<br /> ��E� �F TR���'
<br /> L��� N�: 1������� ���n#in���� P�g� �
<br /> h�r'���t�r�xistir����I�v��r in equi�y�r b�sta��t�. �v�ry p�w�r�r r�m�dy gi��n f�y���N�t�ar�ny o#t�i� I��i�t��
<br /> ao�ur��n�s t� Tr��te� �r L�r�d�r ❑r t� vwrhi�h �ith�r of t��m may �� ath�rwi�� �ntitl�d, m�� �� �x���is�d,
<br /> �on�urr�ntly�r�r��lep�nd�n��y, fr�r� �ima ta tir�� and as �ft�n a� m�� b� d��rr��d e�pe�i�nt ta�Trus���or L�n�i�r,
<br /> �nd �ither �f t���n rrr�y pur��� in��nsi�te�t r�m�di��. N�thing in thi� ����i nf T;��t sha�l be c�n�tru�� as
<br /> �r��i#�itin� Lend�r fr�m ���k�r�t� � d�ficien��ju�l�rr7�rt�a�ains�th�T�'ust�r t��he�xt�nt su�l��c�ian i� ��rm��t�d [�}�
<br /> l�v�.
<br /> �lectiar� vf F#em��ii��. AI� �f L�r�d�r`s rigl��� �r�d r�m�di�s vvill �� ��rr�ulati�r� an� m�y �� �xerci��� a���� �r
<br /> to�e�h�e. If ��n�f�r deci��� �c� sp�n�f m�n�y ur�r� pert�rm any uf 7r�st�r's �bl�gd�Ec�n� und�r �his D��� af�ru�t.
<br /> afit�r Trus#�r`s �ai]ur� t� do ��, th�t deci�i�r� �y L��o��r vvill n�t a�fect L�nder'� ri�ht to ���I�r�`fr�st�� in d�f�ult
<br /> �r�d ta��c���ise Len���'s rern��i��.
<br /> R�qu�st f�r N�t«�. Tru�t�rr �n b�half��Tr�star an�i L�r�d�r, her�a�r����st�that�co�y�f an� iV�ti��a�Qef��lt
<br /> �n� � ��p�a��ny N�tice�f��I��nd�r thi s ���� ��Trust��rr�ai f��t�th�m a�t�h�addr�s�e� ���#orth it� tF�� fir�t
<br /> �aragrap�af this a�etf�f Trus�_
<br /> At��rney�' Fee�. F���r�se�_ If Len��r ir�stit�,t�s an�r s�it �r �cti�n t� ��for�� �ny �f tl�� term� �� thi� De��f �f
<br /> Trus�� Ler�d�r sh�ll �e�ntitE�d t� reco��r such sum a�th� c�u�t rrray a����g� r���an���e a�att�rrte�rs' f��� a�tria�
<br /> �nd �p�r� any �R�eal. Vl��r��her Qr na� �ny �Q�rt acti�n i� in�o�v�d, a�t� ta tl�� ��#�nt @Qf �3f{�I�Jkll��{� ��jf I[�V1�r dll
<br /> r����r�ab�� ��pens�s L�r�d�r incurs th�t ir� L�nd�rYs �pini�n are n�Ca��ary at �ny �`rm� for t�� �rat���ian �t it�
<br /> int�r��t�r��ne enfar��m�r�t of it�ri�hts��iall be��m� a pa�t a�th�lndeb���n�s�p�y�aE� an�l�ma�d�n�f shail b�ar
<br /> in�er���at th�N�t� r���fr�m th��i�t�a�th���€��n�litur�until r�p�id. E�c��n�����v�r�d �y t�i� par��raph ir���u��,
<br /> wifh�ut limit�ti�r�; f�owe�er s�k���ct t� �r�y�im�ts undcr ��pli�ab[� ��t�, Lcr►d�r'� a�tv�n�ys' ���s and L�n�ler's lega�
<br /> �xp�n��s� v�rF���th�r or �ot th�r� 'rs a f��rs�it, ir�cludin� �tt��n�y�' ���s �n� ��cp�r�s�s �c�r b�n�rupt�� pra���d�n�s
<br /> {ir��[udin��ff�r�� t� ma�ify�r�a�at��ny aut�m�ti����y❑r in�un�ti�r��, ��P�ai�, ar�d �ny�rtti�ip�t��i ��s�-ju��rn�n�
<br /> �affec�ian SBfl�l��$r �h� ��s�a� se�r�l�in� r��Qrd�, Qht�in�n� titi� r�pQrt� ��n�fudi�� i��r������re �'��or�rs�� ��rv���rs'
<br /> rep�rtsr an� �ppr�is�l f���r ti��� ins�ran�er �n�f t��� f�r tl�e Tru����r �a t�� �xt�r�t p�rmit�et� �y ���Eir��bl� law.
