. ��1 5�6498
<br /> Applicable Law. As used in this Secur�ty �nstru.ment, the �erm "Appl�c����e Lavt�" shail m�an al1 contrallin�
<br /> applicab�e fed�ral, ��ate and I�cal s�atutes, regu�at�nns, nrdinances and admi��€s�rative rules and orders (that have
<br /> the eff�ct of law}as we��as a��app��ca}�Ie�nal,non-appea�ab�e judiciai op�nians.
<br /> Ch�rg�s; L�ens. Barra�ver shal� pa� aI1 �a�es, assessrnents, charges, fines and imposit�ans a��ribu�able to the
<br /> Propez-ty tivh�ch rna��attain pr�ority oVer thi5 SeCUr1�'�n5'�i`UmeTit, and Iea�e�c��d payments or gr�und rents, if any.
<br /> At the request of Lender,Barro�xrer sha�I promp�ly ftu-n�sh�o Lender rece�pts�.�idenc�ng the payments.
<br /> B�r�otiv�r sha11 promp�ly discharg�any Iien vvhich has pri�ri�y over this SecL�rity�nstrurnen�.unless B�rro�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in u�riting t� the paymen� af the obliga�ian s�cured by �:he lien in E� rnann�r acceptab�e �� Le�de.r; �b}
<br /> con�ests in ga�d faith the Iien by, ar defends agains� enf�rcement of the 1ie n in, legal proc�edings wh�ch �n the
<br /> Lender'� �pin�on �p�rate ta pre�ent th� enf�rcem�n� af the l�en; or �c� secures from 1:he ho�der of th� ���z� an
<br /> agreemen�satisfa�tory to Lender subordinating�he �ien ta t�iis Security Ins��unen�. �f Lender determines that any
<br /> part of the Property is subj ec�ta a Iien which may a��ain prior�ty�ver thi.� S ecurzty Instrument, Lender ma�g7ve
<br /> B�r�oW�r a noti�e �dentifying th.e�ien. Borrovver sha��sa�isfy�he �zen ar ta�e one�r more flf�he actions set f�rth
<br /> above v��thin I�days of the giving af notice.
<br /> Ha�ard or Property InsuranCe. B�rrower sha�l keep the�mprovements nov�,�existing or hereafter e�e��ed on�he
<br /> Prflpert�insured agains�loss by fire,hazards included within the�erm"exten��ed coverage"and an�other ha�ards, �
<br /> inci�ding flaods �r flo�ciing, far wh�ch Lender requires �nsurance. Th�s ir�surance shal� be main�ained rn the
<br /> amounts and for the periads�hat Lender requ�res. The�.nsuranGe carrier pr�vit�zng the�nsu.rance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Bor�a�ver subjec� �o Lender's appro�ai wh�ch shall not be unreasonably w��:hheld. �f Barrawe� fails t� �na�ntain
<br /> coverage describ e d above, Lender may, at Lexider's �p�1�11, �b�ain c over�;;e ta pro�e�� Lendez's rights ���. tih.e
<br /> Prapert�r in accardance�nri�h sec�i�n ti��ed Pr�t�ctiun of Lender's Righ�s in the Property.
<br /> AIl insurance pal�cies and renevvals shall be ac�eptable to Lender and shal� include a standard mortgage c�ause.
<br /> Lender shall have�he right to hold the palicies and renewals. If Lend�r req�i:res,Borrawer shall promptly give tio
<br /> Lender alI rece�pts�f pa�d prem�ums and renewal natices. Zn�he even�of�os��, Borrov�er sha�I gzve prornpt nfl�xce
<br /> �a�he insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof of Ioss if nat made prnmp�ly by Borrourer.
<br /> Unle�s Lend�r and B arro�er athervvise agree in u�r�t�ng, insurance praceecls shal] be app��ed to restorati�n ar
<br /> repa�r of the Property damaged, if, in Lender's s�le d�scre�ion, �he rest�ratic�n or repair zs econ�m�.ca��y feas�bX�
<br /> and Lender's se�urity is no�Iessened. Zf, in Lender's sole discret�on, the restorat�on�r repair is not ec�n�m��a1�y
<br /> feasi�I��r L�nder's se�urity wauld be le�sened,�he insurance proceeds shall be appl�ed t�the sums sec�r�d by this
<br /> Se�ur�ty Instnx�nent, �vhether ar not then due, �vi�h an� ex�ess paid �o B�3rra�ver. If Bgrrovver abandons the
<br /> Proper�y,or doe�not ansu�er vvithin�he number�f�ia�rs prescribed by Applxc��b�e Laur as se�forth in a na�ice frorn
<br /> Lender�a�3arrower tha��he insurance carrxer has offered t� settle a clairn, �hen Lender may callect the insura.nce
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Prop�rry or to pay�ums secured by this Se�urity
<br /> �nstrum�n�,tivhether or n�t�hen due.The periad of tirne for Borrovt�er to ans�r��r a�set for�i in the notice Wili begin
<br /> tivhen the n����e rs gi�r�n.
