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��l 5��41 3 <br /> sentenees sha�I not apply to th�pres�n�e, use, �r s��rage an�h�Prop�rt�r af sma�l c�uant�t��s of Hazardous <br /> 5ubstances that are genera�ly recognized ta be appropriate�o normal resident�al uses and��ma�n�enance of <br /> the Proper�y�including, hut n�t 1 imit�d ta, hazardaus su�stances in c�nsumer prfldu�ts}. <br /> Borrower shall prampt�y gi�e L�nder written natice of�a}any inwestigatxon, c�a�m, dernand, lavvsuit or ather <br /> a�tion by any go�ernmental or regulator�agency or przvat�party xn��iv�n�the Pr�per�y and aray Hazardou� <br /> Sub��ance ar En�ir�nmenta� Law of wh�ch B�rrower has ac�uai knowledge, (b}any Envir�nmentai <br /> �ondit�on, �nc�ud�ng but not�zmited ta, any spil�i�.�, leakin�, discharge, re�ease or threat af r�lease�f any <br /> �3azardous 5ubstance, and�c}any condi�ian caused b��he pr�s�nce, use flr�e�eas�of a Hazardous Substance <br /> whieh ad�ersely aff�cts the�alue of�he Property. If Bnrr�wer iearns, ❑r is notified by any governmental ar <br /> regula�ary authorit�, or ar�y privat�par�y, that any remaval or a�her remed�at�on of any Haza�dous Subs�ance <br /> affect�ng th�Prap�r�y is nec�ssar�, Barrou�er sha�l prornptly take a��ne�essary rem�dial acti�ns in <br /> acco�-dance with Env�ronme�ta� Law. No�h�ng here�n shall cr�a�e an�r�bligatifln�n Lender f�r an <br /> En�ironrnenta�C�eanup. <br /> Nan-llnifarm �o►►enants. Borrower and Lender Cavenant ar�d a�ree a�fnliaw�; <br /> 2�. Ac�e�eratian; R�medies. Lender 5hai1 give not�ce�v Barrower prior to acce��rat�an fo��4wir�g <br /> Bvrrower's breach af any �ovenan�ar agreernen�in�his Security Instrumen� �bu�not prinr�o <br /> ac�e�era�ion under 5ection 1S uniess Applicable Law pro�ide�otherwise}. The na�ice sha�l specify: 4a} <br /> the default; ��}�he action required�o cure�he defau�t; ��} a date, no��ess�han 3D days froxn�he date <br /> �he no�iCe is given�a Borr�wer, by which the default mus�he cured; and�d� that failure t�cure�he <br /> defau��on or bef�re�he da�e specxf�ed�n the not�ce may resu��in ac�eiera��on of�he sums secured by <br /> this Security Ins�rument and sale af the Property.The n��ice shal�further inform 13orrower of the <br /> right��reinstate after a�celeration�nd�he right�o br�ng a court ac��nn to as���t the non-ex�stence vF a <br /> defau��or any o�her deFense af B�rrow�r�o acce�eration and sa�e. If�he defau�t is not cured on or <br /> hefare�he da�e specified�n�he xtot��e, Lender at its op�ian may require immediate payment in ful�of <br /> a�i sunn�s�e�ured by th�s�ecur�ty In�trumen�wi�hout fur�her demand and may�nvake�he p�wer of sa�e <br /> and any a�her rem��d�e�perrni�ted by Applicabl�Law. Lender shall�e en�i��ed�a�ol�ec�all expenses <br /> incurred in pursuing�he remedi�s pravided in�his Se��ian 22,incit�d�ng, bu�n���im���d tn, reasona��e <br /> a�torneys` fees and cos�s of�i�le�vid�ne�. <br /> If�he po��ver of sa�e���nvoke�, Trus�ee shal�re��rd a notice vf defaul�in each county in which any <br /> part af�he Property�s�aca�ed and shali mai�copies of such nat�ce in the rnanner prescribed by <br /> Applicab�e Law�a Borrower and to�he other persons pre5�ri�ed by Appl��able Law. Af�er the��xne <br /> required by Applicab�e Law,'TruS�ee�hall give publi�no��ce of sale ta th�persons an�l�n the m�anner <br /> prescribed by Applicab�e Law.Trus�ee, wi�hout demand fln�3orrower, sha��se�I the Yroperty at publi� <br /> auc��an to�he highe��bidder at the t�me and p�ace an�un�ier the term5 designate�.in the natice af sale <br /> �n one or m�re parce�s and in any arder`1'rustee determines.rl'rustee may pastpone sa�e of al�or any <br /> parcel vF the Property�y public announcem�n�at�h��.ime ant�pla��of any prev�ou5�y 5cheduled 5a�e. <br /> Lender ar i�s designee ma�pur�hase the Pr�perty at any sa�e, <br /> Upon reeeip�of p�yment af�he prxce b�d, Trust�e 5ha��de�iver to�he purchaser Tru�tee's deed <br /> convey�ng�he Prflperty.The rec�tals in�he Trus�ee's deed sha�l�e prirna facie e��den�e of the tru�h of <br /> th�s�a�ements made�herein. Trus��e shal�appl��he pr�c�eds of the saie�n the fol�ow�ng order: �a} �a <br /> a�l cas�s and expenses of ex�rcis�ng�he power of 5a�e, and the sa��, �nc�ud�ng�he paymen�of the <br /> Trust�e's fees actual�y�neurred and reasunab�e a��orneys' fees a�permi�ted by Applicab�e La�v; �b} ta <br /> a�l sun�s�ecured by�h�S Security Ins�rumen�; and�c� any exce5s�o#he person or per�ons�egal�y <br /> entit��d to i�. <br /> N�BRAS�{A-5ingle Famify-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac L1NI��RM INSTRUM�NT Fvrm 3Q28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMPfi[NE)t13��] <br /> WoEters Kt�wer�inancia!5er�ices Page 14 af 17 <br />