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��1 5�6647 <br /> interest from the da�e �f disbursernen� at �he same rate assessed on advar��es �tnder the Cont�-act and shall be <br /> payab�e,with interest,upan no�ice from Lender�o Borrawer r�ques�ing payment. <br /> Inspect�on. Lender or i�s agen�ma.y reas�nable entries upon and inspec�ians �f�he Praper�}r. L�nder sha�� <br /> gi�re Borrower noti�e at�he time of or priar to an ir�spe��i�n specifying r�asonable cause for�he inspection. <br /> Condernx�at�on.The proceeds of any awaxd or ciaim for damages,direct or cansequential, in connec�ion with a�y <br /> condemna��an or other�akzng of any par�af�he Pr�pert�r, or for�onv�yance �n lieu of cand�nax�atzo�s are hereby <br /> assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In�he even� of a total taking of�he Property, the prviceeds sha1l be applied to �he sums secured by this 5e�ur�ty <br /> Instrume��, whe�her ar no� then due, with any excess paid �o B arr�wer. �n �he even� of a par�al �aki.n� af th.e <br /> Pr�perty in which the fa�r mark��value af fihe Praper�y imrnedia�ely before �he �akzng is e�ual�o ar grea�er�han <br /> the arnoun�of the sums secured b3�this Se�uri�y �ns�xment irnmediatel�befare the ta�zng,un�ess Barrav�er and <br /> Lender o�herv�zse agree xn v�r���ng,�he sums secured by this Securi�y Inst�unxent sha�l be reduced by the amouzat�f <br /> th�prac�eds xnul�iplzed hy�he follour�ng�ra��ion: �a�the total amoun�of the sums secured imrned�ate�y before the <br /> �aking, d���ded by �b� the fair rnar�et�ra�ue �f�he Properry immediately�efore the taking. Any balance sha��be <br /> paid to Borro�rer. �n th� �vent of a partial ta�ing of�he Property in which�he fair market va�ue of the Praperty <br /> imrnedia�ely before the taking is less� amoun�af�he sums xmmedzately�ef�re �he taking, unless <br /> Borrflv�rer and Lend�r othervv�se agree in uTrit�ng or un�ess Applicable Lau�o�herv`r�s�provzdes, �h�pr�G�eds shail <br /> be applied tia the sums se�ured b��his Securi�ty Instrumen�v�hether or not the sums are�hen du�. <br /> If�he Proper�y is abandoned by B�rrower, nr�f, a�ter no�zce by Lender�a Borr�v�rer�h.a�the condemr�ar offers�o <br /> make an a�vard ar sett�e a clairn f�r damages,Barrower fails ta respond to Lender v�ithin the rn.inzmum number of <br /> days�s�abTished by.App��cable La,w af�er the date the r�atice i�given,Lender is au�harized�o c���ect and appl�the <br /> pr�ceeds, a� �ts �ptian, �i�her to res�ora�io�. or repair of the Proper� or ta �he sums secured by �his Securi�y <br /> Ins�rurnent,whe�her or not�hen due. � <br /> Uni�ss Lender and Borrov�er o�he�-v�ise agree in wrrting, any app��cati�n of proceeds t�prin�ipal sha�I not extend <br /> or pos�pone the due date af�he payment�due ux�der the�an�ract or change the arnaunt of such pa�ments. <br /> BorroVver 1'��� Released; Fnrbearan�e By Lender Na� a Wa�ver. Ex�ension �f the t�rne far payment or <br /> rnodifzcat�an of amor�izat�an of fihe sums secured �by thzs Secur�t�y Ir�s�rum�nt g�ran�ed by Lender to Borrower or <br /> any su�cessar in in�eres� af B�rrower sha11 no� opera�e to release the liability af �h� or�g�na� Borrawer or <br /> Borr�v�er's successors in in�erest. Lender shail no�be required�o commence pr�ceed�ngs against any succ�ssor in <br /> int�rest or refuse�o ex�end time for paymen�ar otherwise madify anaortxza#ian of th�sums secured by th�s Security <br /> �ns�rument by reason of any dernand made by �he origina� Borrawer or �3arr�wer's successors �n inter�st. Any <br /> for�earan�e