<br /> Tr�star als4 u�rill pa►��n��aurt��sxs,in ad�ifiiar���ali�th�r sums�r��ide�f �y l�v+�,
<br /> F�i�hts�f�'€�us�e�� Tru������afl h��r� all�f tf�e ri�h���nd du#i�s�f Len�l�r a���t�r�rth in thfs���tiQn,
<br /> P��ER� AND��LIGf��IQNS �F�F�US7E�. Th�t�lf�win� �ra�Esi�n� refa�in� t��h� p�v�r�rs an� �ali��ti�ns �f�rust��
<br /> �re��rt a�F thi����� ��'Ttu�t:
<br /> �vwers o�Tr�stee. fn�dditian t� afl p��+r�rs af Tr�a�t��ar'rsin�as a matt�r��la��v,Tru�te�shal�ha�r�t�r� ��►t+��r t�
<br /> ��I�� th� #�If��rin� a��i�ns tnrith r�s�e�t���h� Pr�g�r�y u��n th��nrrit��n r��u�st�f L�nd�r an�i Trustor: �a)��ir� i�
<br /> �r�p�rin� an� filin� � rr�ap �r pla� �# t�� ��al Pr�p��t�r, includfr�g th� cf�rifc:atian �f stre��� c�r ❑ti��r ri��ts t� �h�
<br /> ��bli�f 4�� jain in grarrtir�� �ny �a��rn�nt or �r�atin� an� r���ri��i�n �n rth� R��� Prap�rt►�� and (�� a��n in �ny
<br /> �U��rdin�ti�n ar��I��r a�r��m�n��ff��lin�this D����f Trus�o�the intr�r����f L�r�d��r un��r�his ���d�f Tr��t.
<br /> ��ustee. Trust�� �hal! m��t al� qUal�ficati�n� r�quir�d for Tr�st�e ur��i�r a�pli��k�le f�vtir. In �dditi�r� t� �h� rights
<br /> an� r�rr���ie� s�t fartf�r ����re, with r����ct�a a�l �r �r�y ��rt a�th� �r�p�rtyf th� T�ust�� sJ�al1 h�ve tFre ri�ht t�
<br /> ��reG4Qse b� n��sce and s���, �nd L�nd�r �tisl I�a�e the ri�F��tc� far��las� by jta€fi�i�� fore�t�s���, ir, ei�h�r �ase in
<br /> a���r��nc�v�ri�h and��the f�ll��t�r�t�r�v�d��l�y���fi���l� C�vu,
<br /> SU�c��so�Tr�s��e. L�r�cief, at L�r�de�'s apt�an, rrkay fir�m tirne�a tirn� �ppoint a s�acce�sar Trus���to any Trus��e
<br /> ap�4int�t� �rr�ri�r th�s Q�e�f a'f Tr���t by an ir���rurn�nt ��c��:ut��i �n�i �rl�r��X+�l�dg�€i f�y L�n�1�r �r�d r�����i�d in t�te
<br /> �ffi�� �f tF�� r���rd�r af H�ll ��ur�ty, �x�t� �f N��r�ska. The i���rum�n� sha�l cor�t�in, in ad�itior� t� all ath�r
<br /> mat��r� r�quired by stat� lav�r, �h� n�m�s €�f th� �fi��n�J L�n��rf Tru�t��. �nd Trustar� th� b��k and page {ar
<br /> �a mput�r ��st�rn r�-��r�n��} �rv here thi� ae�� �f Trust is r���rtl�d, �n�f th� r��r�� an� a�i�r�ss c�f �t�r� suc����a�
<br /> tt'ustee, �nd t�e ins�rusn�nt�h�ll 4�e�xe�ut�d �nd��ks���ied�e�i b�afl t1��bene�i�i�ri�� u�d�r this a�ed of Trust c�r
<br /> th��r �u��c�ss�rs i n i n��r��t. T�� �u���s��r tr�ste�, v,rith�ut co r���y�n�� �f th� �r�per��, sJ�all ���c��d t� all ti��
<br /> titl�, �v�ver, a nd��ti���a�f�rr�d u}��n t�h e 'Truste� irr tl�i� ��ed�f Trust��d��a�p�i c abl�f�v�r. Th�is p r���dure�o r
<br /> ��bstit��i���f Tr�st�e�h�ll��ve�n��th��xclusf�n a�a�l vth�r�r��ri�ions��r�u�s�ifi�ti�n.
