��1 5�665�
<br /> Payment of Pr�ncipal and Inter�s�; �ther�harges.Barrower sha�l promptl�pay wh�r�due the principal of and
<br /> interest nn the deb��tived under the Contrac�an�lat�charges ar any other fees arid charges due under the C�ntrac�.
<br /> Appli�abie Lav��. As used ir� this Security Instrumen�, the �erm "Applica��le Law" sh�.X� mean a�I contro�Iing
<br /> app�zcable f�dera�, s�ate and local s�a.tutes, regu�atzans, ordinances and adm�nistrativ�rules arid orders [�hat have
<br /> the effect of�aw}as tive�I as al1 app��cable fna�,non-appealable jud�c�a�op�nxc�ns.
<br /> Charges; Lien�. Borrower shall pay a11 taxes, assessmen�s, charges, fin��; and �mposit�ans a�trrbu�a.ble t❑ the
<br /> Property which may a��ain priori�y over this Security Ins�ument, and lease�lc�id payment� �r ground re�.�s, xf any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Borrov�er shal�promp�ly furnish to Lerid�r receipts�videncing�he payments.
<br /> Borr�vver sha�l prornpt�y discharge any��en v�rhich has priority over th�s Se�i�r��Instrumen�unless Barrower; �a}
<br /> agrees in v�ri�ing to the payment af th� abliga�ion secu�-ed by �the l�en in a r�anner acceptable �o Lender; �b}
<br /> contests in good faith the lien by, or defends against enfarcement of the ]i€,n �n, legal pr�ceed�ngs wh�ch in �he
<br /> Lender's opin�on opera�e ta prev�n� the enforcement of�he l�en; �r (G} set:ures from �h.e ho�der af the Iien an
<br /> agreemer��sat�sfactory�o Lender subordinating�he�ien t�this 5ecuri�y Inst��ment. If Le��der determines that any
<br /> par� of the Property is su�j ect to a lien�vvhicll may at�ain priari�y over �his ��ecurity�nstrutnent, Le��der rnay gi�re
<br /> Borra�er a notice xden�zfy�ng the li�n. Barrower sha11 satisfy the Iien or takE�on� or more af�he ac�io�s set f�r�h
<br /> abQv�vvithin�a days of�he g�v�ng of natice.
<br /> Hazard �r Property Insuran�e.B�rrower sha�l�eep the�mpravemen�s no��v existing or h�reafter ereGted on the
<br /> P�-ap�rty insu�-ed aga�nst�oss b�fre,ha�ards included vvi�in the term"e�te�.�3ed c�verage" and any�ther hazards,
<br /> z�.c�uding floads or flaoding, for w�.ich Lender requires insurance. This �:nsurance sh��� be ma�ntai.ned in �he
<br /> am�unts and for the periods that Le��.der re�uires.The insurance carr�er provzding the�a.surance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Barro�ver subject t� I.1enc�er's apprava� u�hich sha�l no�be unr�as�nably vtril:hheld. If Borrower fai�s to rna�ntarn
<br /> �vv�rage described above, Lender may, a� Lender's opt�on, obtai�. covera.ge �a pratec� Ler�der's righ�s i�l �.ie
<br /> P�oper�y in accordance wi�h sectian�i�Ied Pro�ection af Lender�s R�ght�in 1:he Pr�per��.
<br /> A��insurance po�icies and renetiva�s shall be ac�eptable to Lender and shall include a standard martgage �lause.
<br /> L�nder shall have�he right to ha�d the pali�ies and renewals. If Lender requi.res,Barrower shall prompt�y grve ta
<br /> L�nder a��receipts flf paid p�-emiu�ns and reneWal natices. In the e�ent of lo�s,Bflrrou�er shall��ve promp�n��ice
<br /> t�the insurance carrier and Lender, Lend�r may make pr�of�f�oss zf n��macie promptiy by Borrawer.
<br /> Unless Lender and Barrov�er a�h��-v�ise agree in writing, insurance proce��3s shall be app�i�d �o restaration or
<br /> r�pair of the Proper�y damaged, if, in Lender's sQ�e discretion, the res�ora�ic�n or repazr is e�onorn�cally feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's secur�ty�s not lessened. If, in Lender's sole discret�on, the restara���n or repair is not economzca���
<br /> feaszble or Lender's secur�ty wou�d be�essen�d,the ins�.ranc�proceeds sha�l��e appl�ed�o the sums secured by�h�s
<br /> S��urity Instrumen�, whether or na� then due, wi�h any excess pa�d �a �orrower. If Borr�wer abandans the
<br /> P�opert�r,or does nat ans�ver wifihin the number of days prescribed b�App�z���.b�e Law as s��forth in a no��ce from
<br /> L�nder to B�rr�we��hat�he �nsurance carrier has offered to set��e a�Iaim,t��en I.ender zna�y co��ect the�nsurance
<br /> pro�eeds. L�nder may use the pra��eds �o repair or restare �he Property or��o pa�surns secured by thi� Securi�y
<br /> Ir�s�rumen�,,t�vhether or not then due.The perio d of��me.for B orr�wer to ans�ver as se�for�h in the r�atice tivill begin
<br /> �vhen the n�tic��s given.
