��1 5���7�
<br /> sat�sfac��on, prov�ded�hat such�n.sp�cti�n shal�be under�aken promptl�, Lend�r may pay far th�repairs
<br /> and restara��on�n a s�ng�e d�sbursem�nt�r�n a se��e�o�prag��ss payments as th�war�is completed.
<br /> Unless an agreement�s made�n wr�t�ng nr App�icable Law requires interes�to be paid on such
<br /> Mi�c�lianeous Prfl�eeds, Lend�r sha�� nat be required�o pay Barro�ver any int�r�st or�arnings on such
<br /> Misc�l�ane�u� Prflceeds. �f the restorat�on or repair�s not e�on�mxcally feasible or Lender's seeurity would
<br /> b�lessened, the Miscellaneous Pr�c�eds shall be appiied ta the sums secured b�th�s Secur�ty�nstrum�nt,
<br /> wh�th�r ar not then due, with the excess, if any, paid ta Bort-ower. Such Misce��ane�us P�r�ceeds shall be
<br /> app�zed in th�order pro��ded for�n���t�an 2,
<br /> In th�event af a ta�a��ak�ng, destructi.�n, ar�oss in va�ue of�he Praper��, the M�scellane�us Prace�ds sha�l
<br /> be applied to the sums s�cured by�his Security Ins�rument, whe�her or nat�hen due, w�th�he excess, if any,
<br /> pa�d ta Barrower.
<br /> �n the e�ren�of a par��al tak�ng, des�ruction, ar�oss�n�alue of�he Propert�in which the fair market value of
<br /> th�Property irnmed�ately befor�the par��a�taking, destruc�ion, o����s zn value is equa�to�r�reater than the
<br /> arn�unt�.f the sums secured by�hi� �ecuri�y�nstrument irnmediatel�r befo�e the partia�taking, destruct�an, ar
<br /> �oss�n va�ue, un�ess Barro�ver and Lender��herw�se agxee in�vriting, the sums secured by this Secu�r��y
<br /> �nstrumen�shail be r�duced by�he amaunt of th�M�s�e��a�eous Praceeds mu��iplied by�he f�ilow�ng
<br /> frac�ian: �a}the�atal amount af the sums �ecured immediately before�he part�a�taking, destructi�n, or loss
<br /> in value di�ided by�b}the fair marke�value of th�Prapert� �mmediately 1�ef�r��he part�ai taking,
<br /> destructinn, �r Ioss in value. Any balance�ha1�be paid to Borrower.
<br /> In the event of a par�ial taking, des�ruct��n, ar�oss�n value of�he Propert�in which�he fair mark���a�ue of
<br /> the Praper��immediatel�befor�the partial taking, des�ruc�ion, ar�ass�n�a�ue is�ess�han the amaunt of th�
<br /> sums s�cured imm�diately bef�re the par��al taking, d�struction, or l�ss in�a�ue, unless Barrawer and
<br /> Lender othervvis�agree in v�r�ting, the Mis��llaneous Proceeds sha11 be app�ied ta the sums secured by th�s
<br /> Secur�ty�nstrument whether�r not the sums ar�then du�.
<br /> �f th�Prop�r�y�s abandon�d by Borraw�r, ❑r if, aft�r n�tice by Lend�r to Barrower that the�ppos�ng Par�y
<br /> �as de�ned in th�n��t sen�en�e� affers ta rnake an award to sett�e a c�a�m�for damages, Borrower fails ta
<br /> respand ta Lender with�n 3�days after the date the nflt�ce�s giv�n, L�nder is author�z�d�o c�lle��and app�y
<br /> th�Mzsce��ane�us Proceeds either to res�orat�nn ar r�pair of the Froper�y or t❑the sums secured by this
<br /> Secur�ty Instrurnen�, whether flr nat�hen du�. "�ppas�.ng Party" means the third party that awes Borr�v��r
<br /> Miscellane�us Prflc�eds ar th�par�y against whom B�rr�wer has a r�ght of action�n regard tfl Miscel�an�ous
<br /> Pra�eeds.
<br /> Borrawer shalx be�n defau�t �f any ac�ion or praceeding, whether ci�i1 ar criminal, is begun t�a�, in L�nder`s
<br /> judgment, cauld resu�t�n forfezture of�he P�rnper�y or�ther rnat�r�ai impairment�f Lender's interest in the
<br /> Propert�or rights und�r this Security Instrumen�. Barra�er can cure such a defau�t and, �f acce�era�ion has
<br /> ac�urr�d, reinstat�as provided in Section 19, by causing the act�on�r proceeding to b�disrn�ss�d wxth a
<br /> rul�ng �ha�, in Lender's j udgment, preclud�s farfe�ture af th�Property or Q����r material impairment�f
<br /> Lender's interes��n the Property or righ�s und�r�his Secu�zt��nstrurnent. The pr�c��ds of any award or
<br /> claim far damage��ha�are attributable ta the impairment qf Lender's inte�r�st in the Praperty are her�l��
<br /> assign�d and shall be paid to L�nder.
<br /> All Mis�ell�n�ou�Proce�ds that are nat app��ed�o restarat�on ar repair af the Property shall be applied in the
<br /> arder pro�ided far in Sec�ian 2.
<br /> NEBR�SKA-Single Farnily-�annie MaelFreddie Mac IJNiFQRM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 i 1�1
<br /> VMP Q VMP64NE}�'!3�21
<br /> Wa�ters�Cluwer Fir�ancia!Ser�ices Page"ia a#17
<br />