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��1 5��831 <br /> con�inue to pay to Lende�r�he anaou�.t�f the s�para�ely designa�ed paym�n�s tha�were due when�he <br /> insurance ca�erage��ased t�be in effe��. Lend�r will accept, use and retain these payments as a <br /> nan-refundable loss res�rve in�ieu of Mort�age�nsurance. 5uch loss reser�e shall be non�refundable, <br /> notwithstanding the fact that the Laan is u�t�rnate�y paid in full, and L�nder shall no�be required to pa� <br /> Borrower any in�.erest�r earnings on su�h loss reserve. Lender can no Ianger requir�Ioss reser�e payments <br /> if Mor��age Insurance c�Wera�e�in the amount and fnr th�p�r�od�hat Lender requires}pra�rided b�an <br /> �nsurer selected b� Lender a�ain becomes avai�able, is���ained, and Lender requires separa�ely designa�ed <br /> pa�rments ���xr��d the pren�iums�Qr N�o�aa�e�ns�ran��. �f��nd�r r�quzred�ar�bag��n�uran�e a�a <br /> �andit�an tif maki��.g�he Loan and Borrawer was required�a make separatel�designated pa�ments t�ward the <br /> premiums for Mortgage�nsuran�e, Barrower shal�pay th�pr�miurns required to mainta�n Mor��a�� <br /> �nsuran�e in effec�, �r t�provid�a non-refunda�le loss �reser�re, unti� Lender's requirement fo�r Mar�gage <br /> Insuranc�ends in accardance w��h any wr�tten agre�men�be�ween Borrower and Lender providing for such <br /> �erminat�fln nr unt�l�erminal�on is requ�red b�Appli�able Law, Nothing �n�his Section 10 affe��s <br /> Borr�wer's ob�igatian��pay in�erest at the ra�e provided in the No�e. <br /> Mar�gage Insurance reirnburses Lender�or any entit��hat purchase��he Note} f�r cer�a�n�asses i�ma�r inCur <br /> if B�rra�rer d�es no�repay �he Laan as agreed. Borrower is n�t a par�y to�he Mor�gage�nsurance. <br /> Mor�gage in�urer�evalua�e�he�r total risk an a�l such insurance in farc�fr�m time�a time, and may enter <br /> inta agreements with�ther part�e��hat shar�or rno�.�fy th�ir risk, ar reduce losses. These agreements are on <br /> terms and c�ndi�ians�hat are satisfactory�o the mortgage in�urer and the othe�r party�ar parties}to�hese <br /> a�reernents. These a�reements rnay requ�r�the m�r�gage in�urer to rnake paymen�s using any saurce of funds <br /> �ha�the mor�gag�insurer may ha�re availab�e�wh�ch may inGiude funds ob�a�ned from Mor�gage Insuranc� <br /> premiums�. <br /> As a resu�t of these agre�m�n�s, Lender, any pur�haser of the Note, ano�her�nsurer, any re�nsurer, any ather <br /> enti�y, or any aff�l�ate of an�of the foregoing, may rec�i�re tdir�cti�or indirectly}arnounts that derive frorn <br /> �or might be characte�rx�ed as}a por�ion of Borrawer's payments for Mar�gag��nsurance, �n exchange far <br /> sharin�or modifying�he rno��ga�e insur�r's r�sk, ar r�ducing lasses. If such agreernent provides tha�an <br /> aff�liate af Lender�ake�a share of the�nsurer's�r�sk in exchange far a share of the prerniums pa�d to�he <br /> insurer, the arran�emen�is af�en�ermed "�apti�e reinsu�rance." Fur�h�r: <br /> ta} Any such agreemen�s w��i nnt affec��h�amoun�s that Borrower has agreed to pay far IVlor�gage <br /> Insurance, or any o�her terms of the Lvan. Su�h a�reements will not increase the amoun� <br /> Borrawer will owe�or Mor�gage Insuran�e, and�hey w��l no�en.t�tie Borrawer�o any refund. <br /> �b� Any such agreemen�s�aFfe�t the righ�s Borrawer has-�if any �wi�h respeCt tv the <br /> �Vlor�gage Insurance under the I3omeovvn�rs Pra�ectian Act of 1998 or any other law. These rights <br /> rnay�nc�ude the r�gh��o recei�e�erta�n d�5cio�ures, �.o reques�and obtain cance�lation vf�he <br /> Mortgage In�urance, to have the Mortgage Insurance�.erm�na�ed aut�ma�iCaily, andlor to recei�e <br /> a refund of any M�r�gage Insurance premium5 tha�were unearned at the f�me vf such <br /> cance��a��an or term�na��on. <br /> 1'�. Assignment of N�isce�laneous Praceeds: Forfe�ture. Ail Miscelian�ous Proceeds are hereby assign�d to <br /> and sha11 b�pa�d to L�nder. <br /> �f the Proper�y��damaged, such Miscellan�ous Proceeds sha11 be appl�ed�o res�orat�on or repair of the <br /> Property, if th�re�torat�on or rep�ir is econom�ca�ly f�asible and Lender's security is not Iessene�. I3uring <br /> sueh repair and res�ora�ion period, Lend�r�ha��have�he right�o hald such Misc�ilaneaus Pr�c�eds un�i� <br /> Lend�r ha�had an�ppflrtunity ta�nspec�su�h Property to ensure the tivork has been com�i�t�d to Lender's <br /> NESRASKA-Single�art-�iiy-�annie MaclFreddie Mac UNt�QRM INSTAUM�NT �orm 3428 1lQ1 <br /> VMP Q VM�fi(NE){13D2j <br /> Walters�luwer�inanc+af Ser�ices Page 9 af i 7 <br />