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��1 5��831 <br /> far the repairs and restora�ifln in a singie payment or in a series of progress paymen�s as the work is <br /> compi��ed. �f the insurance or c�nd�mna�ion proceeds are not suff�ci�nt tfl repair�r restore�he Prop�rt�, <br /> Borrower is not relieved of�orro��r's obligatian for�he completion of suc�repair ar rest�ration. <br /> Lender or its agent may make reasonable�ntr��s upon and inspe�tzons af the Property. �f�t has reasanable <br /> cause, Ler�der may inspe�t the in�eriar af the�mpro��ments on th�Praperty. Lende�shal�g�v�Borrower <br /> notice at the time af ar przflr�a such an irit�ri�r inspectiQn spec�f�ring such�rea�onable cause. <br /> $. B�rrflwer's Loan Applicat�nn. Bflrr�w�r shall be in d�fau��if, dllring the L�an applica��on prflcess, <br /> Borrower or any pe�sons or en���zes ac�ing at the direction�f Borrower nr wi�h B�rrawer's I�riowledge ar <br /> consen�ga�e rna�er�a�iy fais�, misleadxng, or�nacc�ra�e information flr s�at�ments to Lend�r�ar fai�ed to <br /> provzde Lende�r wi�h materia� informa�ion}�n c�nne��ion�vi�h�he Loan. Ma��r�a�r�presentatians inciude, but <br /> ar�n�t lirn�ted to, repr�sentatians con�ern.i�.g Bflrz-ower's a�cupancy af the Prop�rty �s Borrawer'�p�r�nc�pal <br /> res�d�nG�. <br /> 9. Protec�ion �f Lender's lnterest in the Proper�y and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If�a} <br /> Borrower fai�s t�perfor�n�he covenants ar�d agreernents contain�d in this Securi�y Instn.�m�nt, �b}there�s a <br /> l��al proceed�ng that migh�si�nificant�y affect Lender's znterest�n the Property ar�dlor rights under this <br /> S�curity Instrurnent�such as a pr�ceeding in bankruptcy, pro�a�e, for cand�mnat�on or forfeiture, far <br /> �nf�rcement of a lien wh�ch may attain priority over this 5ecurity Instrum.ent or�o enforce�aws ar <br /> r�gulations}, or�c}Borr�v�e�has aband�ned the Prap�rty, then Lender rnay do and pa�r for wha�e�rer is <br /> rea�anab�e or appropriate to pr�t�c�Lender's interes�in the Pr�per�y and rights under�his S�cur�ty <br /> �nstrument, �z�c�uding protecting andlor assessing�he va�ue af th�Praper�y, and s�curing andlar repairing <br /> the Praper�y. Lender`s acti�ns can in�lude, bu�are not��m..�ted�a: �a}pay�n�any sums secur�d by a�i�n <br /> which has prior�ty o�er this Security Ins�rurr�.ent; ��a� appearing�n�aur�; and�c�payzng reasanab�e attorzxeys' <br /> fees t�protec�its in�ere�t�n the Property and�ar rights under this 5e�urity Instruxnent, �ncXud�ng its secured <br /> pasitian in a ba��kruptcy proce�ding, Se�uring the Property in�iudes, but is x�ot limited to, ente�r�ng the <br /> Praper�y to make repairs, change�ocl�s, replace ar board up doars and winda�vs, drain water fr�m pipes, <br /> eliminate bu�lding o�ather code violat�ons or dangerous cond��ions, and have u�ilities turned on or off. <br /> Althau�h Lender may tak�actzon under this Sec�ion 9, Lender daes nat ha�e t�do so and is not under any <br /> dut�r ar ob�iga�ion��do so. It is agreed that Lender incurs n�liabili�y far not�aifing any or ali a�tions <br /> au�horized under�his Se�tion 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lende�under this Sec�zon 9 sha�l b�cam�add�t�onal debt of B�rrower secured by <br /> this Security Ins�rument. Thes�amounts shail bear�nterest at the Na�e rate from the date nf d�sbursement <br /> and shal�be payab�e, w�th such xnt��est, u��n notic� fram L�nder�a B�rrow�r requesting payment. <br /> �f�his Security�nstrument is on a Ieasehold, Borrawer shall c�mply with all the pr��isions�f the Ieas�. If <br /> Borrower acquires fee tit�e to the Praper�y, the�eas�ho�d and the fee ti��e sha��n��rnerge un�ess Lend�r <br /> agrees to t�e merger in writing. <br /> '1 D. [`I[ortgage Insurance. �f Lender requ.ired M�rtgage Insuranc�as a condi�ion�f making th�Laan, Borrawer <br /> sha�1 pay the prem�ums required to maintain the Mor�gage Insuran��in eff�ct. If, for any reason, the <br /> Mor��age�nsurance coverage requ�red by L�nder ceases�o be aWailable from th�mor�gage insurer that <br /> pre��aus�y prov�ded su�h�nsurance and Borrfl�ver was re�u�red to make separate�y designated payments <br /> toward the premiurn,s for Martgage Insurance, Bor�ower sha��pa�the p�emiums required to abta�n coverage <br /> substantialty equi�aient�o the M�rtgage�nsurance previously in effect, at a c�st subs�ant�a�ly equivai�nt to <br /> th�cast to Borrawer�f the M�rtgag��nsurance pr�vi�usl� in effect, from an alternate mortgage insu�rer <br /> s�l��ted�y L�nder. �f substantially equ�val�nt Mortgag�In�uranc�co�erage i�no�aWaila���, Borrower sha�� <br /> NEBRASKA-5ingie Family-�annie Ma�1Fr�ddi�Ma��NfFaRM INSTf�UMEN� Form 3D�8�ID1 <br /> VMP� VMPS{N�!t�3021 <br /> W�lters K�uwer Financial 5ervices Page 8 af 17 <br />