<br /> �EE� �F �����`
<br /> L��n �1�: '!��'����� ����t1�7u��� P�g� �
<br /> �t�`rust�r`s r��u�sts, th�t d�e� r��t r����n L�r�d�r wifl be req�r�r�d t� ���s�nt�� �ny a�T���tar's �����-e ��qu�st�.
<br /> Yrustc�r vuaiu�s p�esentrnentr d�mand f��p��rrt�nt,prtat�s�,and n��ic��#dishor�a�.
<br /> S�wera�ility. If � ��urt f�r�cl� ���� �r�� pr�visi�� �f ��i� ���d �f Tru�t is r�at v��i� �� �h�ul� n�� �� �r�f�r���lr th�t
<br /> fac�t�y it��lf�il� r��t rr��ar� th�t tF�� re��a��hi� D�ed�f Trus�v�ill �at��va�it� �r�nfor���, Th�r�fi�r�, � ���rrt�vill
<br /> �r�farc�th�r��t af th� p��trisi�ns of tl�is a�����Trust��+�n if a pr��risian�f this a��� ��Trus�may�e f�ur�d �❑ b�
<br /> �nv�l�d ar un�r�f�r����fe,
<br /> �u��es�r�r� �r��A��i�r��. �U�j'��t t� arr�r lir�it�tiar�� ���#��i ir� this Dee�i �f Tru�t an tr�n�f�r��F Tru�t�r's int�r�str
<br /> tl�is a��d af Trust shal� be b�n�ing �p�n �r�d ir�ur� t� tf�� b�nefi� �f th� p�rti�s, th�ir su����s�r� �n�i �ssigns. If
<br /> �v��r��r�l�ip �f t�e �r�perty he�arn�� ►r��t��i in a p�rson ���e�than �"ru�t�r, �.en�ierr �nri�h�ut r�atic�to Yrust�r� rrt�y
<br /> r���� w i�tl�Tru�ta r`s��c��s��rs +�v�tl� ref�r�����❑thi� D����f Tru�t�n� tl�� I r���bt�d ne�� b��a��f�o rb��ran��flr
<br /> ext�n�iar�v�r�th��t�rel�asin�Tru�t�r f��rr�th��bli�a�i�ns of�hi�D��d�f Trus�flr lia�ili�y un�f�r�rhe I����tedn�s�,
<br /> Time is of 1�h�Ess�n��. Tirn�is of tf7� e�s�r�G�in�F�e per�orman�e��this f���d o�Trus#.
<br /> V�a�w�.�ury. All �ar����t�thi� ���tl a#TrU�f h�r��y waiv� th� r�gl�#t� �ny jur�tri�l in �r�y�����n� �r���e�Jir��� ar
<br /> �€�ur�t�r�l�im br����t��r an�r p�r�y a��inst fir���th����rtr�-
<br /> U11ai�rer �f �l�rnes�e��l �xer��ti�n. �rust�r h�r�by r�la�ses an�f �aiv�� afJ ri�ht� �r�� �en�fi�s �f th�� h�rnesteas�
<br /> e��m����r�f�w� �f th� ���t�af N�br�ska�as t�a�l Ir������dr��:s�se�ur��i by#h�� C]�e��f����t.
<br /> ��Ft�l�'I�iVS. Th�fa�l�v�►in�urar�� �h�l! f�a�re t�i��all�wing m��nir��s��u��n�as�d in this De�ci af Tr�s�;
<br /> B��efici�ry_ �I�P�fur�r�i "�3���ficiary" rnear�� Eq►�itaE�le�an�,�r�d its suc�es��rs�r�d �s�igr�s.
<br /> �grrow�r. Th� w�r� "��rr�v��r" rri��n� �a�la� `1W. I�ir�� �n� ��rrYt�n 1�11. �irne �n�i in�[u��s �il ca-sr��er� ���
<br /> ���rri���r�si�nin��h��V��� an+��#I th�ir su�ces�ar� �r�c� d�si�ns.
<br /> C���ci vf Tr��#, Th� words "a��� �f Fru�t" �near� th�s i���d �f Trust ���n� �+-�st�rr k.�nd�r, �r�d Trusteer and
<br /> in�l�d�� �rvitl�au� I�m�tatE�r� al� �ss��r�rr�ent an� ���urit� ir�t�res� pr��isi�r�s rel�tin� �� th� �ersQn�l f'r���rty �r�d
<br /> I��nt�.
