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<br /> �EE� �F TRUS�
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<br /> modified so tha�it be�omes legaf,�afid and en#vrceabEe. �f�he affending pr�visian cannot be so modified, it shall
<br /> be �onsidered dele�ed frvrn �his �eed of Trust. Unless atherwise required by 1aw, the illega[i�y, in�aEidi�y, �r
<br /> unenfar�eability of any pro�ision a�this Deed of Trus�shall nat a�fect the legali�y,ualidi�ar enforceability vf any
<br /> other prn�isian�f th is Deed❑f Trust.
<br /> Successvr� and Assigns. Subjec#t❑ any I�mi#ations stated in thEs Deed of Trust vn�ransfer vf Trus#�r's interest,
<br /> this Deed of Trust shal� b� binding upvn and inure tv the henefit��the part�es, �he�r successors and assigns. if
<br /> ownership❑f the Property becomes vested in a persvn vthar than Trus�or, Lender,withaut nv�ice ta Trus�ar, may
<br /> deal with Trustor's successars with r�ferenc�to this���d of Trust and the Indebtedn�ss by way of forbearance or
<br /> extens�an w�thvut releasing Trustor frarn the obligations of th'ts Deed af Trust�r liabi[ity under the lndebtedness.
<br /> �ime is af�he Essence. Time is of�he essence in the perforrnance of this Deed c��Trust.
<br /> Waive Jury. All parties�a this C3eed af Trust hereby wai�e fhe right to any jury t�-ial in any actian, proceeding,or
<br /> count�r�laim brvugh#hy any pariy against any nther�arty,
<br /> 11VaiWer n� 1Hames#ead Exemp#ivn. Trustar hereby releases and wai�es a[1 righ�s and benefts of the hamestead
<br /> exernp�ian�aws of�he State of Nehraska a�ta all Indebtedness secured by this❑eed of Trust.
<br /> DEF[NfT�QNS. The following cap�talized words and ferms shalF have the�vllowing meanings when used in this D�ed of
<br /> Trust_ Unl�ss specif�cally stated to the con�rary, a[I rafer�nces to dollar amounts shali m�an amounts in iaw�ul mvney
<br /> vf fhe United Sta#e� of Amer3ca. 11Vards and terms used in the s€ngular shal[ include the plural, and the plu�al shall
<br /> inGlude �he singular, as the conte�ct m�y require. 111�ords ar�d terrns not atherwise defined in this D�ed af T�ust shall
<br /> have the meanings attributed�o such terms in the U nifarm Cvrnmercial Code:
<br /> Beneficiaty_ The wor� "Bene�iciary"means First Nationaf Bank of�maha,and its success4rs and assigns.
<br /> Bor�ower. The word "Borrav+rer" means Monte L. Schoenstein, Maurine 5. S�hoenstein, Gr�gory L. Geis and
<br /> Sandie S. Geis and incfudes all co�signers and ca-makers signing the Nvte and a[I th�i�-su��esso�`s and as$igns.
<br /> Deed of Trusf. Th� wvrds "D��d o� Trus�" rnean �his Deed �f Trust among Trustor, L�nder, and Trustee, and
<br /> ineludes without limitation al� assignment and security interes� pra�isians relating to the P�rsana� Proper�y and
<br /> Rents.
<br /> De�ault. The ward "�e�Fault"means the Default set�Fvrth in this Deed a�Trust in�he section ti�led"De�au��".
<br /> EnvYr�nmental Laws. The words "En�iranrnen#al Laws" mean any and all state, f�deral and local statu�es,
<br /> regulat;�ns and ordinances �eiatEng to �he prQfec�ion of hurnan health nr �he enWironment, i�cluding w�thout
<br /> limitatian the Gvmprehensive EnvirQnmenta� Respons�, Campensation, and Liabi[ity Act of'198�, as am�nded, 42
<br /> U.S.C. Sectian 9G�1, et seq. {"CERGLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Rsauthari�ation Act�f'198�, Pub. L.
<br /> No.99-499 �°'SARA"},fhe Haza�dous Materials TransportatEon Act,49 U.S.C.Section �84�, et seq.,�he Resource
<br /> Canservatian and Reco�ery Ac#, 4� U.S.C. 5ection 690�, et seq., ar other applicab�e sta�e a�-federal faws, rules,
<br /> o�regu[ations advpted pursuant theretQ.
<br /> Event of❑efault. The words"Even�o�❑e�ault"mean any of the events❑f default set far#h in this Deed af Trus�in
<br /> the e�ents af default sectian of this Deed vf Trust.
<br /> Guaran'�y, The word "Guaranty"m�ans the guaranty fram guarantvr,endorser, surety,vr ac�ommodation party to
<br /> Lender,including withQu#limifativn a guaranty of a[1�r part af the NQte.
