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- rn <br /> � � � � � <br /> 1�7 � rn� � � � <br /> v = �� � c� Q m I�] rn <br /> cn � �o � � C� p o <br /> � � �n � m �� C C�n <br /> �' �� � � �m � � <br /> � - �� D � D Ca � Cn <br /> � rn �� � � <br /> - rn R' rn � =C�1] � � <br /> � �� � � � � <br /> � �� a �� rn <br /> _ Q o � � � <br /> 00 � � � <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> TH�S�NSTRUMEI�T PREPARED BY: AFTE�REC�RD�NG RETURN TQ: <br /> Home Federal Sav�ngs&Loan Asso��ati.on�f Home Federal�avings&Lvan AsSac�ation of <br /> Grand IsZan d Gran d I��an d <br /> 2�1 Sauth Locust Street ZZ 1 Sou�h�ocus�Street <br /> GR�ND ISLAND,NE�SSal GI�AND ISLAND,NE 68$D1 <br /> (5pace Above Th�s Line F�r Recording Data) <br /> LD.A��RIGII�TAT�R��MPA�Y NAME:Home Feder��Sav�.ngs&Loan AsSociat�on of Grand Island <br /> NMLS CDMPANY�DENT�F�ER:4�6443 <br /> LC�AN�RIGII�IAT�R N.AN.[E: �hris I�ask�e <br /> �MLS�RIGII�TAT�R�DE�TIFIER:494�65 <br /> I)E�D �F TRIJST <br /> �PREAUTI-i�RI2�D (�PEN END} CREDIT --FLTTURE ADVANCES ARE SE�URED <br /> BY TI3IS I�E�I] �F TRUST} <br /> THIS DEEI] �F TRUST ("Secur�ty�nstrurnen�"} is made un�epternber 21, �U15. The g�ran�or is LIN�VA DEE <br /> D�I�ALDS[��T, A SINGLE PERS�i�T, whase address i� lUl� E �I�LAHQMA AV�, GRAND ISLAND, <br /> �ebraska 6$SQ1-$14g �"Bflrrovver"}. Borrower is no��ecessarily the same as �he Fersan ox Pers�ns wha sign�he <br /> Hvme Equxty Line �f Credit Agreement, da��d 5ep�emb�r 21, Z41� �"Co�.�ract"�. The oblzgatizons af <br /> Barrawers who did not s�gn the Gontract are explain�d fur#her in the sectiia�. titied Su�Cessors an.d Ass�gns <br /> Bound; Jaint and Severa�Liab��ty;Accomm�da�inn S�gr�ers.The�rus�ee is Arend R.Baacl�,Attorney�vhose <br /> address is P.�, Box 79�, Grand Island, �ebraska GS802 {"Trust�e"�. The benefi�iary �s Hnme Fed�ra� <br /> 5avings & Loan Asso�iat�on of Grand Is�and, which is organ�zed and ex�s�ing under �he la�vs af the Uni�ed <br /> 5ta�es �f Amer�ca and�vhose address is Z21 S�uth Locust S�reet, Grand Island, Nebras�a 65801 t"Lender"}. <br /> I�IltiTNA DEE D�NALDS�N has en�er�d into a Can�rac�v�ritih Lender as af S�p�ember 21,ZD15,under the#�erms <br /> af which Borrol�ve�r may, from �ime to �ime, obtain adva�.ces not �o exceed, at any �.me, a �**MAXI�VIUM <br /> PRI�CIPAL A�VI�UNT �E��LIT�ING PR�TECTIV'E ADVANCES�*�* af Twenty Thousand and <br /> ��114U Do��ars �U.S. $��,DU4.�U� �"Gred�t Lirnit"}. Any part� interes�ed in tihe deta��s related �o Lender's <br /> cantinuing ab�igation to make ad�rances to Borr�v�rer zs adv�sed ta consult direc�ly w��h L�nder. �f nat paid�arlier, <br /> �he sums owing under Borrower's��ntrac�w��h Lender�v���be due on�ctober 15,202�.This Securify�n��rurnent <br /> secures to Lender: �a} �he repayment of�he deb�under the��n�ract,wi�h interes�, inc]ud�ng future advances, and <br /> a11 renevva�s, extensions and madifzca���ns of the Cor�tract; �b} the payment of aIl o�her surns, wi�h interesti, <br /> advanced��pr��ect the securi�of�h�s 5ecuri�y�nstrument under the provisians of�he section��tied Pr��ect�on of <br /> Lender'� Righ�s �n the Pr�perty; and �c} the performance of Borr�wer's c�venants and agreernents und�r �h�s <br /> Securi�ty�nstrumen�and�he Can�ract. For�h.�is purpose,Borrotiv�r, in considerat�on of th�d�b�and�he�rus�he�re�n <br /> crea��d, ��-�r�voca�bly gran�s and canveys to Trus�ee, in�rus�, v�ri�h pnwer af sale, the fa�Iow�ng descrzbed praper�y <br /> �acated in�he CD�JNTY af HALL,S�a�.e of��b�raska: <br /> Address: 1012 E�I�LAH�MA AVE,GRAI�TD ISLAND,Nebraska G88�1-8148 <br /> Lega� Description: L�T ELEVEN (11�, Il�I BL�CI� 'I'�V� ��}, IN VALLEY VIEV� SUBDIVISI�N, <br /> IN THE CITY�F GRAND ISLA�TII,HALL��UNTY,�IEBRASI�A <br /> TOGETHER �'L�TITH alI the impravernents now or her�af�er er�cted �n �he prflperty, and a�� easemen�s, <br /> appurtenances, and fixtures no�v or hereafter a part af the property. Al�r�p�acements and add�tzans shal� aXso be <br /> c�vered by �his Securi�y �ns�ru.ment. All of the f�rego��.g is referred �o in this Securi�y Ins�rume�.t as th� <br /> �'Proper�y.►' <br /> B�RR��VER C��'�TENANTS �hat B�rr�wer�s lawfully seised of the esta�e hereby conveyed and has the rzgh�to <br /> gran� axa.d canvey �he Fro�ez-�y and �.at the Pr�per�y is unencum�bered, exc�p� for encumbrances of recQrd. <br /> Borr�wer tivarrants and wi�� defend genera��y th� tit�e �a the Prop erty agains� a1i �laims and dernands, sub j e ct�o <br /> a�.y encunzbranc�s af record. <br /> F3�rrower and Lender c�venan�and agree as folla�w�: <br /> �2�Q4-20I5 Compl�ance Systems,Inc.A6BC�DC7I-���4 <br /> Consumer Real Estate-Security Instrutnent DL243b Page i❑f 5 www.camptiancesystems.c�m <br />