��1 5�6647
<br /> Transf�r�f the Praperty or a Bene�c�a�Interest in Borr�wer.Zf a1I ar any part af�h�Properfiy or any interest
<br /> in i� is sold ar �ransf�rred (or �f a benef c�al �nterest in Borr�v�er is so�d or transf�rred a�d Barro�er is not a
<br /> �atura��p�rsQr�� tivithout Lender'� pr�or wr��ten consent, Lender may, at ��s �p�ion, require im�ned�ate pa�merit in
<br /> full af aI� sums secured by �h�s Securi�y Zns�.ent. H��v�r�ver, �h�s optz�n �ha�� nof be �x�rcise� by Lender if
<br /> exercise is prohib��ed by f�d�ral�a�v as of the date of this Security Instrumen�.
<br /> If Lend�:r exercxses th�s ap�ian, Ler�der sha1l give B orra�rer n��i�e of a�celerat�on. The no�ice sha�I pravide a
<br /> period �f nat l�ss �han�ae minimum number of days established b�Applicab�e La�v fram the da�e �he no�ice is
<br /> delivered �r maiied within v�hich BarroWer mus�pay a�I sums secured hy �his Security Ins�rument. �f Bflrrawer
<br /> fails �o:pay�hese sums priar to �he expira�ion of t�a�s perzad, Lender may �nvoke any remedi�s perm��t�d by this
<br /> 5ecurity�ns�rument�vithout fur�he�no��c�or dema�d an Barrawer.
<br /> Borrayv�er's R�.ght to Reinsta�e. If Borrovv�r mee�s cer�azn cand��ions, Borrower shall have the right �o have
<br /> enfor�ement�f this �ecu.r��r Instrument discontinued a�any��rne priar tn�he earl�er of: �a) 5 days (or such o�he�
<br /> peraad a.s Applicab�e Lavcr may specify for rexn�tatement}before sa�e of the Property pu.rst�an���any pour�r af sale
<br /> contain�;d in thzs 5ecurity �nstrurnen�; or �b} en�ty of a judgment enfor�ing �his Security Ins�n�ment. Thase
<br /> canditians are t�.a�Borrov�rer: �a� pays Lender a�� sums which �hen wfluld be due under this S�curity�nstrument
<br /> and thc�Cantrac�as if no acceleratian had occurred;�b}cures any defau�t of any ofher covenan�s�r agreements; �c�
<br /> pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing this�e�t�r�ty Iris�trumen�,including,but not�im�ted to,reasonab�e a�tarneys'
<br /> fees t� the exten�permi�ed by�av►r; and ��� ta.l�es such ac�ion as Lender rnay reas�nably re�uire ta assure�hat�he
<br /> Iien af this 5ecuri�y Zristrumen�,Lender's rights�n the Property and Borrau�er's ob��ga�zon�o pay the sums secured
<br /> by�us �e�uri�y Ins�rumen�sha�� continue unchanged. LJpon reinstatement by Borrvvver, th.�is 5ecurity Ins�zrnen�
<br /> and the obl�ga��ons �ecured hereby sha��remain ful�y effective as if n� accelerat�on had o�curred. Ho�vev�r, this
<br /> ri�ht�o:r�insta�e sha11 no�apply�n�he case of acce�erati�n under the sectian titled Transfer of the Property or a
<br /> Bene���al In�erest in Sorrvwer.
<br /> Hazardous Substan�es.Borrower shall no�cause or p�rmif�he presence,use,disposa�, stara�e, or reiease of ar�y
<br /> Hazard�u�Substances on❑r�n�he Praper�y.B�rrower shal�na�d�,nor a��ovv anyone e�se fio do,any�.hing affec�ing
<br /> �he Pro��er�y �hat is in v�o�ati�n af any Environrnen�al La�v. The preceding tvtro sen�ences shal� not app�y�o �he
<br /> presen�E�,use,or storage on�he Property�f srnall quanti�zes af Ha2ardaus Substances�hat are genera��y recognized
<br /> to be ap��ropria��to normal reside�tia�uses and ta ma�ntenance of the Pr�per�y.
<br /> Borrou�e�shal�promp�ly giy e L�nd�r wri�tien notice of any investigat�an,claim,demand,�awsu��ar o�her actian by
<br /> any governmenta� or regula�flry agency or priva��party invo�ving �he Praperty and any Ha�ard�us SuUs�ance or
<br /> Environ�menta� Law of vvhi�h Barrourer has aGtua� �nawiedge. If Borrower learns, o�r is notified b� any
<br /> goverxirr�enta��r regula�ory au�hor��y,�ha�any rem.oval or other remedia�ion of any Ha�ardous Substance affec�ing
<br /> the Proper�y is necessary, BQrr�Wer shall promp�ly take aIl necessary remed�a� ac�ions in acc�rdan�e �vi�h
<br /> �nviron��nenta.l La�r.