<br /> IV�TI���. Any r��tic� r�quir�� ta b� �i��n un�i�r �F�i� a��� �f Tr�s�� in�ludin� witF��u�limitati�rr �r�y� n�#+�� �f��f�uJt
<br /> �n� �r�y nati�e ��s�l� �half t�� �i��r� in writin�r ar�� sh��ll be �'���ctiv� v�rh�rr a�'t�afl����i��rQdr v�hen ��-�ually re�eived
<br /> f��t�lefacsir�il� �:unl��s�tf�erwi�e r�q�ir�� �y I�w}, v�rh�n�J�p�sit�d r�ri�F��nati�r��lly r�c��nf��� ��rerni�h�c�uri�rr ar, if
<br /> r7i��led, v�lh�n�l�r��siz�d in th� U�ite�f �ta��s mail, as fii��t cl�ss, certifi��t�� r��ist�red mail po�tag��r�pa�d, �lir�ct�d t❑
<br /> �t�e a�dres��s ��r a�nr n r���r t�e b��in r�ir�g af th is D���f o f�rUst. Al I ���ies �f n o#i��s a�f�r�c�o��r�fr�m t�� hoi�f�r of
<br /> �ny �i�n wl�i�h, I�a� pri�ri#���r�r�his �e�� a�Tr�st �h�lf b� ��r�t f� L�n��r's �d�r�ssf as �hown r���� th� b��ir�riir�g af
<br /> this a��d ❑��l`rust. Any persan r�a�r �har�g� his or I��r a�dr��s f�r n�ti��s un��r this ��ed ❑�Trust E�y �ivin� f�rmaE
<br /> �rritten n�fi��� t� the a�h�r p�r��r� ar p�r��ns, s�����yin� tl��t tl�� �urp�s� �f th� na�i�� is t� cha��� �h� p�r��n'�
<br /> a�Edr���. Far noti�� purp�s�sr Tr€�st�r agr��s ta l���p��nd�r infarr►���I at al�tim�$af�rust�r's cu�rr�n#ad�r�ss. !.lnl�ss
<br /> ��herv�is� pr��id�d r�r r�q ui r�� l�y l�wr if th�r� i� mc�r���a n �n�Trust�r, ��y r,at�c� �iv�n l�y L�r��l�r t� �ny Trust�r i s
<br /> d��m��t� �e n�ti���r�r�r�t�al�Trus�tar�. It wilf���r��t�rr�resp�nsibilit�r ta���I��� atF�ers��th�n��i���rarr� �end�r.