<br /> �n�r�ronrrn�ntal Lav�rs. Th� �n��r�� "En�r�rQnrn�ntal Laws" m��r� �r�y �n� alf �t���, fed�ra! �nd I�cal statut�s,
<br /> r�g�la�i�ns �nt� �r�linan��s r�la�ir�� t� �I�+� prat��#i�n �� �urn�r� �r�alth ar the �n�ir�n�-r,�ntr inclUdtng v�ri�h�ut
<br /> limitatic�n th� ��m�re��n�i�r� �n�irar,ment�� R�s��ns�, C�rnp�nsa#��n, �r�� Li�b�lity A�t a# ����r �s �mend�d, ��
<br /> U.�.�. ��ct��n 9��'!, �# seq. (`��FR�I.�"�,the 5up�r�ur�d Am�n�im�n�s a nd Re aut��r�zatinn A���# �3H�, �'u'�. �.
<br /> Nc�. �l�-�-�� �"�ARA"}f th�€��za�d�us Il�f�terial s Tr��s�art��ian A��Cr�� �!.�.�. ���ti�n 1��1, �t s��.��th�R�s�u�r��
<br /> �ar���rv�tia�r an�! R���v�ry A�t, �-� lJ,�.�. �e��i�� ���1, �� s��., �r a���� a�plic��l� ��t�t��r�ed���l fa�u�, rul�st
<br /> �r r��u��tiQ�s�dapt�� �urs�ant th�r�t�.
<br /> Ew�nt af�eta�,lt. Th�w�rds "E�r�r��af aefaul�" m��n �ny�f th����r�ts a�d��au�t s�t fo�'th�r�this Qee��f Tru��i��
<br /> th��e�r�r��ts a#d�f�ul�s��ti�n �f th�s a�ed �f Tru�t.
<br /> ��€istin� Ind�b#edn���. l"h� v��rds "E�€is�t�n� Ir�d�l�t�dn�s�'' rnean th� in�fc�t��fn�s� �esGrib�d in �h� E��st�r+g Li�r�s
<br /> pr��Gsion�f this �e�d of i ru��,
<br /> �u�r�nty. Tf��vv�r� "�uar�nty� rr��an� th� �u�rar�ty frorr���arar�t�f, end�r�er, �ur���, ������rr7rr���ati�n���ty t�
<br /> L�n�er� in�f���n� v�itf���t�imit�ti�n �guaran#�+�f�li ar���t�f tF�� N�#�.
<br /> Wazar�a�� Substar�c�s. Th� wa�ds "Ha��r���s �u�sxan���" r��an m�t�rial� thatf ��c�U�e vt �h�ir qu��tit�r
<br /> ��n��r,tr�rti�� �r Rhy�i��f1 ch��i cal �r inf��tiv us cC�a r��x�ri sti�s, r�ay �a�,s� ar p�s� � p��s��r� �r pa��ntia�l h��a rd
<br /> kr� human h�alth o�the�r��Er�r�r���r��v+rh�r�im�r�p�rly����tr tr��t��fr �tor�d, d��pa��c� �r��, �en�rate�, manu�a�:t�r�d,
<br /> tr����v�t�c3 �r�ther��is� har����d, Tk�� �nrasds "Ha���d�u� Su�st���es" a�� used sn th�ir ���� k���adest s�ns��r�d
<br /> inclt��� wi�h�u� limit�t�a� �ny �nc� ��I h��ard�us �r t�xi� �ukas�an���, ma��rials �r w�st� �s ��fin�d �y ar �is���f
<br /> un€��r t��Envir�n�rn�nt�� Laws. TJ��t�rm "�la��r��us �ut�star����" �Is�ir��l�,���, v��it���,t Iimita�iQn, p�traf��m �nd
<br /> ��tr�l�urn �y��r��l��ts�r any fr��tiQr�th��r��f���1�sb�st��.
<br /> �rr��r�wem�nts. �F�� vuQrd "Impr�W��n�r�ts" rn�ans a!I �xistin� �r�d �future impr���m����r bui�din��r stru�tur�s,
<br /> m��il� h�mes affi��� �n �1�� F���1 �r�p�r�y, f��iliti��� a�d�ti�n�r ���(a��r�r��r��s �n� �th�r ��r�stru�tian �� the F���!
<br /> �r���r�ty.