by Lender in e�erc�sxng any right or remedy shal�zaot be a waiver of or preclude �he exerc�se of any <br /> right�r remedy. <br /> SucceSsors and Ass�gns �vund; Jvin� and S�veral Liab����y; Accommodat�on Signers. �"he covenants and <br /> agreements of#his Se�uri�r�x�s�rument shall b�nd and benef t the successors and ass�gns of Lende�r and Barro�rer, <br /> subjec� �o the provzs�ons af se�tian �i�led Tran�fer of the Property �r a Senef�ciai Interest in Borrovver. <br /> Barra�er's covenan�s ar�d agreemen�s sha��he j�in�and several.Any pers�n tivh� co-signs th�s S�curi�r�ns�rument <br /> but has no persona� Iiab����y under �he Contrac� �"Accammada�ion S�gner"}: �a) is co--signing �his 5ecur�ty <br /> Instrument o�Iy to rnar�gage, grant and c�nvey �ha� Accomm�da�ion Signer's �nterest in �he Property under the <br /> �erm� Qf �he 5ecurity �nstruam.en�; �h� is nat persona��y abligated tfl pay �h� sums secured by this Securi�y <br /> Ins�rument;and�c} agrees�ha�Lender and any other Borrower may agree ta extend,modify, forbear or make any <br /> accornmoda��ons wi�h regard���he�erms of t�ii.s Secur�ty�ns�rumen��r�he ��ntract vvi�hau��hat Accommoda�ian <br /> Signer's consent. <br /> Loan �harg�s. If r.he ��an secured b�r �his Security �ns�r�ment �s subje�t to a law vvhich se�s maximurn Ioan <br /> charges,and tha�la��r is finall��nterpreted so that�he interes�or other�oan�harges �olleGted ar�o be co�Xect�d in <br /> conne�tian �wi�h the loan exceed the permitted limits, then: �a} any such �oan charge shall be reduced by the <br /> amaunt necessary�o reduce the chaxge�o the permi�tted limits and�b) any sums already cal�ected from Borr�wer <br /> �nrhich exceeded permi�.�ed l�rni�s �l� be �refunded to Bo�rov�er. Lender ma� ch��se �o make �his refund by <br /> redu�ing�he przncipal owed under the Con�ract or by ma�ing a d�rect payment�a B�rrow�r. �f a refund reduces <br /> principa�,the reduc�ion v���l be treated as a par�za�prepaym�n�under the��n�rac�. <br /> Natices. Any noticc �� Barrower provided for in this 5ecurity �ns�rument shall be g��en by deliver�n.g �t or by <br /> mail�ng it by firs�cla�s rnail unless Applicab�e La�v requizes use of anather me�had.The no�ice shall be dzrected to <br /> �he Pr�perty Address or any other address Barrawer design.a�es by notice ta Lender. Barro�ver agxees �a pravide <br /> Lender wz�.h Barrower's mos�curr�n�mail�ng address, as i� ma�change from time-�a-�imc. Any n�t�ce �o Lender <br /> sha�l be given hy f�rst class mail�a Lender's address s�at�d herezn or an�o�her addre�s Lender d�signates�y notice <br /> t�Borravver.Any noti�e pro��ded fa�r in�his Security�ns�rumen�sha�I be t�eemed�a have been giveri��Borr�wer <br /> or Lender when given as pravided in this paragraph. <br /> Governing Layv; Severab�lity.This Securi�r�ns�rumen�shal�be gaverned by federa��a�r and the�av►rs af the sta�e <br /> af Nebraska. In�he event �ha� any pr�vision or clause of�hxs 5 ecur�ty In��rumen� ar�he �ontraGfi con�.�c�s�v�.th <br /> Applicab�e Law, �uch conflict shal� not affec�❑�her provisxons of th�s �ecur�ty Ins�rumen�or the Contrac�whzch <br /> can be givez�effect vvithou��he confl.zcting pr��ision.T�this end the�rov�sions nf this S�curi�y�ns�rum�n�and the <br /> C�ntraGt a�re declared to be�e�rerab��. <br /> Borrvwer's Copy.B�rrav�er sha�l be given one copy of this S�curity�nstrument. <br /> Cc�2pD42D 15 CampIiance Systems,Inc.A6BC-A21F-2415.3,5,I Qb4 <br /> Cansurner Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2�36 Page 3 of 5 www.complian�esystems.cvm <br />