<br /> when prohibited by law,Tru�tar agrees to pay af!af Benefi�iary'�expenses if Trustor brea�he5 any�ovenant
<br /> in thi�Security Instrument.Trustor w�ll also pay on demand any amaunt incurred by Beneficiary for
<br /> insuring,inspecting,preser�ing or otherwise protecting the Property and Beneficiary's se�urity interest.
<br /> These expenses will bear interest from the date of the paymen�until paid in full at the highest interest rate in
<br /> efFect as prov�ded�n the term�af the Secured Debt.TruStor agrees ta pay all costs and expenses incurred by
<br /> 6eneficiary in c�llecting,enforcing ar pratertin�Beneficiary's rights and rernedies under this 5e�urity
<br /> instrurnent.This amount may in�lude,�ut is nat limited ta,attorn�ys'fee�,c�urt�osts,and o�her�egal
<br /> expenses.This Se�urity Instrumen#shal�remain in effe�t until releas�d.Trustar agre�s tv pay fvr any
<br /> re�o�dation casts af su�h release.
<br /> "17. EhIVIR�NMENTAL LAV�fS AND HAZARa�US SUBSTANCES.As u�ed in this settion,�1}
<br /> En�iranrnental Law means,without iimitation,the Cornprehensi�e En�iranmenta�Response,Cornpensatian
<br /> and Liabifity Act(CERCLA,42 U.S.C.96�1 et seq.},and a��other fede�al,state and loca�laws,regula�ions,
<br /> ordinan�e�,court orders,attorney generaf apinians ar interpreti�e letters concerning the pubfi�heaith,safety,
<br /> we�fare,environment or a hazardous sul�stance;and��}Hazardous Substante rneans any tflxi�,radioa�tive or
<br /> hazardous material,waste,pollutant or contaminant which has characteristies which render the sub5tance
<br /> dangerau�or p�tentially dangerous ta�he public health,safety,welfare or en�ironment.The terrn inc�udes,
<br /> without limitation,any substances de�ined as"hazardou�material,""taxic substan�e5,'°"hazardous waste"or
<br /> "hazardous substance"under any En�ironrnental Law.
<br /> Trust�r represents,warrants and agrees that:
<br /> A. Except as pre�iously disclosed and acknawledged in writing to Benefi�ia�y,no Hazardous 5ubstance is
<br /> or wi11 be�acated,stored or released an or in the Praperty.This restriction does not apply to small
<br /> quantities of Hazardous Substan�es that are generally reeognized to be appropriate for the narrna�use
<br /> and maintenance of the Property.
<br /> B. Except as pre�i�usly disc�osed and acknawledged in wri�ing t❑Benef��iary,Trustar and e�ery tenant
<br /> have been, are, and shali remain in fu11 compliance with any applicable En�ironmental Lavv.
<br /> C. Trustor shalf immediately notify geneficiary if a relea�e ar threatened release of a Hazardou�SubstanCe
<br /> occurs on,under or about the Property or th�r�is a�ialat�an�f any En�ironmental Law�on�erning the
<br /> Property.In such an event,Trustor shal!take al I necessary remed�al actian in accordance with any
<br /> Environrnental Law.
<br /> D.Trustor shall immediately no�ify Beneficiary in writing as sovn as Tru�tor has reason tv belie�e there is
<br /> any pending ar threatened in�estigation,�laim,o�prviceeding relating ta the refease ar threatened
<br /> release of any Hazardous 5ubstan�e or the�riolation of any En�ironm�ntal L.aw.
<br /> 1S. C�NDENINAT�C�N.Trustor will gi�e Ben�ficiary prompt notice af any pending or threatened action,by
<br /> pri�ate�r public entities to purchase or take any or a�f of the Pro�er�y�hrough cand�mnation,eminent
<br /> domain,or any other means.Trustor authorizes Benefi�iary to inter�ene in Trustor's narne in any af the
<br /> aba�e des�ribed acttans or claims.Trustor assigns��Beneficiary the pro�eeds af any award or clairn for
<br /> damage��onnected with a eondemnation ar ather taking of all�r any part of the Property.5uch pra�eeds
<br /> shall be�ansidered payments and will be applied as pro�ided in this Se�urity Instrument.ThiS assignrnent of
<br /> praceeds is subjeet to the terms of any prior mortgage,deed of trust,security agreement ar ather lien
<br /> dacument.
<br /> 19. tNSURAIVCE.Trust�r shall keep Property insured against I�ss�y fire,flood,theft and ather hazards and
<br /> risk�reas�nabky a5sociated with the Prflperty due ta its type and l�cativn.This insurance shall be mainta�ned
<br /> in the amQunt�and for the perivd�that Benefi�iary requires.Vllhat Bene�iciary requires pur�uant ta the
<br /> preceding two sentences�an�hange during the term of the Secured Debt.The insurance car�ie�-providing the
<br /> insurance shafl be ehasen by Trustor 5u�je�t t❑Bene�iciary's appro�al,whieh shall not be unreas�nably
<br /> withheld.If Trustar fails tv maintain the c��erage�escribed aba�e,Benefi�iary rnay,at Beneficiary's option,
<br /> abtain��verage to prote�t 6eneficiary's rights�n the Property according t�the term$of this Security
<br /> lnstrument.
<br /> �
<br /> �pQ9e � 1
<br /> _�994 Wolters ICluwer�inancial 5ervices-Bankers Systerns * FQrm iJ56-RE�T-NE 7 117 S12�12
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