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<br /> ��E�v �F T�us-r
<br /> Laan IVo: 'I�'I 29�'!47 {Continued� Rage 2
<br /> TRUSTOR'S REPRESENTATI�NS AN❑ INARRAIVTIES. Trustor warrants �ha�t: �ay �his Deed of Trust is executed a�t
<br /> gorrov�r�r's reques� and na� at�he request�f Lender; tb� Trustor has the full paw�r, r�ght, and au�hority to en�er int�
<br /> this Deed af Trust and to hypofihecate the Property, �cf the provEsions �f this Deed af Trust dv not conflict with. ❑r
<br /> resuft in a defiault under any agr�ement or ather instrument binding upon Trus�or and d❑ not result in a �iolafian at any
<br /> faw, regulation, cour� decr�e or order applicable �to Trustor, �dy Trust�r has established adequate m�ans af ob�aining
<br /> from Borrawer an a can�inuing basis information abau� B�rrovv�r's financial conditian; and 4ey Lender has made no
<br /> re��esentat�an ta Trus�flr about garrower{including wi�houfi limitation�he creditwar�hiness of gorrower}.
<br /> TRUST�R'S 1NAIVERS. Trusfor wai�es a(I rights ar defenses arising by reason❑f any "ane actian" �r "'anti-deficiency"
<br /> law, or any ather !aw which may pre�ent Lender from brin�ing any action against Trus�o�, in�luding a claim for
<br /> deficiency to �he exten� Lend�r is ❑therwise entitled t❑ a claim far defic�ency, before or affier Lender`s Gomrnen�ement
<br /> or�amp�etion vf any�oreclosure action,either�udiciafly❑r by exercise of a pav►rer a�F sale.
<br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERF�RMAN�E. Excep� as ❑�herwise pr�vided in this Deed of Trus�, gorrower shall pay t❑ Lender a�l
<br /> lnd�htedness secur�d hy this Deed af Trust as i� becorn�s due, and Borrawer and Trustvr shall p�rform all their
<br /> respective❑bligations under�he N�te,this aeed o�Trust, and�he Rela�ed Dvcuments.
<br /> P�5SES51�N AND i�l[AINTENANCE QF THE PR�PERTY. Borrower and Trusfor agre� that Borrowe�'s and Trustor's
<br /> possessian and use af the Praperty shall he go�erned �y the t�l�awing pr��isivns:
<br /> Possession and Use. Until the �c�urrence af an Evenfi af Default, Trustor may �Z� rernain in possessian and
<br /> cantr�l o�the Property; �2y use,opet�ate or rnanage t��� Property; and {3} collect the Ren�s fram the Prflperty.
<br /> i]uty to IVlaintain. Trustar shall maintain the Property in �enan�ab�e candition and promptly perform all repairs,
<br /> replacemen�s, and rnaintenance necessary to preserve its�alue.
