<br /> ,
<br /> �z. A551GNMENT�F LEA5E5 AND RENTS.Trustar irre�oca�ly grant�,can�eys and sells ta Trustee,in
<br /> trust for the benefit of Beneficiary,as additi�nai se�urity al�the right,C�tle and interest tn and to any and a!I
<br /> existing or future leases,sublease�,and any❑ther written ar�erbal agreements for the use and o��upancy of
<br /> any portion of the Proper�y,in�fuding any extensions,renewals,modifi�ations ar substitutions of such
<br /> agreements�ail referred to a�"Leases"�and rents,issues and profits ta�l referred ta as"Rents"}.Trustor wi�!
<br /> prornp�ly pro��de Beneficiary with true and c�rrect copie�of all�x�st+ng and future Leases.Trustnr may
<br /> �olle�t,re�ei�e,enjoy and use the Rents so long as Trustor is not in default under the terms of thi�5e�urity
<br /> lnstrurnent.
<br /> Trustor acknowledges that this as�ignmen�is perfected upvn the recording of this Deed of T�ust and that
<br /> Benefi�iary is entitled to notify any❑�Trustor's tenants to rnake payment of Rents due or�o bec�me due to
<br /> Benefitiary.However,Beneficiary agrees that only on de�ault will Benefic�ary notifyTrustar and Trustor's
<br /> tenants and make demand that all future Rents be paid directly to Beneficiary.�n recei�ing notice�f default,
<br /> Trustvr will endorse and deli��r to Beneficiary any payment of Rents in Trustor's�ossession and wi�i receive
<br /> any Rents in tru�t far Bene�iciary and wil!nat�vrnmingle the R�nts with any other funds.Any amounts
<br /> collected wi��be applied as�ro��ded in this Security instrument.Trusto�warrant5 that no default exists under
<br /> the Lease�ar any applicable landlordltenant iaw.Trustor also agrees to maintain and require any tenant to
<br /> �omply with the terrns o�the LeaSes and applica�le law.
<br /> 73. LEASEHaLDS;C�IVD�NIINlUMS;PLANNED UNiT DEVEL�PMENTS.Trustor agrees t�compfy
<br /> with the pro�isions of any lease if this Security lnstrurnent i$an a leasehold.If the Praperty includes a unit in
<br /> a�ondorninium or a planned unit deveiapment,Trustor will perform all af Trustvr`s dutie�under the
<br /> cavenants,hy-laws,or regulations o�the condom3niurn❑r planned unit
<br /> de�elopment.
<br /> '14. DEFAULT. Trustor w�l!be in d�fault if any party abligat�d on the S�cured Debt fails tv rna�Ce payment when
<br /> due.Trustor will be in default if a�reach occurs under the terrns af this Security Instrument or any vther
<br /> da�ument executed for the purpose�f creating,securing or guarantying the 5e�ured Debt.A go�d faith beli�f
<br /> by Beneficiary that Benefi�iary a�any time is insecure with respect tv any person�r entity a�ligated❑n the
<br /> Secured D�bt vr that the prospect af any payment or the�alue of the Praperty is impaired shall also constitute
<br /> an e�ent af default.
<br /> '15. RENIEDlES�N D�FAULT.In some instances,federal and state law will require Beneficiary to pravide
<br /> Trustar with nntice af the right ta cure vr other notices and rnay establ�sh time schedule�far forecfosure
<br /> aetions.Subject ta these fimitat�ons,if any,6eneficiary may accelerat�the Secured Debt and fareclose this
<br /> 5e�urity Instrument in a manner pro�ided by law if Trustar i�in de�ault.
<br /> At the option of B�neficiary,all or any part af the agreed fees and charges,accrued interest and principal
<br /> shall became imrned�a�ely due and payable,after gE�ing notice if requi�ed by law,upan the o��urrence o�a
<br /> default or anytime thereafter.In addition,Beneficiary shal�be entitled ta all the remedies pra�ided by law,
<br /> the terms of the Secured Debt,this Security Instrument and any related dacurnent�,includin�without
<br /> lirnitation,the power to�e�l the Property.
<br /> if there is a default,Trustee shall,in addition ta any ather permitted remedy,at the reque5t of the
<br /> Beneficiary,ad�ertise and 5���the Property as a who�e or in separat�par�els at public auction to the highest
<br /> bidder for cash and ton�ey absolute title�ree and�lear of ali right,title and interest af Trustar a�5uch time
<br /> and place as Trustee designates.Trustee shall gi�e notice�f sale in�luding the time,terms and plaee of 5ale
<br /> and a des�ription❑f the property ta be sold as required by the applicable law in efFect at the time of the
<br /> prap�sed sa I e.
<br /> llpon sale of the P�operty and t�the extent nat prahibited by law,Tru�tee shal!make and d�liver a deed to
<br /> the Property sold wh��h con�eys absolute title ta the pur�haser,and after first paying all fees,charges and
<br /> co�t5,shall pay to Benefi�iary all moneys ad�an�ed for repairs,taxes,insuranee,fiens,a5�essments and�rior
<br /> en�umbrantes and interest thereon,and the prin�ipal and interest on the Se�ured Debt,payEng the surplus,if
<br /> any,tv TruStor.Benefi�iary may pur�hase the Pr��er�y.The re�itals in any deed af con�eyan�e shall be
<br /> prima fa�ie e�idence af the facts set forth therein.
<br /> A�I remedie�are distin�t,curnulati�e and nvt exclu�ive,and the Beneficiary is entitled to all remedies
<br /> pr��ided at faw vr equ�ty,whether or not expressly set farth.The accep�ance by Beneficiary of any sum in
<br /> payment or partial payment�n the 5ecured Debt after the balance i�due or is aecelerated ar after fvreclosure
<br /> p��ceedings are f�led shall not canstitute a wa��er af Sene�iciary's right to require cornplete cure af any
<br /> existing default.By no�exercising any remedy on Trustor's default,Beneficia�y do�s not wai�e 8enefi�iary's
<br /> right to later consider the e�ent a defau�t if it�an�inues or happens
<br /> again. (page4of7)
<br /> _1994 Walters lCluwer Financial Services-Bankers 5ystems * Farm lJSB-RE�T-IV E��Il FI�012
<br />