��1 5��4�8
<br /> fi. Dccupancy.Borrower sha11 accupy, establish, and use the Property as Borr�wer`s principal residence
<br /> within 6�days after the�xecutiQn of this S�curity In�trument and sha�l continue ta oc�upy th�Property as
<br /> Borro�er's prit�cipal resi�en�e for at least one year ai�er the date of occupanc�r,unless Lender otherwise
<br /> agrees in vvriting,whi�h coasent sha��not be unreasonably withheld,ar unless extenuatxng c�rcumstances
<br /> exist which are b�yond Borrower's contral.
<br /> 7. Preservativn,Maintenanceand Protectionvf#he PrQperty;lnspect�ans.Borro�er sha11 na�destrQy,
<br /> damage or rmpair the Praperty,a��ow th�Fraperty to d�teriaxate or cammit waste an the Praperty, Whether
<br /> or not Borrower is residing��the Prop�rty,Borrow�r sha�l ma�ntain the Property in order tQ prevent the
<br /> Property from deteriorating or decrea�iag in��alu�du�to its candition.Unless it i�determiaed pursuant to
<br /> Se�ti�n 5 that repau ar r�S�rati�n rs n�t�conomica���f�a��bZ�,Borr�wer��al��ror�pt�y repa�r the�rvperty
<br /> if damaged to a�oid fi�rth�r deter�orat��n or da�aa�e, �f an�ur��.+�e�r coademnati�n praceeds are paid in
<br /> connectivn wi�h dar�a�e to,�r t�e takin�af,t�.�T�roperty,��xrv►�ver sha11 b�responsi�le for repairin�or
<br /> r�est�ring the Property oraly if Le���r ha�r�leas�d prQ���ds for�uch�urpo�e�.Lender r�a�disburs�pr�c�eds
<br /> for the repau�s and restora�ivn in a si�.�le p�yment t�r in�ser�es�f pr�g�ress paymen�s as th�wor1�is
<br /> ��mpleted, If the �nsuranc��r condemn�,tion►prac���d�are r�ot�uffici�n�#o repair or r�store the Property,
<br /> �orrovver is not reli�ved of B�rrQ�rer's ab�i�at�on foar�h�Comple�ian af s�ch t�pair or re�tox'ati�n.
<br /> L�nd�r or its a�ent may rr�a��r�a�onable�n�ri����avr��nd i�.s�p��ti�ms of th��r�p�r�. If it has reasonable
<br /> �au�e,Lender may inspe�t the in�terior�f the�mprov��n��ts v�the FrQperty,�,ender shall giv�B�rrower
<br /> notice a�the time af or prior to s�uch an in�eriar insp�ction spec�£3�ing such r�asanable cause,
<br /> 8. Borrvw�r's L�an Appli�ation.Bonower shall be in default if, during the Loan application process,
<br /> Borrawer dr any persons ar entitie�aGting at t�.e dir�c��on of Borrawer or wxt�.Bo�rower's�cn.Qwledge or
<br /> con�ent�av�rnaterially fa�se,misieading,or�na,ccurate i�farmatioa ar statements ta Lender(or failed to
<br /> pro�ide Lender�ith ma�erial infornr�atian)�n cor�n.ection tivith the Laan.Material repr�senta.tions include,but
<br /> are not limited to,represerxtations concerning Borrower's occupanc�of the Prap�rty as Borrawer's principal
<br /> residence,
<br /> 9. Pratectivr►�f Lender's lnterest in the Propertyand Rights Under this��Gurity lnstrument.If��}
<br /> Borrower fails to perform th�covenants and agr�ements contained in th�s Se�urity Instrument,(b�th�re is a
<br /> legal proceeding that migh�t significantl�r affect Lender's int�rest in the Property andlor rights under this
<br /> Security Instrument�such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,proba�e,for ca�demnatian or forfeitur�,for
<br /> enforcem�nt af a lien whiGh may attain priority over th�s Securxty Instrument or to�nforce�aws or
<br /> regu�ations�,ar(c)B�rra��r b.a.�a�bandoned t���'ra�er�,the�.Lender r�ay da and�a�fo�-whatever�s
<br /> reasflnabie or appropriate to protect Ler�der's�nterest in the Proper�t�r and rights under this 5ecurity
<br /> Instrum�nt,including protecting an�ilar as�ess�ng the value of the Property,and securing andlor repairing
<br /> the�roperty.Lender's actions can inc�ude,but�.re not lim�t�d to: �a�paying any sums secured by a lien
<br /> which has priarity over thi�Se�uri�y Instrument;���appearin�in court;ar�d�c}paying reasonable attarneys'
<br /> fees to protect its interest�n the gr�perty�xtdlor ri��.ts under this Security�nstru�nent,in�Iudin�g its secured
<br /> posi��on in a bankruptcy proc�edin�. S�cur�ng the Prop�rty includ��,bu�is�Qt�imited to,en�ering�h�
<br /> Prop�r�to make repairs,�hange locks,r�p�ace�r board u�doors and wind�ws,drain water from pipes,
<br /> ��irninate building or ather cade vio�ations�r danger�us�caud�ti�ns,and have utilities turned on or off.
<br /> Althou�h L�nder m�ay take�action under t�.is�ection 94 L.�n���r daes not�av�to d�so and is n�t under any
<br /> duty ar obligation to do s�.�t�s agr��d th��I���der i��urs no liability far not taking any or a11 actions
<br /> authorized under this Sec�i�n.�.
<br /> qQ334�475712 �233 543 �817
<br /> NEBRASKA�ingle Famiiy-Fannie MaelFr9eddie A►lac L1NIF4RM INSTRUMENT WiTH MERS Farm 3428 1141
<br /> VMP� VMP6A[NE][13��}.QQ
<br /> Wolfers K�uwer FnanGiaf Services Page 8 ot 97
<br />