<br /> Unl�ss Lender and Barrvwer other�rise agree�in writ'rng, any app��ca��on❑f�rviceeds�o pr�ncipal sha�1 no�ex�end
<br /> or pos�pon�the due date of the payments due under the Cantract or change�he amaunt�f�he paym�n�s. If under
<br /> �he �ection ti�Ied A�celeratian; Remed�es,�he Proper�y is acquired by Lender,Borrov�er's r�ght to any insura�lce
<br /> policzes ar�d proceeds resu��ing from damage t� the Prap�rt�pr�or �o �he acqui�i��on sha�� pass to Lender �o the
<br /> e�tezat af the sum�secured by this Security Yns�rument imrnediately prior�o thiv acqu�si�.on.
<br /> P�eserva#ion, �Vla�n�ernance and Protec�io� of the Property; Barroti���•'s Laan Appli�atifln; Leaseholds.
<br /> B�rrotive�r sha�1 nQ�destroy, damage ar�mpair the Proper�y, allaw the Praperiy�o deterzara��, or commit waste vn
<br /> �he Property. Borro�rer sha1l be in defaul�if any farfeiture action or proceed�r.�g,vvhe�her c�vil ar crixn�nal,i�begun
<br /> �hat in Lender's good faith judgmen�Gould result in forfe��ure of�he Praperl,y or athe��s� ma�erially i�npair�he
<br /> �i�n crea�ed by �his Securi�y Instrurnent ar Lend�r"s �ecurzt� in�eres�. Borr�ower may cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reinsta�e, as pravided in sec�ion�i�led BarroVver's Righ�to Reinstate,b�c�Eus�g the ac�ion or pra�eeding to be
<br /> d�srnissed with a ru�ing�ha�,in Lender's gaod faith determ�na�ion,prec�ud�s f�rfe�ture af the Borro�ver's inte�est in
<br /> the Pr�perty or o�her material impairrn.ent of the lien created by �his Secur��y Instrumen� or Lender's secur��y
<br /> �nterest.Borro,tnrer sha�I alsa be in default if B�rrower,dur�ng�he loan application pracess,ga�tre materzally false�r
<br /> �na�curate information ar sta.ternen�s ta Lender {ar faz�ed to provide Lend��r wi�h any m��eria� �nf�rmatian} ixa.
<br /> canne�ti�n tiv�th the laan �videnced by the Cantrac�. �f�his Secu.ri�r�nstrum�;nt is an a�easeh�ld,Barrativ�r shall
<br /> �omply w��h al�the prov�sxans of the�ease. �f Barr�vver acqu�res fee�i�le�o�.e Praperty,�e�easehold and the f��
<br /> �z#�e sha�l not merge unless Lender agrees�a�he m�rg�r in v�r�t�ng.
<br /> Pratec��on of Lencler's Ftights in thQ PrQper�y. If Borrovver fails to per:fQrm the co�enants and agreemen�s
<br /> canta.ined in this Secur�ty Instru�nent,or there is a legal proceed�ng�hat ma�significant�y affec�Lender'�righ�s in
<br /> th� Property �such as a proceeding �n bankruptcy, pr�bate, far condemna����z �r forfe�ture or t� enforce Ia�vs or
<br /> regu�a��on��, then Ler�dcr ma� da and pay for whatever is nece�sary to protect the �alue of�he Property and
<br /> L�nder's rzghts ir�the Property.Lender's actions may�nclude paying any surns secured by a lzen tivhich has priari�.y
<br /> aver this 5ecurity Instrurr�en�,appeaxing in caurt,paying r�asonable at�orne�s'fees and en�erir�g on�he Pr�pert��o
<br /> m�ke repairs.Although Lender may�a�e ac�ion under�his section,Lender da�s no�hav��o do so.
<br /> Ariy amaunts disbursed by Lcnder under this section sha�I become addi�io�{�.� debt �f Borxovver secure�. by thxs
<br /> Secur�ty �nstrument. Un�ess B�rrower and Lender agree to other �erms of payrnent, �hese amounts sha�1 bear
<br /> CU 20�4-2�t 5 Cvmp3iance Systems,Inc,AbBC-0C71-Z�15.3.5.I064
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