<br /> Unless Lend�r and Borro�ver otherwise agree in writ�ng, any appl�cation of proceeds t❑pr�ncipaX sha�l na�ex�end
<br /> or pQstpane�he due date of the payments due ur�der the Con�ract or change t:he amount af the payments. �f under
<br /> �he section titled Ac�elerat�on; Remedies, �he Property is acquired by Lend���,Borrower's right�o any insuran�e
<br /> policies and praceeds resulting from damage �o the Proper�y prior�o �he a���uisitian shall pass �o Lender to �h�
<br /> ex�ent of�he surns secured by this Security�nstrurnent immediately prior to th�,acquisi�ian.
<br /> Pre�ervation, Main�enance and Prote��xvn of the Praper�y; �flrrow�r's Loan Application; Leaseho�ds.
<br /> Barrovver shall nat des�roy, damage ar zmpair the Property, al1�w the Prope�ty�fl deteriflrate, or commit was�e on
<br /> the Pr�perty.BorrQ,w�r sha1l be in default if any farfeiture ac��an or proceeding,�vherher civ�1 or crirninal,�s begun
<br /> that in Lender's gofld faith judgmer�� cou�d resu��in forfei�ure �f�he Proper�y ar athervvise materia��y impair�he
<br /> Iien created by �h�s S��urity �nstru�nen� or Lender's secur��r interest. Barxo��er may ctx�e such a def�ul� and
<br /> reinstate, as prov�ded in se�ti�n titled Borr�v�ver's R�ght�a Reinstate,by causing the ac�ion�r praceeding t�be
<br /> d�smissed�i�h a ruling that,in Lender's good fai�h det�rmination,pre��udes fc3rfei�ure�f the Borra�rer's�n�terest in
<br /> the Property or other material impairment �f the Iien created by this Sec�.Y�t� �ns�rurnen� ar Lender's se�urity
<br /> in�eres�.Borrower shal�al�a be in default if Barrou�er,during the�oan applica�tian�rocess,�ave ma�eria�ly fa�s�ar
<br /> inaccurat� informatian or sta.temen�s �� Lender �or fa�.�ed �o provide Lender v�r��h any material informa��fln� �n
<br /> connection wi�h the loan e�idenced by the �ontra��. If this Secur�t�In�trument is �n a�easeho�d, B�rrov�rer shali
<br /> compl�with a11 the provisinns of th�Iease.If B�rrower acqu�res fee�iti�to th�v Pr�pezty,the leasehold and the fee
<br /> �i�le shall nat merge unless Lender agrees�fl the merger in wrzti.ng.
<br /> Pro�ec�ian vf Lender's Ribhts in th� Prvperty. If Borra�v�r fails ta peri:arm the cflv�nant� and agreemen�s
<br /> cantained in thxs 5e�urity�ns�rument, or there is a legal proceeding tha#may��rgnif cant�y affect L�nd�r's r�ghts �n
<br /> the Praper��su�h as a pr�ceed�ng zn bar�kruptcy, pra�ate, for condemnatior� or forfeiture or�� enf�rce ta��vs or
<br /> regulatzan�}, then Lender may dv and pay f�r wha�ever is ne�essar�r to pr��tect �he value of the Prapert� and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in�h�Praper�y.Lender's actzons may include paying an�surns se�ured by a lien which has pr�orz�y
<br /> av�r this Security�nstrument, appearing in c�ur�,paying reasanab�e attarneys'fees a.��d enter�ng an the Proper�y to
<br /> make r�pairs.A�thaugh Lender may�a.ke act�on under this section,Lender does na�have to da�o.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Len�i�r und�r this sectian shail became additr�nal debt of Borrower secured b� th�s
<br /> Security Ins�ru�ment. Un�ess Borrovv�r and Lender agree �a flther term� of payment, �he�e amounts shal� bea�
<br /> �nterest from the date of disbuarsernent a� the sarne rate assesse� on advances under the Contra�t and sh�.I� be
<br /> payable,�vitk��r��erest,upan notice from Lender�o Barro�nrer reques�ing pa�ment.
<br /> cQ 2004-2�15 Compliar3Ge Systerns,Tnc.ASSC-2372-2fl 15,3,5,1464
<br /> Consuxner Reai Estate-Security It�stiuinent DL2435 Pa�e 2 af S www.carnplia�cesystems.com
<br />