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��1 5��41 3 <br /> in th�Pr�perty and ri�hts under this S�curity Instrurnent; and�d}takes such actian a�L.ende�r rna� <br /> rea�ona��y require ta assure tha�L,ender's interest in�he Proper�y and rights under this Security�nstrumen�, <br /> and Borrow�r's ob�i�a�ian to pay the surns secured by t��s Securi�y Instrumenty shall cflntinue unchang�d. <br /> Lender may require�hat Borrav�er pay such reins�at�rn.en��ums and expenses in one or more af the fal�o�ving <br /> forms, as selected by Lender: �a�cash; �b}maney �rder; �c}cer�if�ed check, bank�he�k, trea�urer's check or <br /> �asl�ier's check, prov�ded any such check is drawn upon an inst��ut�on whose deposits are insured by a <br /> federal a��ncy, �nstrumental�ty or entity; or�d} Electr�nic Funds Transfer. Upon reinsta��men�b�Borrower, <br /> ���is Se�urity�ns�rument and obligat�ons secur�d here�� sha��rernain fuli�effecti�e as if na acceleration had <br /> accurred, Howe�er, this rig�at to re�nsta�e sha�l not apply in the case�f acc�lera�ion under Se�ti�n �S. <br /> ��. Sale af Note; �hange af Loan Ser��cer; Natice vf Grie�an�e. The ��te�r a partial interes��n the <br /> Note�together wi�h thi� 5ecurity Instrumen�}can be�oid one or mare�imes without pr�flr notzc�to <br /> Barrov�+�er. A saie m�gh�resul�in a change in the ent��y�knovvn as�he "I.oan Servicer"}that��llects Periodic <br /> Payments due under the Nti�e a.�d�his Security�nstrumen�and p�rforms ather rnortgage�oan s�r��c�ng <br /> ob�igat�ons under the Note, this Security In�trument, and Appl�cable Lavv. Th�re a�so might be Qne ar mare <br /> changes of the Loan Ser�icer unre�ated ta a sale af the Note. �f there��a change of the Loan Ser�ic�r, <br /> Barrov�er wi�l be gi�en wri�ten notice of�he�hange which wi�l state the name and addr�ss of�he new L.oan <br /> Se�-�ricer, the address�o which paym�nts shou�d be m�ade and an� ��her inf�rmat�on RESPA requ�res in <br /> canriection wi�h a natice af transfer of s�r�icing. If�he Note�s sold and thereafter�ae Loan�s servzced b� a <br /> L,aan S�rv�cer other�han the pu�-chaser of the Note, the martgage�oan servicing obligatians��Borrflwer wiil <br /> remain with the Laan Serv�cer or be transferred to a succ�ssor Loan Servicer and are not assumed by the <br /> i�ote purchaser unl.ess otherwise pro��ded by �he I�ote purchas�r. <br /> N'e�ther Borrower n�r Lender may commence,�oin, or be j�ined to any judiciai action�as either an <br /> indi�idua���tigant or�h�member�f a class�that arises from the a�her party's actions�ursuant to�his <br /> Sc�urity�ns�rumen�ar that alieges tha��he ather par�y has breach�d any prav�sion of, o�r any duty owed by <br /> reason�f, this Securi�y�nstrurnen�, un�i�such Borrower or Lend�r has no��f�ed th�other par�y(with su�h <br /> natic�gi�en�n comp�ian�c with the requirernen�s of Se��ion �5�of such alleged breach and afforded the <br /> other par�y here�o a reasonable period after the gi��ng af su�h notic��o take c�rrect�ve ac�i�n. If App�icable <br /> Lavv�ro�ides a time p�r�od vvhich mus�eiapse b�fore cer�ain act�on can be�aken, that�ime per�od wil�be <br /> deemed�o be reasonab�e for purgoses of this paragraph. The n�t�ce❑f a���Ierati�n and opportun�ty�o cure <br /> given to Lor�av�rer pursuan�ta Sec��on 2�and�he notice of accelera��on g��en to B�rrow�r pursuan�ta <br /> S�c��on �8 shall be deemed�o sat�sfy th�notiG�and agportunity ta take carre�tive ac�ian pra�isions Qf th�s <br /> Sec�ion 2�, <br /> �'1. �azar�aus Suhstances. As used in thi� Sec�ion�1: �a} "Ha,�ardor�s Substarzces"are those subs�ances <br /> d��ned as�oxi�or ha7ard�us su�stan�es, pollu�ants, nr wastes by Env�ron�rnental Lav�r and the fo��a��ng <br /> substan�es: gas�l�ne, kerosene, ot�ier f�amrnable or�axic pe�roleum produc�s, taxi�pestic�des and her��cides, <br /> volat�le soi�ents, materials cantain�ng asbestos or formaldeh�de, and radioact�ve materials; �b} <br /> "Er�viran�r��ntdl Law"means federal laws and�avvs af the jurisdict�an where the Property is l�cated that <br /> relate�o health, safet�r ar en�ir�nm�nta�prot�c�ian; �c} "Enuir�n�n�r��al Gl�at7l�p"includ�s any resp�nse <br /> a�t�on, rernedia�action, or remova�ac��on, as defined in Env��onmental Law; and�d} an "Envir�y�rnet�taZ <br /> �'ondrtior�"m�ans a�ondit��n�ha�can�ause, �ontr�but�to, or oth��-vvise tr�gg��-an Envirnnmental�Ieanup. <br /> Borrower���ali not cau�e or pernu�the presence, us�? d�sposal, s�.arage, or re�eas�flf an��azardous <br /> Substan��s, or threa�en�o�eiease any �a�ardous 5u�stances, on or in the Proper�y. Bo�rrower shall not do, <br /> nar allow anyone e�se to da, any�hi��g affect�ng the Property�a}tha�is in�riolation of any E��ironmen�al <br /> Law, �b}which create�an Env�r�nmental �and�ti�n, ar�c} which, due to�he presenee, use, or re��ase af a <br /> Hazardflus Subs�ance, �reates a candition t��a�advers�ly affects the�a1ue of�he Proper��. The preced�ng twa <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�arnily-�anni�MaeJFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1!�1 <br /> VMP Q VMP��NE�t13D�) <br /> Wolters Kfuwer�inar�ciai Ser�i�es Page 13 of i 7 <br />