<br /> lnd�bt�dne��� Th� ward "�n€��bt��n�s�" �n�an� alI prin�i��l, �nt�r�s�, an� ��hef �rn�unt�, costs �nd e���ns��
<br /> ��yabl� ur�d�r th� NQt� ar F����t�o! �u�urn�n��t t�g�t��r witl� �Ir r�n�w�ls �fr ����n�iun� �fr m�difEcatian� ❑f,
<br /> c�n��lida�ti�ns of arr� sul�stitut��ns��r th� Na���r F�ela��� I�o�um�nts �r�d �ny�m�unts ex��r���d�r��fvar�G�r� k��
<br /> ��n�l�r ta disch�r�� Tf�st�r's �b�i��t�a�s Qr ��cFens�� incurr�d b� Trust�e ar L�nd�r t� er�f�r�e Trus#��'s
<br /> ��li�ati�n�-ur�d�r thi� ���tf�f Trust,t�g��l��r tirtirith int�r��t an�u�h �moUn��as pr4�rid�d;n t�i� aeet��f Tru��.
<br /> l.�r���r. Th� w��d "L�n��r" rn�an� ���it��l� �a�I�r it� su������rs and a�si�n�, Th� w�rd� "������s�rs �r
<br /> �s�i�ns" m��n,�ny.��rs�n�r�ampan�r�hat�cquir�s�ny�nt�r�st in t�e N�t�.
<br /> N�t�. �h� v�r�rd "N��e" m���s �h� �rQrniss�r� nat� ��t��f �e�ternber 1�r ����� �� #he vri�ir��l prir��i��l
<br /> 2�r�Q�17t Of ����.r���.��#ra���rr�w�r t�Len��r,��getl��r�v�th��l r�n��rvaE�of, e�t�r�sians �f. �n�dific��t+�ns
<br /> �f, r�tinan�ir���at� con�a�iddttr�rti�c�f, �n�substitutians fc�r th� �r�miss�ry nat� ❑r��r��ment� Th�maturity�at��f
<br /> this D��d a�Tru�t is�l�l� 1 r ��'I�. �
<br /> ��rs��a� �'r���rty. Th� vv�r�s "Pers�r,�l Pro��rty" rn��n �I! �qu�prnentr fix�ur��, ��r�i �th�r �r�i���s �f ��rs�n��
<br /> pr���r��r n�w �r h����ft�r ��n�d by Trustor, �r�� n�w ar I����aft�r �tt�c��d Qr affi�ecl t� �he l��al �r���rt�;
<br /> ta��th�r witf� a!I ������ians, ��rt�, ���i �d�i�i�ns t�, �fl r��lac�rry�nt� ��, an� al� �ukastttuti�ns far, any �f su�t�
<br /> pr�p�rty; �n� tQgPth�r v+�ith ail �roc��ds �in�����ir�r� vtirithout lirriit��ian al� insUr�n�� pr����ds �n� r�fun�� of
<br /> pr�rr�iurt�s� t��m�r����I��r oth�r dis���iti�r����1���rap�rty.
<br /> Pr�per�y. �'h��var� "Pr�p�r�ly" rr��an����leC�iv�l�{th� I��aF�ropert�an�th�1��rsUn�� f�r���rty.
<br /> R��I �r�p�r�y. Th� v�r�rds "F���I pr�p�rt�" m�a n th� r��I ����ert�+, i nt�r��ts ar�� ri�h�s, �s f�rtl��r d�sc ri��d �n th i�
<br /> I���� �f Tr��t. .
<br /> F��I�tecl D�cum��#s. The t,rv�r�� ''R�lated [�a�um�+���" rr�ean �ll pr�m�ss�r� r�ot�s, �redit agre�r-rment�, �a�n
<br /> a�r��m�r�ts r �r��iron rr�enta f ��r��m�nt�, g�ra rant�es, ����rrity a�r��m�nts r rr3ort����s, ����is a� tru�t, ��c�rity
<br /> �1��ds, callat�ral �n�rtga�e�� �r��i ��I �ther ��n�trum�ri�s, ��r��rn�nts a�d ���um�r��-�r ��I��th�� r���nr �r h��-��ft�r
<br /> ��i�tin�i����u�ed�n ��nn��ti��vv�th tl�� I��eb���ln��s,
<br /> R�nts. Th� tirvr��d �fR�n�s" m��ns �11 �r���nt a�rd �uture r�nts, r���nue�r incQm�, issu�sr r�y�l�i�s, pr�fit�, and
<br /> �t��r ben�#it���riv�� f���th�F��apert�+.
<br /> Tr��#��. The �or� "Tr��t��" m��r�� Eq ui�a b�� �a�n k ��r�t�r� I s f�n� R eg��t��, �h�s� �t�dr��s is 'l 1�-1 1� 1�1 L���a st
<br /> Str P� Q��c ���, Grar�d l�land, �l� �8���-����]�n� any s�bstitute��s�cc�ssar tru����s.
<br /> Trustflr. �-1��w�rd "Trustvr" rt��an� []�I���T. �irn�.
<br />