<br /> As used�n thz�paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are�hase su�stances defzx�ed as toxic or hazardous subs�ances
<br /> by Environmenta� Law and the fo��o�v�ng substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or tox�c pe�roleum
<br /> pr�duc��, �oxic pest�cides and herbi��des, vola�ile solvents, rnateria�s can�ai.ning asbestos or forma�dehyde, and
<br /> rad�oac�:�ve rna�er�als. As used in this paragraph, "Environmen�al Lav�r"means federallativs and�aws�f the s�a�e of
<br /> Nebraska that relate�a heal�h,safety or environmen�a�pr��ection.
<br /> Ac��ler�ti�n; Remedxes. Lender shall g�ve na�ice ta �orrovc�er prior �v acce�erativn followir�g B�rrawer's
<br /> breach uf any�ovenant vr agreement in th�s Se�urity Instru�n�nt or the�'ontract under wh�ch ac�e�eration
<br /> is permi.�t�d �bu�k no�prior�o ac��lerat�4n under the sect�on titled T�-ansfer of�he Prop��-�y or a B�neficial
<br /> Interes�in Borrflwer,unless App�i�ab�e Law provides o#herwise]. The natice shall �pecffy: �a) #he defaul�;
<br /> (�} the aG�ion r�quired to cure the default; �c} a da��, nvt 1e�s than the m�n�mum number flf days
<br /> establis�ied by Applicab�e Law fr�m the da��th�na��ce is g�ven�a�3orr�wer,b�vvhich�he defauit must be
<br /> �ured; �nd (d� that failure to cure the defau�� an or befor� the date spe�xf�ed in �he notice may resul� xn
<br /> acceler�.t�on of �he sums se�ur�d by �his S�curity Instrumen� and sa�e nf the Property. 'To �he ex�en�
<br /> permitt�d by�aw, �h�notice ShaII further infurm B�rrnwer of�he r�ght�v re�ns�ate after a�ce�erat�on and
<br /> the right ta�r�ng a cour�ac�ion fv a�sert th�n�n-exist�nce of a defau�t or any v�her defense of Borr��er�o
<br /> acee�era.tifln and sa�e.If the default�s nv�cured on or before the date sp�ci�ed xn�he not�ce,Lender at its
<br /> op�ion may requ�re immediate paym�n� xn ful� of al� sum� secured by th�s Secur�ty Instru�nent without
<br /> further demand and may invvke the power of sa�e and any oth�r rem.edi�s perm�it�ed by Appli�abl� Law.
<br /> To �he �xtent permi�ted by Iaw, Lender shali �e ent�t�e� �o co��.ect all expenses incurred �n pursuing the
<br /> remedies pr4vided i�n this Section,�n�lud�ng,bu�not lim�ited�o,reasanable attarneys'fee� and�o�ts of t�tle
<br /> evidenc�:.
<br /> If thQ p��wer of saie�s�nvflked,Trustee shall rec�rd a no�ic�af default in each caunty�n whi�h any part�f
<br /> �he Pro�er�y is�acated and sha��mail cap�es of�uch nat��e�n�he manner p�eserfbed by�ippZicable La�v�a
<br /> Borro�vnr and to the other persons�rescr�il�ed b�Applicab�e Law, After the time requxred by Applicabl.e
<br /> Law, Tr�u�tee shall give publi� notice �f sa�e t� �h� person� and in the mann�r pre�cr�bed by Applicab�e
<br /> La�v.Trustee,vvithout d�mand on B�r�-o�ver, shall se�l the Prop�rty at publ��aue�ifln �o the highest bidt�er
<br /> at the t�xn�and p�ace and under th�terrns d�s�gna�ed in�he nu�ic�of�aie in vne or rnore parceis and�n any
<br /> order Trustee de��rmines, Trus�e� may postpone sa�e of all �r amy paree� of �he Property by puhiic
<br /> announc:ement a��he time and place of any previously schedu�ed sa�e.Lender or�ts desig�.ee rnay purchase
<br /> the Prop�erty a�any sale.
<br /> Upon re�e�pt vf payrnent of the price bid, Tru��ee shai�de�iver to the pur�haser 'I'ru5��e's deed convey�ng
<br /> the Pro�ert�T.The recaitals�n the Trustee's deed sha��be pr�rna fac�e evidence�f the tru�h flf the s�atemen�s
<br /> ��20�4-2D 15 Lomgliance 5ystems,Ir�c.ASBC-A21F-20�S.3_5_I�b4
<br /> Cansumer ReaI Estate-Sec�ari#y Tnst�ment DL2436 Pa�e�4 af S wwvv.�ar�piiance$ystems.ca�
<br />