��1 5��831
<br /> in the Prop�r��and ribhts under th�s Security�nstrument; and����akes su�:h a�tion as Lender ma�
<br /> r�asonab��requ�re to assure that Lende�'s int�rest in the Property and r��h�s under this Security Instrument,
<br /> and Borr�v��er's o�i�gation to pay t��sums 5ecured���this Secur�t��nstrument, shali Gantinue unchanged.
<br /> I..ender may r�quire�hat B�rrower pay such reinstatem.ent sums and expenses �n one ar rnore of the foll�w�n�
<br /> form�, as sele�t�d by L�nd�r: �a}ca�h; �b}mone�order; �c��erti��d check, bank�h�ck, treasurer's check or
<br /> cashier's�heck, prov�ded any such check is drawn upon an insti�ut�on vvhose depasits are insured by a
<br /> federai agen��, �nstrum�ntality or entity; or�d}Electr�n�c Fund�Transf�r. Upon r�instdtement by Borrower,
<br /> this S�cur�ty Instrumen�and obliga�ions secured here��shail remain fu�ly effec�i�e as if no acce�eration had
<br /> a��urred. H�we��r, this right to r�instate sha11 not apPly in�he ca�e�f acceleration under Se�tion 18.
<br /> ��. Sa[e af Note; Chan�e of Laan Se�rr►icer: N�t�ce of Grievance. The Note ar a par��al interest�n�he
<br /> Nat���ogether wi�h this Secur�ty Instrurnent}can be sold one ar more�imes vvi�hou�pr�ar nat�ce to
<br /> Borrower. A sale m��h�resul�in a change �n the entity�knov�n as�he "LaQn S`erv�cer")�ha�collects Periodic
<br /> Payments due und�r the N��e and th�s 5ecur�ty �nstrurnent and performs other mor�gage Ioan servic�ng
<br /> nbliga�ions under�he Not�, �h�s Security��astrum�nt, and App��cab�e La�. There aiso rnight be nne or m�re
<br /> chan��s of�he Loan Ser�icer unrela��d ta a sale of�he Note. If there is a change of�he I.oan SerW�cer,
<br /> Bo�rrawer w�ll be given written notice of the change v�rhich v��ll sta���he name and addr�ss of th�new Loan
<br /> 5ervicer, the address to whi�h payments shouXd be made and any o�her information RESPA requires in
<br /> Gonnec�ion vsr�th a notice of transfer af ser�icing. �f the Note is soid and thereaf�er the Loan�s serv�ced b�a
<br /> Loan S�rvic�r other than�he pur�haser af�he Note, the mar�gage�oan�ervicing ob�iga�ions�o Bnrr�vwer wi��
<br /> rernain with th�Laan SerWicer or be transferred�o a�u�cessor Laan S�rvi�er and are na�assumed by the
<br /> Note purchaser unless ofherw�se pravided by the No�e purchas�r.
<br /> Nei�her Borrawer nor Lender m.ay commenGe,�oin, or be jo�ned�a any judicial action�as ei�her an
<br /> �ndividual�itigant or�he memb�r of a��ass�that arises fram the other party's a�tions pu�rsuan��o this
<br /> Securit� Ins�rum�nt or tha�al�eges that the o�h�r party has brea�hed any provision of, or any duty ov�ed by
<br /> reas�n af, this Security �nstrumen�, until such�3orrov�rer or Lender ha�natified the other party�with su�h
<br /> no��ce giWen in camp�iance with th�requ�remen�s of Sect�on �5}of suCh al�eg�d br�ach and afforded th�
<br /> ather par�y hereto a reasonabie p�r�od after the gi�ing of such nat�ce to take�orrective a�tian. If Applicabie
<br /> Law pro�ides a time period which mus�elapse b�far�c�rtain a�tian can be�a.ken, that t�me per�od w�l�be
<br /> deemed to be reasonab�e for purpfls�s af this paragraph. The notic�of acce�erafion and opp��tun�t�r tfl cure
<br /> gi�en�o Barrower pursuant to Sect�on Z2 and the na�zce of acc�Ierat�on given to Borrower�ursuan�to
<br /> 5ect�on �8 shal�be deerned�o satis�y�he noti�e and oppor�unity ta take�orrect��r�ac�i�n pro�isions af�h�s
<br /> Sect�on��.
<br /> �.1. H�zard�us Suhstanees. As us�d�n this S�ct�an 2�: �a} "Hazardous Su�sta�xce.r"are�hose substan���
<br /> d�f�ned as toxic or ha.�ardaus subs�ances, po�lutan.ts, or wastes by Environmen�ai Law and th�fo�Iowing
<br /> sub��ances: ga�oline, ker�sene, other flammable or taxic petroleum products, ta�i�p�s�icides and h�rbicid�s,
<br /> �olatile solvents, materials can�a�n�ng asbestos or formaldehyde, and radi�actzve rnater�a�s; �b}
<br /> "��tviro�2r�ier�tr�l La�"means federal lav�s and laws of the jurisdiction w�ere the Proper�y�s lo�a�ed �hat
<br /> retate to heal�h, safet�or en�ironrnentai pr�tection; �c} "Er�viron�r�entQl Cleanup"includes an�response
<br /> ac�ion, remed�al act�on, ar re�mo�al ac��an, as def�ned in Enviranmental Law; and (d� an "�r�viror��r�en�al
<br /> �'anditio��"�nean�a c�ndition that can cause, contribu�e to, or atherw�se�r�gger an Environmen�al ��eanup.
<br /> Borrawer shall not cause or permit t�e presence, use, disposa�, storage, ar release of any Hazardou�
<br /> 5ubs�ances, or threaten to release any Ha.Lardous Substances, on or in the Praperty. Borrawer shal�Y�ot d�,
<br /> nor allow anyone else tv do, anything affecting the Prop�rty�a�that�s in�v�olat�on of any Environmental
<br /> Lav�, �b�which creates an Environmental��nditian, or�c)which, due ta �he pr�sen�e, use, or rel�ase of a
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, creates a condition�hat ad�ers�ly aff�cts the value af fihe Property. The prec�d�ng twfl
<br /> N�aRASi�A-Single�amiIy-�annie Mael�reddie Mac C1h11�QRM INST�fJM�hfT Form 3�Z$11�1
<br /> VMP� VMPfifN��413��)
<br /> Wo{ters Kluwer Finan�iai Ser�i�es Page�3 af 17
<br />