<br /> Hazardous Substances. The wards "Hazardaus Sub�tances" mean materials that, b�cause af their quantity,
<br /> cancentra�ion or physEcal, chemical or in�ectivus characteristics, may cause or pose a present or p��ential hazard
<br /> �o human health or�he en�ironment when irnpraperly used,treated, stared,disposed vf, generated, manufaet€�red,
<br /> transpor�ed o� athen+v�se handled. The wvrds "Hazardous Substanc�s"are used in�heir�ery broadest sense an�
<br /> include withaut limita�ion any and al� hazardous or�vxic subs�ances, materiafs or was�e as defined hy ❑r lis#ed
<br /> under�he Environmenta�Laws. Th�terrn "Ha�ardvus Substances"als�includes,withou��imitat�on, pe�roleum and
<br /> pe�roleum by-products or any frac�ivn th�r�of and asb�stos. ,
<br /> Im�rvvements, The word "ImprQ�ements" means a[i exist�ng and future impro�ements, building�, s�ructures,
<br /> mo�ile homes aifiixed on �he Real Property, fa�ilities, additi�ns, rep�acements and v�her constructiQn on the Real
<br /> Praperty.
<br /> lndeb#edn�ss. The ward "lndeb�edness" means al� principal, interest, and other amounts, costs and expenses
<br /> payab�e un�er the N��e ❑r Related Dvcumen�s, togeths� with a!I renewa�s a�, extensions c��, mvdificatians of,
<br /> consolidations af and subsii�utions�For the Note or R�lated Dacuments and any amounts exp�nded or ad�anced by
<br /> Lender do dis�harge Trustvr's vh[igativns ❑r expenses incurred by Trustee o� Lender to enfarGe Trustor's
<br /> obligations under th�s D�ed of Trus�,tage�her with interest on such amvunts as pro�ided in this ❑eed vf�rust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender"means First National Bank of�rr�aha,its succ�ssvrs and assigns.
<br /> Nate. The wvrd "Note" means any and alf of Bor�ower's liabili�ies, ahligatians and debts ta Lende�, now existing
<br /> or hereinafter incurred or cr�a�ed,including,wi�haut fimitation, all loans, advances, interest, cvsts debts,overdra�t
<br /> indebtedness, credit card indeb�edness, lease o�liga#ians, liabilities and obligations under int�res# rate prote�t�an
<br /> agreemenfs ar fo�eign currenGy exchange agreements ar�ommadity price protection agreements,other ob�igatians,
<br /> and l�ahili�ies of Borrower t�gether with ail modificatians, increases, renewals, and extensions ❑f the
<br /> a�o�ementioned. Additionally, hareby incvrpv�ated as if fulfy set fo�th herein are the terms and conditians ofi any
<br /> prvmissory nv�e, agreement vr ❑ther dacument executed by Barrvwer andlar Lender indi�ating this securi#y
<br /> instrument or the praperty describ�d herein shall be c�nsidered "Colla�eral" securing suGh pramissory nate,
<br /> agre�ment,or o#h�r instrument, or any simi[ar ref�rence.
<br /> Persona[ Ptap�rty. T"he words "Persvnal Prvperty" mean a1l equipmen�, fixtures, and oth�r arkicles �� personaf
<br /> property nvv+l or hereafter own�d by Trustor, and r�ow ❑r herea�ter atta�hed or affixed to the Real Property;
<br /> togethe�with al[ accessions, parts, and addi�ivns ta, �[1 repfaGements ❑f, and ali subs���utions far, any o� such
<br /> praperty; and �ogether with al! proceeds �including withvut limitatian aIl insurance praceeds and refunds af
<br /> premiums}�rom an}�sale or a#h�r dispositian of the Proper�y.
<br /> Praper�y. The wvrd '"P�operty"m�ans colZecti�ely the Real P�operty and the Personai Property.
<br /> Rea!property, The words "Rea! P�oper�y"mean the rea� p�-aper�y, inte�ests and rights, as fur�her described �n�hi�
<br /> Deed af�ru st.
<br /> l�elated Dacuments. The words "Relat�d Dvcurnents" mean all pr�missory no�es, cred'€t agreements, 1Qan
<br /> agreements, enviranmen�al agreements, guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, de�ds of trust, s�curity
<br /> deeds, callat�ra� mortgages, and ali o�her instruments, agreements and do�uments, whether now or herea�ker
<br /> existing,executed in cannection vvith the lnd�btedness.
<br /> Rer��se �he r►uord "Ren�s" means al� pres�nt and futur� rents, r�W�nues, income, issues, royalties, prof�ts, and
<br /> vther benefits derived�rom�he 1'rope�ty.
<br /> Trus�eed Th�wo�d "Trustee"rneans First Nationa�6ank of C�maha,whose address is S�D A1len Dr. , ��and lsland
<br /> , NE 588�3 and any subs�itute or successvr trustees.
<br /> Trustar. The ward°'Trus�or" means Mante L.5choenstein and Maurin�S.Schvens�ein.
<br />