��1 5��4�8
<br /> ��rv�c�s and�ubs�qt��nt�h�rg����.���ixr��r�ma.p�ain,��c�r�irr�i��.r���g��c��c��h��h r�asonabl�'n�x�ht
<br /> ��fe�t su�h det�rn�in�ti��ar���ti�`ic�.�i�n,]�����er sh�I�al�a�e r�s�v�ssib�e��r the payrr��nt�f an�f���
<br /> impc�se�by�he Fed�ra���rnerg�ncy 1V�an���m�nt����acy in�onne�t��n�itb th�revi�w of any flaod 2ane
<br /> �etexminati�n r-e�u��ir�g fr��n an�bje�tion b�Ro����r.
<br /> If Barrvw�r f��ls�a m�.int�ir�a�y of the cQ�erage�d�s�ribe�a�o��,��r�der r�n�y obtaxn i�sur�nGe�o�erage,
<br /> a�Lender's�p�ior�a�d��xro�r+er's expense. �,�r�d�r��r��der�.v�b1��ati��.�o pur�ha�e a�y p�r��culaar type or
<br /> ���unt of�����a��.��h�r��'Qr�,suc�a co��r��e�h�l�c�ver L��nd�r,b�t rnight�r rx�igh��ot grotect�orrow�r,
<br /> �arro�vear'��quity i�th�P�rapert�,or the co�t��nt�of t��Pr�p�r�y,a��in�t any r��k,ha�ard or lia�ili�y and
<br /> rnight provide�reater or l���er c�v�rage tha�a wa�pr����vu�l�ir��ff�ct.�orr�w�r a�k�v�l�dg�s th�t tb�e cost
<br /> �f the xnsuran�e�a���ra�e sa obta.�n�d�nigh,��i�ni�"ica�att�e�ce�d���cast�f xnsuranc�that Borrvwer c�utd
<br /> b�.�e�b�ain�d..A��an�ou����i�bur�ed�y L���er t�nd�r thi����t�an 5 �ha����cvm��dditi�nal��bt af
<br /> �arr��rer secur�d by�h.i��ecu�ity Ir�strurr�er�t.�'�.�s�a��u��s sh�ll b�ar i�terest at t�.e Nate rate�ra��he
<br /> �a��af disbur�en�e�t and�ha�l be pa�����g with����a int�r�s�,��o��o�ie�fro��end�r to��rro�er
<br /> ��quest�n�paym�nt,
<br /> All insuranc�pvl����s r�qr��r�d by I.e�d�r a�a�r�n�vva�s�f such p�lici�s sh�11 b�subject�o Le�d��'s right t�
<br /> di�app�ove such palicxe�, ��aI1 i��l�c��a��ndard�ort��.���lau����and�I�aII�am��I���d�r�s�ortgage�
<br /> an�.�Qr as ar�addition��l�s�p��e�.L�z�d�r s�.�.���.av�th��i�ht to ho�d th�p����ie�and r��ewa1 c�rtif�ca�e�.
<br /> If Le�a�er requa��s,��rrawer�h��l gr��np����ive ta L�nder�1�r���ipts o���it�pr�miums ar�d ren��v�l
<br /> natice�. If Borr��rer obtai�a���y fQr�o�'����a�r������v�r�g�e,n�t�th��i��r��ui�red��I��nder,f�i d�.�a��
<br /> �Qy 41'{����G�1Q�1��,th��'ro���,�uG��oli��sb�il in�����a��t�n�d�.�d�m.ort�����l�use a�d����I nam�
<br /> Lend�r a���rt������n��r a��a�ad��tYara�����������.
