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<br /> Hnme F�deral Sav�ngs&Loan Assoc�afion of Hvme Federal Sa�v�ings&Laan Assacxation flf
<br /> Grand I�land Grand IsZand
<br /> 221 South Lacus�S�reet ��1 S�u�h Lacust S�reet
<br /> GRAN�]ISLA�TD;NE 58$al GRAND ISLAND,I�E 65��1
<br /> (Space Abov�This Line For Reco�rd�ng�3ata}
<br /> L�AN�RI�INATOR C�N�PA�TY�AME:Home Federa�Sa�2ngs&Laan Associatian of�rand Is�and
<br /> NMLS��MPANY IDENT�F�ER: 446�43
<br /> LflAN DRIGINAT4R N.AN.CE: Chris Kaskie
<br /> I�EED �F TRUST
<br /> BY THI� DEEI] �]F TRUST�
<br /> TH�S I3EED�F TRUST �"5 ecurity Instrumen�"}�s made on 5 epternb er 15,2 U 15. The gran�ars are TIM�TH"S�
<br /> D GARI7IS�N and JANET E �ARRIS�N, HUSSA�TD AND �IFE�, whase address �� 433� �V ST�LLEY
<br /> PARI� RD, A�da, Ne�raska f�510-9798 �"F3orrower'T}. Bnrrov�rer zs no� necessarz�y �he same as �he F�rsar� or
<br /> Persans vvho sign the Home Equity L�.ne of Cred�t Agreernent, da�ed Sep�ember 16, 2�15 ("Con�rac�"�. The
<br /> ob��ga#ians of B�rro�rers�vho did riot sign the Con�xact are exp�a�ned fur�her�.�he se�ti�n�.t�ed Successor�and
<br /> .�.ss�gns Bound; Joint and 5evera� L�abilxty; Accnmmodat�on Signers. The tirustee is Arend R. Baa�k,
<br /> A�tor�tey whase address�s P.�,Box 7�a, Grand Island,I�ebraska 6�8�Z �"Tru��ee"}. The benef ciary is Hame
<br /> Federa�. Savings & Laan A�S�ciation nf Grand Is�and, �hich is organized and ex�st�ng under�he Iavvs of the
<br /> Un�ted S�a�es of America and whQse address zs Z�1 Sau�h Lacust 5treet, Grand Is�and, i�elaraska 68$U1
<br /> �"Lender"�.TIM�THY D GARRiSflN and JANET E GAR.RIS�N have entered zn�o a Can�ract wi.th Lender as
<br /> of Sep�em�er 16, 241�, under the tierms of vvhich Borrower may, frnm time to �irne, ab�a� advances na� �a
<br /> exceed, at any �zme, a �**MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL AM�UNT �E�CLITDING PRQTECTIVE
<br /> ADVAN�ES}��* af F�rty-five Th�usand and OU1144 Da��ars �U.S. $45,�04.UD} �"�redit Limit"). An.y party
<br /> �nterested in the d�ta.ils re�at�d t� Lender's can�inuing obliga��an �a make advances �a Barrov�rer is adv�sed ta
<br /> consu�t d�rec�ly vvith Lender. �f n��paid earl�er, �he sums awing unde�r Barrov►�er's Cari�rac�with Lender wi�l be
<br /> due o� �Ctober 15, 2�20. This Securi�y Ins�rumenf secur�s ta Lender: �a} the r�payrnent of�he debt under the
<br /> �ontract,vvith interes�, �n�luding futu.re advances, and all renewals, exterisians and madifica�i�ns of�he Cantract;
<br /> �b�the paym�nt of aIl a�her sums,wi�h in�eres�,advanced�o pratect�he secur��y of fihis Securi�y Instrument under
<br /> �he provisions of the section �itled Protection Qf Lender's R.�gh�s in the �'roperty; and �c) �he performar�ce af
<br /> Barrower's cavenants and agreemen�s under�his 5ecuri�y�r�strumen�a�d the��n�ra�t.Far this purpose,Borr�ti�ver,
<br /> in cans�deratian af tihe deb�a�.ld the trus�herein crea�ed, irrevocably grants and con�eys tfl Trust��, �n trus�,w��h
<br /> power of sale,�he fo��ouring described prop�rty�ocated in th.�C�UNTY of HALL, State of Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 4339'"�'STaLLEY PARI�RD,A�da,Ne�araska 6881U-979S
<br /> Legal Descrip��on:LUT F�UR�4�, MIN�R SUBDNISI�N,HALL CflUNTY,I�EBRAS�.A
<br /> T��ETHER �TH a�� the irnpravements now �r hereafter erected on the property, and al� easements,
<br /> appurtienances, and fxtu.r�s now or hereafter a part of the pr�perty. AIl rep�ac�ments and additiozas shal� alsa be
<br /> cavered by �his Securi�ty ��.strumen�. A1� of the foreg�ing is referred to in this Security �nstrument as the
<br /> "Propet-�y.,,
<br /> B�RR�WER�flVENANTS �hat Borr�vver zs lavvfi��ly seised of�he es�a�e here�by conveyed and has the r�ght to
<br /> graz�t and convey the Proper�y and that �he Property is unencumbered, except far encumbrances vf rec�rd.
<br /> Borrov�rer v�arrants and will defe�xd genera��y�h� tz�le �� �he Pr�perty agains� ali c�aims and demands, subject ta
<br /> any encumbra�.ces af rec�rd.
<br /> Borrower and Lender cavenan�and agre�as fali�w�:
<br /> Paymen�af�r�.ncipa�and Interes�; �ther Charge�.Barrawer sha��prom�t��pay v�rhen due�he princzpal Qf and
<br /> in�eres��n�he de�t ow�d under th��on�rac�and�a�.e charges or a.n��ther fees and charges due under the�on�ract.
<br /> C�3 2��4-2015 Campliance Systems,�nc,AGS�-2372-2��6�
<br /> CQnsurrier Real Estate-Security Tnstrument DL2D36 Pa�e 1 v�'S www.com�liancesysterns.com
<br />