<br /> Cvmplianc� 1Ni�h En�ironrnental Laws. Trustor represents and warrants t❑ Lender that: �1� ❑uring the periad �f
<br /> Trustor's ownership of the Praperty,there has been no use,generati�n, manufiacture,stora��,treatment, disposal,
<br /> rele�se or thr�atened release ❑f any Hazardous Subs�an�e by any person an, underr ab�ut ❑r fram �he Property;
<br /> �2) Trus�or has no knowledge of, �r reason to helieve that the�e has been, e�c�p�as pr��iously disclosed �o and
<br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, {a} any breach ❑r vialati�n of any Environmen�al Laws, �by any 1�5E�
<br /> generat�on, manufacture, storage, treatment, dEsposal, re�ease or�hreatened release ❑f any Hazardaus 5ubstance
<br /> �n, under, abou� or �rom the Proper�y by any prior v�nrners or occupan�s �f th� Praperty, or �c� any a�tual ar
<br /> threatened Iitiga�i�n ❑r �iaims of any kind by any �erson r�lating to such ma�kters; and {3} Excep� as preWiously
<br /> discfvsed��and ac�nawledged t�y Lender in wri�ing, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenant, �ontrac�tc�r, ag�n�ar other
<br /> authorized us�r of the Property shalt use, generate, rnanufa�ture, stare, �rea�, dispose of❑r releas� any Hazardous
<br /> Substance❑n, under, abau�❑r fr�m th� Proper�y; and �b� any such activi�y shall be candu�t�d in compliance with
<br /> a!I applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations and ordinanGes. including wi�haut limitation all
<br /> En�iranm�ntal Laws. Trustar auth�rizes Lender and its agents tn enter upon the Property to rnake such
<br /> inspections and tes�s, at Trustor's exp�nse, as Lender may deem apprapriate �o d�termine camplianc� o�F th�
<br /> Proper�y with this sectian �f the �eed o# Trus�. Any insp�cti�ns or tests made by L�nder shall he for Lend�r's
<br /> purposes❑nly and shall nat be Construed t❑ create any responsibil�ty ar liability on the part of Lender to Trustor�or
<br /> t� any other person, The r�presen�afii�ns and warranti�s �ontained herein are based ❑n Trustor's due diligenc� in
<br /> in�estigating the Property far Ha�ardous 5ubstance�. Trusfior h���by {1� releases and waives any future claims
<br /> agains� Lender far indemnity or cantrihutian in �th� event Trus�or be�omes liable f�r cleanup or o�her costs under
<br /> any such laws; and �2y agrees ta indemnify, def�nd, and hold harm[ess Lender agains�any and afl clairns, losses,
<br /> iiabilities, damages, p�nalties, and expenses which Lender may dir�ctly or indirectly sustain �r suffer resulting fram
<br /> a breach ❑f this section af the Deed of Trust or as a cans��uenCe of any use, generation, manufac�ure, sfiorag�,
<br /> disposa�, release or threa�ened r�lease o�curring priar fio Trusfor's ownership❑r interest in the Property, whether or
<br /> not the same was or should have b�en known to Tr�stor. Th� provisians ❑f �his sec�ion of the Deed ��Trust,
<br /> in�luding the obligation�o indemnify and defend, shall suruiWe the payment af the Indel�tedness and the sat�sfa�tion
<br /> and recan�eyance af the lien o��his ❑eed ❑f Trus�and shal�not he a�fec�ed by Lender's acquisi�ion�f any interest
<br /> in the Praperty, whether by fare�losure❑r otherwis�.
<br /> Nuisanee, Waste. Trustor shall n�t cause, conduct ❑r perrnit any nuisance nor cammi�, permi-�, ar suffer any .
<br /> stripping ❑f a� wa�te on or tfl the Property ❑r any partian afi fihe Praperty, Wi�hout limiting the g�nerality af the
<br /> -F�regoing, Trustor will na�rema�e, ❑r gran�to any ather party the right ta remo�e, any timber, minerals {in�lud�ng
<br /> ❑il and gas},caal, clay, scoria, sail,gra�el ar�ocic praduc�s withvut Lender's prE�r wri�fien consent.
<br /> Rema�a[of improvements. Trust�r shall nQt demolish ar r�mave any�mprovements from the Real Pr�perty withaut
<br /> L�nder'� prior written consent. As a candi�ian t❑the �emo�al ofi any lrnpra�ements, L�n�er may r��uir�Trustar tv
<br /> mal�e arrangements satisfact�ry t❑ Lender to rep�ace such �rnpra�ements with Impro�ements ❑� at I�ast equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right fiv Enter. Lender and Lender`s agents and representa�ives may enter upan fihe Real Property at ai[
<br /> reasvnable times �Q a�tend t❑ Lend�r's interests and tfl inspect the Real Prop�rty far purposes of Trustar's
<br /> compliance with�h�terms and canditions af this ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> Compliance wifih Gvvernmental Requirernents. Trust�r shall prvrnptly �omply wi�h all laws, ❑rdinances, and
<br /> reguia�ians, naw ar h�r�after in e�fectr of al! ga�ernmental auth�rities appli�able t❑ fihe use or o�cupancy ❑f�the
<br />