<br /> �n the ev�nt��lo��,$�rra�r���h�l��iv�����pt���i����tb►����ur�������xi����d L�nd�r.L��d�r rr��y
<br /> r��k�paro�f vf�as�if�.�����e�r�������y�a�x�w�r.��l�s��L,�n��'a.n,��ar��ur�r�t��rwise a�r��i�n
<br /> vvritin��,any in�u��n����rv�����,�h��h�Qr������u��.�r���r��i���n����.���c��ix��by L��n��r,shal���
<br /> �.pplied tc�restara�iv�.�r r���i�Qf t���'�r���rt�,if�h��������ifl�.4�r���ir 1S��t�nOn�������f�a��b����.(�
<br /> L�nd�r's s�c�rit�y i��.�t les����d.�u���a�����.r��ai�°a�x����ta��tian p�X��d,L�r�d�r s�.���i����he ri�ht t�
<br /> ho�d�r�ch insuran.�e�xace�d�until L��.der��.s h�d an���artu�ity�a�nspe�t su�h�ro�ert�to�n�ur�th�
<br /> w�r1�has b�en�on�p����d�v�end��'s s�.ti�f��t�on,provi�i�d����such��sp�c���o�sh�.Il b�und�rtake�
<br /> promp��y.�,e�d�r rna�disbu.r�e proceed�for t�e r���.�r���.d�°e�toratio�.in a�i���e p�.y�ment or'ir�a��rie�of
<br /> progress p�yments as the w�rk��c��n��et�d.�J�le��an a�re��nent is rnad�i�.w�i�ing or A�pli�ab��Law
<br /> requires inter��t t�b�paid��sucb��n�urar���pr����d�,Lend�r�ha11 n�t��r�qu�red�o�a�r�arrower a.n�
<br /> interest ar earnin�s an s�ch�r�ceeds.Fe��fox�u�bli�a�ju�st�rs,o�ather third parti��,ret���ed by Barrow�r
<br /> shall r�at�e pa�d out of the insurance prQ�e�d��.��1 s��.11 b����sol�abli�ati�n o�'Borr�w�r.If�he r��toration
<br /> or repair is n�t e��n�mie�.�ly feasible�r L���der'���cur�t��v�uld���essened,t�e ir��ur�nc�p�'oeeeds shall be
<br /> applied to the surns s�cur�d�y this S�curity In��rument,�rh�ther or n�t th�n du�,�ith the�xc�s�,if an�,
<br /> paid to Borrow�r. �uch insura�ce pro��eds sha�i b���pl��d in th�order�ro�rid�d for�n�ectiv��.
<br /> If�orr�urer abandans the Pr�p�rty,L�rad�r rria��i��s n�,gotiat�a.nd s�t�1e any av�.ilab��insurance claim and
<br /> r�elated matters.If$oflraw�r d�a�s n��r��p�r�d v�ith�r���day�to a notic��r�m���d�r that t�e ix�suranc�
<br /> carri�r ha��ffered to s�ttl�a c�airn,then I��r�d�r ma�n���tiate and sett�e the c�aim.Th�3�-day periQd�i�l
<br /> �e�in when the notice is�iv�n. In either���n�,or if�.�nd�r a�qu�re�the Fr�perty under S�ction��or
<br /> oth�rwise,Borrav�rer�ereby assi�ns to L�nd�r(a����o�er'�r�g�.�s to��ay iasu�r�.nc�proceed5 in an a�nount
<br /> �.ot tv�a�ceed th�a��unts ungaid��d�r t�x��Tot�ar��iis���r�ri�instr�arnen�,a�c�(��any o�h�r of
<br /> �arro�ver'�rights�ather t�a�th;ri�ht t�an�r r�ft�nd�f un�ar�a��d prem��rns p�i�by Barr�w�r)und�r all
<br /> insu�.nce po�icies cov�rin�t��Pr�p�r�y,in��fa�r as s�u�h�i�b.t�ar�app�ic�����v the�ov�rage of th�
<br /> Propesty. Lender ma�us��b��i.���.ran,��pro�e�ds���her�o r�p��,ir or r��tvr��h�Frn��rty�r to�ay a�rnounts
<br /> u�p�.id u�nder t�ie I�ote�r t�ii��ecuri�r In���a�n���,�h��h.�r ar�a�t��n�ue.
<br /> h��B�tAS!{A�Sin�l�F�rriily-F��tni�M�el�r�ddie�l�c l.1NIFt7RP��hISTRUR�I��II'WlTM ME�� Farm 3Q�6 11a�
<br /> VMP� VMF�6A{NE}(134�}e�14
<br /> Walt�rs Kiuwrer Fin�nci�l a�rvf�es �age�of'�7
<br /> q 334047571 Q��3 5�3 7
<br />