<br /> �III��ELLANE�US���1fl���f��� �'h�fQl��v�ir�g mfs��ll�r�e�u� p�o�isions ar����rt of�his��e��a��'r�st�
<br /> An�e��lm�rits. 1�Ih�t is vti+rit�en Er� �tl�i� Qe�d �f Trust and ir�tl�e F����t�d �o��m�r�#s is ��ust��'s �n�i�e ��r��ment
<br /> wit� Le nd�r��nce rr�ir�g th� m�tt�r� ���er��! ��#hi s ���d af Tr�st. T� b� �ff��ti�e, �r�� �han���r a m�ndm�r�t to
<br /> t1�i� ����f�f Trust m�st �� i� v�rri�ir�� �nd rr���t b� sign�� by v�ha�v�r uril! �� ��un�i�r abli��t��d b�the ch�r���or
<br /> a��ndm�nt,
<br /> ��pti�rt F���dir���. ��pti�n h��d E rtgs i n tl��s C]e e d �f Tr�s t a r� f�r ��n��r���n�� �urpflses �nl y and ar� r�t�t to h�
<br /> used t�int�rpret or defin�th�pr��ris�ans af thi�a�ed�f Tr��t.
<br /> I�i�r��r. Th�r� �h�ll �� r,o m�r��r�f tF�� int�r��t�� est�te�r��t�d I��fF�i� ����i�f Tru�t v�ri#h ar�y�th�r ir���r��t or
<br /> es��t� sn th��r�p�rt��t any tirne h�ld by c��f�r�h� b�r��fit af��nd�r in an���pacityr ��rith�ut�I��vtirritt�r�c�ns�nt
<br /> �f l.�nder.
<br /> ��v�rni�g L�w. This D�ed Q#Trust r�ril� �e �o��rned f�y�e��r�l 1a�r ���li�aaf� t� L�nd�r an�f. t� th� ��c�er��nat
<br /> pr���rnpt�d�]�fed�r��i��v�the I�urts �f th���tat�of N�br��k��ithau�r��ar�to it�canf�i�t��f I�w prQv��i�ns. This
<br /> a���l of Tru��has���r�����pted b�L�rt�ler in th�Stat���IVet�rasl€a.
<br /> �h�i�e a� V�nue. ff ther� is � lawsuit, Tru���r a�r�es up�n l��n��r's r�qu��t�� �r�brni�ta th���risdi�ti�n �f th�
<br /> c��r�s��H�If�aun-tyf �tat� af N��raska.
<br /> .�oin� �n�i 5�v���� �iabili�y. ,�fl �k�ligati�ns �f �arraw�r an�i Tr�st�r un�l�r th�is ���d �f Trust �i��fl b� ��int �n�l
<br /> ��v�r�l, �nd al[ r�fer�r���s ta Tr��to� �l�a�l rry�an ���h ar�d�v�ry Trus�ar, �r�d�ll referen��s�� B�rr�w�r��r�ll m�an
<br /> ���h an���+�r�►g�rro�rv�r, This r���ns�h�����h Trustar�i�nan�beF�v� is r�s��nsil�l���r�I1�bligati�ns in�h�� C���d
<br /> ��Tr�st.
<br /> N�V1�ai��r b�Len�ler. Tru�t�r und ersta nd� L�n�f�r�r i�l n�t�iv� uF a n�r o f Le�d�r'�ri�hts u r,d�r thi� Qe��i af Trusr
<br /> unles� Lend�r ���� s� in v�rri�in�. Th� ��ct �h�t L�rrd�r d��ay� or �r�it� t❑ exer�P�� �r�y �i�h� v�rill n�t r�e�n ��rat
<br /> L�nder has giv�n up �hat ri�h+x. l� L�n�i�r cl��s ��ree in v�rt'stin� �a gsve up �s�� o� Lenr���'s si�t�t�r �tihat ���s n�t
<br /> m�an Trustar �vill n�t hav� �� ��mpl� �,vitl� th� �th�r �r��i�ian� af this a��� �f Tr��t. Tru�tar al�� urt��r�tan�is
<br /> th�� if �en��r �la�s c�n�ent to � reques�, that da�� r�o� m�an tha� Trustor v�rill n�t I��ve ta �e� ��r��icr's �ansent
<br /> ���in iir the s�tua�'i�r�h�pp�r�s �o��in. �r�star furth�r un�i�rstands th�t!us#I����u��L�nt�����ns�nt�t�o��or��r�
<br />