<br /> F�EE❑ �F TI�UST
<br /> Lt�an Na: �D 1�9��144 {Cantinued� Page 3
<br /> Prop�rty, inciuding with�ut }irni�atian, the Am�ricans V11ith DisabElities Act. Trusto� may cont�st in �aot� faith any
<br /> such law, ordinance, or reguiation and wifihhold compliance during any praceeding, including appropriat� appeais,
<br /> sa long as Trustor has notified Lender in wri�ing prior to daing so and so long as, in Lender's soie opinion, Lend�r's
<br /> interests in the Property ar� nat jeopardized. Lender may require Trusfar �❑ p�st adequate security or a surety
<br /> bond, reas�nably satisfact�ry to Lender,to pro�Cect Lender"s int�rest.
<br /> Du#y t❑ Protect. Trustor agrees neither ta abandon or l�a�e unattended the Property. Trustor shall da all flther
<br /> acts, in addition�v those acts sef farth aboWe in this section, which frorn�he �hara�ter and use of 1:he Prnperty are
<br /> reasvnably necessary ta prn�ect and preserWe the Property.
<br /> DUE �N SALE- CDNSENT BY LErIlDER. L�nd�r rnay, at Lender's aptifln, declare immed�ately due and payahle all sums
<br /> secured by this Deed af Trust upon th�sale ar�ransfer, withQu�Lender's priar writt�n consent, o#all or any part of�he
<br /> Real Property, ar any interes�in the Rea! Praperty. A "safe or transfer" means the can�eyance of Real Property or any
<br /> right, title or interest in the Real Property; whether fegal, beneficial ❑r equi�abie; whether �oluntary or inWaluntary�
<br /> whether by outright sale, deed, insfiallm�n� sal� cnntra�t, land contract, contra�t for deed, ieasehald int�rest with a
<br /> term gr�ater than three {3� years, lease-optian contra�t, or by sa1e, assignment, �r transfer�f any b�neficial interest in
<br /> or to any land trust holding tit�e to �he fteal Prop�rty, vr by any other methad of con�reyance af an interest in the Rea�
<br /> Property. If any Trustvr is a corparation, partnership vr limi�ed liabil�ty company, �kransfer also includ�s any change in
<br /> ownership of more than twenty-�ive percent ��5°/fl� af the vo�ing stock, partn�rship interests or limited liabili��r company
<br /> interestsr as �he case ma� be, of su�h Trust�r. H�we�er, this �ption shail not be axercised by Lender if such exercise
<br /> is prohibited by federal law or by Nebraska law.
<br /> TA�CES AND LlENS. The �a�lawing pro�isions relating to the taxes and li�ns on fihe Praperty are part of this Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Paym�nt. Trustor shall pay when due �and in a�l e�ents prior to delinquency} all taxes,spe�ial taxes, assessments,
<br /> �harges {including water and s�Wer7, fines and impositians levied against or❑n a�count of the Praperty, and shal�
<br /> pay when due all claims fiar warEc �ione an Qr far services rendered or material �furnished �a th� Property. Trustor
<br /> shall main�ain the Praperty free of all ��ens haWing priority over or equal to the int�rest of Lender und�r this Qeed ❑f
<br /> Trust, exc�pt for �he �ien of �kaxes and assessm�nts not due an� ex�ept as otherwise provided in �this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right tv Contest. Trustar may wEthhold paym�nt af any tax, assessment, ❑r claim in conn�ction with a good fai�h
<br /> dispute ❑�er th� abligation to pay, so long as Lend�r's inter�st in the Prop�r�y is nvt jeopardized, If a �ien arises or
<br /> is �ifed as a result of nonpayment, �frustor shall wi�thin fi�teen �15f days af�ter �:he li�n arises or, if a lien is filed,
<br /> within fi�teen I15} days after Trus�ar has notic� of the filing, secure the discharge of the lienf �r if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit rrvi�h Lend�r cash�r a suf�i�ient carparate surety bond or other security satisfac��ry to Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient to discharge the lien plus any costs and a��orneys' fees, or other charges that c�uld acc�-ue as a
<br /> result of a foreclasur�or sale under the lien. In any cvntest,Trustor shall defend itse�fi and Lender and shal�satisfy
<br /> any ad�erse judgrnent bef�re enfar�ement against the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additiQnal abjigee
<br /> � under any surety band��rnished in the contest pr�ceedings.
<br /> Evid�nce o�Paymenfi. Trustor shall upan d�mand furnish t❑ Lender satisfac��ry ev�dence af paymenC ot th�taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall authvri�e the apprvpriate gaaernmental offiGial to deli�er ta Lend�r at any time a writ�len
<br /> statement vf�he�axes and assessm�nts agains��he Property.
<br /> Noxice af Canstructian. Trus�or shall na�i�y Lender at least fifteen {15} days l�e�o�s any wvrl�is ctimmen��d, any
<br /> s�r�ices are furn�shed, ar any materials are supplied �to the Property, if any me�hanic's lien, materialmen's lien, vr
<br /> other lien could be asser�ed an ac�aunt af the wark, serWices, ❑r materials. Trustvr wilE upon reques��f Lend�r
<br /> furnish to L�nder advance assurances satisfactory t❑ Lender that Trustor can and wi�l pay the cost of such
<br /> Empro�em�n�s.
<br /> PRC�PERTY DANIAGE 1111SURANCE. Tf�e fol�awing prv�isi�ns relating to insuring �khe Prvperty are a part ❑f this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> {Vlain�enance af Insurance. Trustv� shall procure and m�intain policies af fire insurance with standard ex�ended
<br /> c�vera�e endorsements �n a fair �alue basis for th� �ull insurable �alue couering all Impra�em�nts on the Real
<br /> Pr�perty in an amoun� su��i�ienfi to a�Qid application of an� coinsuranc� claus�, and with a stan�ard mvrtgagee
<br /> clause in fa��r o�F Lender. Trustvr shall also pracure and main�ain comprehensi�e general liability insurance in su�h
<br /> co�erage amounts as Lender may request wi�h Trus�ee and Lender being named as additional insureds in such
<br /> liability insurancs palicies. Additionally, Trustar shall maintain such ❑th�r insurance, including but no� IirnEted t❑
<br /> ha�ard, lausiness in�erruptivn, and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasonably require. Pali�ies shali be writt�n in
<br /> �orm, amaunts, co�era�es and basis reasonably acceptab�e �t� Lende� and issued by a campany vr �ompanies
<br /> reasona�(y acceptable ta L�nder. Trustor, upvn request of L�nder, will deliver ta Lender �rom time ta tirne the
<br /> palicies�r certifica�tes o� insurance in forrn satisfact�ry to Len�l�r, including stipuIatians that caWerag�s will nat he
<br /> can�elled ar diminished without at leas�ten �'��� days prior wri��en nv��ce ta Lender. Each insurance pali�y als4
<br /> shal! include an endQrsemenf pr��iding�hat ca�erage in�aWor of L�nde�wili nv�be impaired in any way�y any act,
<br /> omissian ar default of Trustor or any o�h�r person. Should the Real Praparty be IQ�ated in an area designated by
<br /> the Administra�or of the F�dera! Emergency Management Agency as a sp�cial �lood hazard area,Trus�or agrees to
<br /> obfiain and rnaintain Federa� Flaad lnsurance, i� avai{ab�e, far th� fu{l unpaid principal ba�ance ❑f the l�an and any
<br /> prior �iens on the property securing th� Ioan, up to �he maximum policy limi�s set under the National Flood
<br />