��1 5��831
<br /> Any appli�:ation of pa�rnents, i��surance proLeeds, or N�iscellaneou� Pra�eeds to prin��pa�due under��e Nnte
<br /> sha�I nat extend or pas�pone the due date, �r change the amount, of the Periodic Payrnents.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay��L,end�r an the day P�riodic Payments are due under�he
<br /> �ote, until the Note is paid in full, a sum�the "Funds"} to�ro�ide for payment of amounts due for: {a�taxes
<br /> and assessrnen�s and ather items��hi�h can attain priority o�er this Se�urity Instru�men�as a lien ar
<br /> encumbrance on the Froper��; �b� �easeho�d payments �r groun� rents on the Proper��, if a�y; �e�premiums
<br /> for any and a��xnsurance r��ui�ed�y Lender under Sec��on S; and�d} Mor�gage Insurance premiums, �f an�r,
<br /> ar an�sums paya��e�y�Barr�v�rer�o Lender in�ieu of the paymen�of Nlor�ga�e In�urance premiums�n
<br /> accordan�����th�he pro�isions of Sec�ion 1�. These i�ems are caii�d "Escraw�tems." At arigination or a�
<br /> an��im�during the terrn of th�Loan, Lender rnay requ�re tha�Community Associa�ian Dues, Fees, and
<br /> Assessrnents, �f an�, be escro�ued by Borro�ver, and�uch dues, f�es an�assessmen�s shal�b�an Escrflw
<br /> Ite�rz. Borrowez sha�l prompt�y furnish�o I,�nder a11 notices of amoun�s�a be paid under this 5ect�on.
<br /> Borrovv�r shall pay Lender�h�Funds fQr Escrow �t�ms unless Lender u�a��es Borrow�r's obli�atzon�o pay
<br /> the Funds for an�or aIi Es�row I��ms, Lender may�aiv�Borrower's obligation�o pay to Lender Funds fnr
<br /> any or al�Escrow�tem�at any��me. Any such wai�er may only be in writin�. In the e�ent of such wai�er,
<br /> Ba�rower shal�pay d�rect��, when and where payab�e, the amounts due fflr any Escrow Ite�ns for which
<br /> paymen�of Funds has b�en waived by Lender and, �f Lender requires, shall furn�sh�a Lender rece�pts
<br /> eviden�ing such pa�men�within such�ime per�od as I.ender�nay require. Borrower's ob�zga�ion�o make
<br /> su�h payments and�o pro�ide receipts shal� for aiI purposes be d�emed t�b�a ca�enan�and agreement
<br /> con�ained�n this Secur��y�nstrumen�, as�h�ph�-a�e "c�venant and agreement" is used in S�c�ion 9. If
<br /> Borrower�s ohligated�o pay Escrow ��ems direc��y, pursuant to a wa��rer, and Borrower fails to pay the
<br /> amoun�due for an E�crow I�em, Lender may ex�r��s� �ts righ�s under 5ec�ion 9 and pay such am�unt and
<br /> B�r�ower shai�then be nbi�gated under Sec�ion 9�a repay to Lender any such amoun�. Lender may revo�e
<br /> the wa�ver as to any�r aII Escrow Items a�any�ime b�a notice gi��n in accordan��wi�h S�ction �5 and,
<br /> upan such re�ocation, Barrawer sha�l pay�o Lender al� Funds, and in su�h amounts, �ha�are then requ�red
<br /> und�r�his Se�;�ian 3.
<br /> Lender rnay, at any t�rne, coliec�and hold Funds in a�amount�a�suf�cient fo perm��Lende�r to app��the
<br /> Funds at the t�me spec��e�under�ESPA, and �b}not��exceed the maximurn amount a lend�r can requ�re
<br /> under R�SPA. Lender sha�l es�imat�the amount of Funds due on the�asis of current da�a and reasonab�e
<br /> estim��es of expenditur�s of fu�ure Escrow��ems or o�herwise�n accordance w�th App�icab�e Law.
<br /> Th�Funds shali be held�n an�nstitut�on whos�depos�ts are insured b� a federa� ag�ncy, in�trurn�ntality, or
<br /> entity ��nc�ud�ng Lender, �f Lende��s arz institution wh�se deposi�s are s� insured}or�n any Federal Hame
<br /> L.oan Bank. Lend�r shail apply th�Funds ta pay the�scrow�terns nQ�ater than the�ime sp�cif�ed under
<br /> RESPA, L�nder shall nat charge B�rra�ver fflr holding and applying the Funds, annually analy2ing�he
<br /> escrovv accaunt, or�erifying the E�craw Ytem�, un��ss L,ender pays Borrower�nt�rest on the Funds and
<br /> Applicable Lavv permits Lender ta make�uch a charge. Unless an agreemen�is made�n�rriting or
<br /> App�icable Law requires interes�tfl be paid on the Funds, I,ender shali not be required�o pa�Barrower an�
<br /> in�erest or earn�ngs on�he Funds. B�rr�v�er and Lender can agre�in writin�, hav�e�er, that in�erest sha11 be
<br /> paid an the Funds. Lender shali gi�e to Bo�rrovver, wi�hou�charge, an annual accauntin�of the Funds as
<br /> r�quired by RES PA.
<br /> �f ther�is a surp�us of Funds held�n es�raw, as de#ined under RESPA, Lender shall ac�oun�ta Borr�wer for
<br /> the excess funds in accordance w�th R.ESP.A.. �f th�re is a shortage af Funds he�d in es�rovv, as defined under
<br /> RESPA, Lender shall no�if�Borrow�r as required by RESPA, and Borrower shal�pay to Lender the arnount
<br /> necessary�o make up the shartage in accardance with RESPA, but in no mare�han 12 month�y paymen�s. If
<br /> �here�s a defic�ency of Funds he�d�n escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lend�r shall notify Barrow�r as
<br /> NE�RASKA-Single�amily-F�r�nie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRUMENT �'orm 3�28 1Jd1
<br /> VMP� VMP�fN�}�1342J
<br /> Walters K�uwer Financiat Ser�ices Pa�e 5 af 17
<br />