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��15��833 <br /> �EE� �F TRLJ�T <br /> Loan fVo: ��1�9D��4 ��on�inued� Page 7 <br /> Insecurity. Lender in gaod faith belieWes itself insecure. <br /> Existing fndebtedn�ss. The payrnent of any instailm�nt of principal ar any in�erest on�he Existing Indebtedn�ss is <br /> nat mad�within the time requ�red by the pr�missory note evidencing su�h indebtedness, or a defaulfi o�curs under <br /> the instrument se��ring sucl�indeb�edness and is not cured during any applicab{e grace perio� in such instrum�nt, <br /> or any suit ar❑the�r ac�i�n is commenced t❑fore�lase any exis�ing lien on the P�operty. <br /> Righ�tv Cure. If a��y default, other than a default in payment, is curab�e and if Trustor has no�been giWen a no�ice � <br /> fl�a breach ❑f the same pro�is�vn of this Deed of Trust wEthin the preced�ng twel�e {��} manths, it may be cured if <br /> Trustor, af�er L�nd�r sends wri�ten no�ice �o Borrawer dernanding cure o� such de�Fault: ��} cures the defaul� <br /> within fifteen �15}days; ❑r R�] i�the cur� requ�res more than�ift�en �15� days, imrnediat�iy initiates steps which <br /> Lender deems in Lender's sflle discretion to be suffici�nt to cure the de�ault and �h�reafter con�inue� and <br /> �ompletes ali reasanahle and necessary s�leps sufficien�tv praduce Gompl�ance as soon as reasona�ly prac�ical. <br /> RIGHTS AiVf] REMED��S �N DEFAULT. l�F an E��nt of De�auft occurs under this Deed of Trus�, at any time ther�after, <br /> Trustee or Lender may�xercis�any ane ar more of th�fallawing rig.hts and remedies. <br /> Accelerafiion�tpon Defaul�; Additivnal Remedies. �f any Ev�nt o�Q�fault occurs as per the�erms of the Nvte <br /> secured hereby, Lender may declare all Indebt��ness secured by this Deed of Trust tv be due and payabl�and <br /> the same sha�f thereup�n become due and payable withvu�any presentment. demand, protest�r notice of any <br /> kind. Th�reafter, Lend�r may: <br /> {a� Eith�r in persan or by agent, with or withaut bringing any a�t}an vr proceedin�, or �y a receiver <br /> app�inted by a cour� and withvu�regard to�he adequacy o�its security� en�ter upon and take passession <br /> of the Prc�perty, or any part�hereof, in its own name ar in the name of Trustee, and do any acts v►rhich it <br /> deems n�cessary or desirabl�to preser�e the�alue, rnarketabili�y vr rentabili�y of th� Praperty, ar part of <br /> the Property❑r intersst in the Prvperty; incraase�he ;ncorne from the Property or protect the security of <br /> the Prap�rty; and, wi�h or withoufi taking possession of #he Praperty, sue f�r ❑r otherwise col�ec� tne <br /> rents, issues and profits �f�he Property, including thase past due and unpaid, and apply�he same, less <br /> cos�s ar�d expenses�f opera�ian and c�l�e�tion attorneys' fees,ta any indebtedness s�cured hy this De�d <br /> of Trus�, a1[ �n such order as Len�ec may deterrnine. The entering upon and takin� passessian of the <br /> Praperty, the �ollectian nf su�h rents, issues and profi�s, and th� applicatian �hereof shall not cure Qr <br /> waive any defauft or nv�i�e a�de�raul�under�his Deed of Trus�❑r invalidate any act done in response to <br /> such def�u�t or pursuant to such no��ce❑f d��Fault; and, notwithstanding the continuan�e in possession of <br /> the Property❑r the co�lec�ion, receipt and applicatian of rents, issues ar profi�s, Trustee or Lend�r shall <br /> be entitled to exer�ise euery right pro�ided for in the IVote or#he Related aacurnents ar by law upon the <br /> occurr�nee of any e�ent af default, inc{uding�he right to exercise the power Qf sale; <br /> {b} Commence an action�o foreclas�this Deed o�Trust as a martgage, app�int a receiver❑r specifii�ally <br /> enfvrce any of�he covenants hereof; and <br /> {c} Deli��r to Trus�ke�e a writ�en declaration of defaul�and demand fiar sale and a written not�ce vf defaul� <br /> an�!elec�i�n to cause Trustor's interest in�he Praperty to b�sold, which notice Trust�e shall cause ta be <br /> duly filed far recard in the apprapr�afie offices afi the County in which�he Praperty is lacat�d; and <br /> �d} With respe�t to a11 or any part of the Personal Proper�}�, Lender shall haWe all the rights and r�medies <br /> of a secured par�y under the Nehras�a Un�farm Cammercial Cade. <br /> Foreclasure�ay Power vf Sale. I�Lender e�ec�s t�foreclvse by ex�rcise vf the Power o�Sale herein canta�ned, <br /> Lender shall natiiy Truste� and shall d�pasit with Trust��this Deed �f Trust and the Nat� and such receip�s <br /> and eviden�e❑f expendi�ures made and seGured by this Deed of Trust as T�ustee rnay require. <br /> �a} Upon r��eipt o'�su�h notice fr�m Lender, Trus�kee shall cause to be r�corded, publish�d and deliWered <br /> to Trustor such No�ice vf Default and Notice af 5ale as �hen required by law and by this ❑�ed of Trus�. <br /> Truste� shall, without demand on Trustor, aft�r such time as may �hen be r�quired by law and after <br /> re�ordation vf such Nafiice of ❑e�ault and after N�tice of 5aie ha�ing been gi�en as required �y faw, sell <br /> the Praperty at the time and piac� ❑f sale fixed hy i� in su�h Nofice af Sal�, either as a whole, ar in <br /> s�parate Ivts or parcels or iterns as T�ustee shaIl deem expedient, and in su�h arder as it may determine� <br /> at public aucti�n to the highest bidder for cash in lawful money af the �nited Sta�es payab�� at the tirne <br /> of sale. Trustee shall de�iver ta such purchaser �r purchasers th�revf its g�a�l and suffici�n� deed ar <br /> deeds �onveying �he property sa sald, bufi Wi�hout any co�enan� ar warranty, express or implied. The <br /> recitals �n such de�d of any mat�ers or facts shail h� conclus��e proof of th� �ru�hfulness �herevf. Any <br /> person, including wi�khau�limita�tian Trustor, Trus�ee, �r Lender, rnay purchase at such sa�e. <br /> �b� AS may be permitted by law, a�er deduc�ing all �osts, fees and expenses a�Trustee and of this <br /> Trust, including costs of evidence❑f ti�le in connectian with sale,Trustee shall apply the proceeds vf sale <br /> �a payment a� �i) ali sums expended under th��erms af this Deed of Trust ar under the terrns�fi th� Note <br /> not then repaid. �ncluding but not limit�d tfl accrued in�erest and late charges, �ii� all o�her surns �hen <br /> se�u�ed hereby, and 4iiiy the r�maind�r, i�f any,to �he person or persons [egal�y en�itl�d theret�, <br /> {�� Truste�may in fhe manne�pro�ided by law pastpone sale�f ai�or any por�ion of the Property. <br /> Rernedies Not Ex�lusirre. Trustee and Lencler, and �a�h �f them, shall be entitled to enforce paym�nt and <br />