lces �r disputes the Walidity ❑f, �r liability und�r, any Guaranty of the
<br /> Ind�bt�dness.
<br /> Ad�erse Change. A ma�erial ad�ers� change accurs in Barrawer's ❑r Trus�or's financia[ condi�ian, or Lender
<br /> belie�es the praspect ofi payment or p�rf�rmance o�th�lndeb�edness is impai�ed.
<br /> Insecurity. Lender in good faith belieWes itsel�insecure.
<br /> Right to Cure, If any de�ault, ather than a defau�t in payment, is curable and if Trustar has not been gi�en a noti�e
<br /> �f a breach of the same pra�ision of this Deed ❑f Trust within the prec�ding twelWe t'I�y man�hs, it may be cured if
<br /> Trustor, after Lender s�nds writt�n n�-�i�e �0 8orrawer demanding cure af such default: �1 f cures the default
<br /> wi�hin fifteen (�5y da�s; �r {�y if the cure requires more than f���een �15� days� imm�diafely initiates steps which
<br /> L�nder deems in Lend�r`s sole discretion to be sufficient ta cure th� default an� thereafter cantinu�s and
<br /> campletes al�reasanable and necessary steps su��ici�nt ta produce compliance as svon�s reasonably practica�.
<br /> RIGHTS AND RENiED[ES �N DEFAULT. If an E�ent�� ❑efault ac�urs under�his Deed of Trus�, a�any time fhereafter,
<br /> Truste�ar Lender may�xer�ise any one or more af�he fallovving rights and remedies:
<br /> Acceleration Upon �efaul�;Additjona� Remedies. If any EWent of Defauft accurs as p�r the terms af�he Nate
<br /> secured he�eby, Lender r�ay declare all Indebtedne�s securgd by thi� ❑eed�f Tru�t�o be due and pa�able and
<br /> the same shail thereupon k�ecome due and payable with�ut any presentmen�,demand, protest or nvtice of any
<br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may:
<br /> [a� Either in persan �r by agent, with ar with�ut bringing any action or pr��eeding, ar by a recei�er
<br /> appainted hy a caurt and withaut regard to the adequacy ❑f its se�urity, en�er upon and fake possession
<br /> of the Property, ar any par�E th�reaf, in its avvn name or in the name of Trustee, and da any acts which it
<br /> daems necessary or desirable�o preserve the vaiue, marketability❑r rent�bili�y❑f the Praperty, �r part of
<br /> the Property or inte�est in the Pr�perty; incr�ase �he income from the Property or prote�t the security a�
<br /> the Property; and, with ar withou� taking possessian of the Property, sue far or otherwise callec� the
<br />