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��1 5��831 <br /> designated a subst�tute no�ice addr�ss by notic�to L�nder, Borrower shall�rarnptly notify Lender of <br /> Borrower's chang�af address. �f L�nder specifies a procedure for reporting B�rrouler's change of add�ess, <br /> then Borrower shall only repart a change of address through that s�ecified pracedure. <br /> Th�re ma�r�be only one�iesignated notice addre�s und�r�his Security �nstrumen�at any one t�me. Any notice <br /> �o L�nd�r shal� be given by deli�ering it or by ma��ing i�by first clas�rnail to Lender's add�ress�tate�here�n <br /> unl�ss Lender has�es�gna�ed ano�her addre�s by noti��ta Barrov�er. Any notice in c�nnect�on with this <br /> Security Instrum�nt shall not be de�med ta haWe been g�ven to Lender untx�actua��y rece�ved by Lender. If <br /> any notic�requ�red by this SeGurx�y�ns�rum�n���a�s�requ��red under App��cab�e La��, �h�Applicable Law <br /> re�u�remen�wi��sa��sf��he correspon�ing requ�rem�nt under this Security�nstrument. <br /> �6. �a�erning Law; Seve�ability•, Rule� af Construction. This Security Instrument shall be gaverned by <br /> federal law and the�aw af�h��urisdiction in vvhi�h th�Pr�p�rty i�locat�d. Al�rights and ab�zgat�an� <br /> cantaine�i�a this S��urity �nstrurnent are subject to any requ��r�ments and�imitation�of App��cabie Law. <br /> Applicable Law m�.ght exp�icz��y o��mpl�C�t�y a��a�v�he par�ies ta ag�r�e by�on�rac�ar�t might be sil�n�, but <br /> such s��er��e sha��no���construed a� a prah�bit�o�agains�agreement b�cflnt�a��. �n the e�ent that any <br /> pro��szan ar ciause of this S�curity�nstrurn�nt or the Note canfli�ts w��h Appl�ca�le La�v, such confl�ct shal� <br /> not affect o�h�r pro�isions af this Security Instrument or the Note which can be given effect�ithaut�he <br /> confli�ting prov�si�n. <br /> As used in thi� 5�curity Instrumen�: {a�wards of�he mascu��ne gender shall n��an and include�orresponding <br /> neuter words or�vords af the fem�nine�end�r; �b}words�n the s�ngula�r sha��mean and include the plural <br /> and v�ce�ersa; and�c}the w�rd "may" gzv�s sa�e discretion w�thou� any ab��gat�fln�a�ake any action, <br /> �`l. B�rrower's Copy. B�rr�wer sha�i be g���n one c�py of�he I�ote and of this 5�curit�Instrument. <br /> '1 S. Transfer �f�he Praperty or a Beneficia� lnterest in Bnrrower. As used in this 5ection 18, "�nteres�xn <br /> �he Property" mea��s a���Iegal or benefi�iai interes� in the Prop�rt�, including, but not I�mite�l to, those <br /> bene�icial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, insta��ment sales con.��ract ar escrow <br /> agree�nent, �he intent of wh�ch is�he�ransfer�f���Ie by Barrower a�a�uture date to a purchaser. <br /> �f a��or an�par��f the Property or any �nteres�in �he Pr�per��is�nld ar tran�ferr�d�or if Borrawer is nat a <br /> natura�pe�rson and a beneficial in�ere��in Borrawer is sold or tran�ferred}�vi�hau�Lender's prior wr�tten <br /> consent, Lender may require immediate payrnent in full af alI sums secured b�this S�curi�y�ns�rumen.�. <br /> Hawever, this option shall not be exercis�d by L�nder if su�h exerGise is prohibited by Appi��ab�e Law. <br /> If L�n�ler��ercis�s this option, L�n�er shali gi�re Borro�er nr��ice�f ac�:��eration. The n�tice shall pr��ide a <br /> perzod of na��ess than 3�days fr�m�he da�e�he natice is gz�en�n acca�rdan�e�vxth Secti�n �5 within which <br /> Borrower must pay a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument. If Borrower fails ta pay these�um�pr�ar to <br /> the expzrat�on of this periad, Lender may in�oke any remedies permitted by this Security Instrurnent w�thout <br /> fu.rther notice�r demand an Borr�wer. <br /> �9. Bvrrawer`s Right ta Reinstate After Acce�e�at�on. �f Borrawe�r rn�ets�ertain condit�ons, Barrotiv�r <br /> shall have the right�o ha��enf�rc�ment af thzs Se�ur��y �nstruzx�.�nt dz��ont�nue�.a�any�ime prior ta�he <br /> ea�r��est nf: (a��ve days b�fore sale of the Prap�rty pursuant ta any pawer of sale contained in this Security <br /> �nstrument; �b} such ather period a�Applicable Law might specify far th�term�natian of Borrower's right to <br /> reins�ate; �r�c}�ntr��f a judgment enfarcing th�s Security In�trument. Thase conditians are tha�Barrawer: <br /> �a}pay� Lender all sums which th�n wau�d be due under this S�curity Instrument and the Note as�f no <br /> acceleration had o�Curred; ���cures any default of any other covenants ar agreem�nts; �c�pays all expenses <br /> inCurre�in enf�r�ing t��� �ecuri���ns�rumen�, �n��udin�, but�at�irx�ite�ta, �-ea��nable attor��y�' f���, <br /> proper�y�nspect�on and va�uat�on fees, and�ther fees incurr�d far the purpose of prot�cting L�nd�r's�n�ere�t <br /> N�BRASKA-5ing{�Family-F�rtnie Mae1Fr��die Mac UNIF�HM 1N5TRtJMENT �orm 3�28 11�� <br /> VMP� VMP6�N���13023 <br /> WaEtets Kluwer�inancial 5ervices Page 12 of 17 <br />