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<br /> � �EEa �F TRusr
<br /> �C�r1t�l��l�d} Page G
<br /> Trust, Lender shal� be entitfed tv recv�er Such sum as the cvu�t may adJudge reasanable as attarneys'�ees at trial
<br /> and upvn any appeal. Whe�her vr naf any caurt ac�ivn is in�al�ed, and �o �he �xtent nQt prah�bi�ed by law, alI
<br /> reas�nable expen�es Lender incurs �ha� in Lender`s opinian are necessary at any time �vr the protec�ion a�F i�s
<br /> interest a�the�nfvr�ernent vf i�s rights shaii be�ame a part vf the�nd�btedness payab[e nn demand and shal[bear
<br /> interest a�k�he Note rate frvm the da�e af the expenditure un��i repaid. Exp�nses�nvered by this paragraph include,
<br /> without Eimitat�vn, howe�er subject�a any limits under appl�cable�aw, Lender's attarneys'�ees and Lender's lega�
<br /> e�penses, whether ar nvt�here is a {awsui�, including atto�neys' �Fees and expenses �or bankrupi�cy proceedings
<br /> �in�luding efforts tv mQdify or�aca�e any autornatic sfiay❑r injunc�ion},appeals,and any anticipated post judgment
<br /> �oflectivn services,the�ast of searching records,obtaining title reparts �in��uding fore�losure reports�, surWey�rs'
<br /> reports, and appraisal fees, �itle insurance, and �ees �or�he Trustee, to �he extent permi�ted by applicable law.
<br /> Trustor also wi�l pay any cou�costs, in addi#ivn fa a1l�ther sums pro�ided by law.
<br /> Rights vf Trust�e. Trustee sha[�ha�e all of the rights and dutie�of Lender as set�arth�n#his s�Gtivn.
<br /> P��1fERS AN❑ QBL�GATI�NS�F TR�STEE. �he fv[fowing p�oWisions refating to the p��nrers and ob[igations of Trust�e
<br /> are part of this De�d ofi Trus�:
<br /> Pawers a�Trustee. In addition ta al1 powers af�ru�tse arising as a ma�t�r of law,Trustee shal� ha�e the pov►rer#v
<br /> t�k�the following ac�ions w3th respect tv the Praper�y upon�he wri#�en request nf Lender and Trus�or; �a}jvin in
<br /> preparing and �iling a map vr p�at of the R�al Property, in��uding �h� dedication af streets ar vther righ�s to the
<br /> public; �b}join in gran#�ng any easement or creating any restrictian on the Real Property; and �c} join in any
<br /> subordinativn a�ather agreement af�e��ing this Qee�of Trust or the interest of Lender under th�s I�eed a�Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet afl qualifica�ions required far T�ustee und�r applicable [aw. In addition to �he �-ights
<br /> and remedieS set farth abo�e, with respect to all ar any part of the Prvperty,#he Trustee shall ha�e �he �ight tQ
<br /> for�cfvse by notiGe and sale, and Lender shal] have the righ�to �orecfose by judicial forecfosure, in e�ther case �n
<br /> accardance with and��the fu�l extent prv�ided by appli�able law.
<br /> SuGcessvr Trustee. Lender,at Lender's Qption,may frvm time ta t�rne appoin�a su�cessar Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appointed under fihis Qeed of Trust by an instrurnen�executed and acknowledged by Lender and recorded in the
<br /> affice ❑f the recorde�- af Hall County, S�a�e of Nebraska. The ins�rument sha[f �antain, �n addi�ian t❑ a#I oth�r
<br /> matters re�uired by state 1aw, the names of the ❑rigina[ Lender, Trustee, and Trustar, the baok and page �or
<br /> compufier systern reference}where this D�ed af Trust is recarded, and fhe name and address of the successor
<br /> trustee,and the instrurnen�shal�be exe�u�ed and acknowfedged by atl the benefi�iarie�under this Deed of Trust❑�
<br /> their successors in inter�st. The successor trustee, without can�eyance af the Prvperty,shall succeed tv afl �he
<br /> title, pawe�,and duties canferred upon the Trustee in this Deed❑f Trust and�y appli�able law. This pracedure�or
<br /> substi�ution❑f Trustee shall govern to the exclusian vf afl other pravisions fvr substitution.
<br /> NDTCCES. Any natice required ta be given under this Deed o#Trust, including without limi�ation any natice of defaul�
<br /> and any nofice af sale shall �e gi�en in►nrritin�, and sha11 be e�Fective when a�tually deli�ered,when actual�Y re�ei��d
<br /> by telefacs�mile�unless otherwise requsred b}�!aw},when deposited wi�h a na��onally recvgni��d o�ernigh�courier,❑r,if
<br /> mailed,when deposited in the United States mail, a5 first e�ass,certified vr r�gister��mai� pastage prepaid,direct�d t�
<br /> �he addresses shawn near�he beginning of this Deed af Trust. All �opies of no�ices af foreGlvsure fram the holder af
<br /> any lien rrvhich has priori�y over�this I7eed af Trus�sha1� he sen�to Lend�r�s address, as shvwn near�he beginning of
<br /> this D�ed of Trust. Any pa�ty may change i�s address for natiGes under this ��ed ❑f Trusf by giving forrnal written
<br /> notice ta the o�her par�ies, spe�ifying �hat the purp�se of the natice is #o change �he par�y's address. For natice
<br /> purposes,Trustvr agrees tv keep Lend�r in�qrmed at a1l tim�s af Trus#or's curren�address. Llniess otherwise pro�ided
<br /> or requi�-ed k�y Iaw, if there is more than�ne Trustor,any nvti�e gi�en by Lender to any Trustar is de�med�o �e nvti�e
<br /> gi�en to a[f Trustors.
<br /> ELEGTR�NIC CaPIES. Lender may copy, efectronically or otherwis�, and #hereafter destroy, the or€gina�s af this
<br /> Agreement andlvr R�lated Documents in the regular course vf Lende�'s business. A[[ su�h �opies produced from an
<br /> electranic fvrm o�by any other reliable means{i.e., phatograph�c image vr faGsimile�sha11 in aIi re�pec�s be�onsid��ed
<br /> equ�valent t�an nrigina�,and Sar�ower hereby wai�es any rights ar❑bjections�o�he use vf such�opies.
<br /> M15CELLANEDUS PRQVISI�NS. The fof[owing miscel[aneous provisions are a part af this Deed af Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This Deed of Trust,together with any Related Dacuments,constitu��s the entire understanding and
<br /> agreement of the parties as tv the matt�rs set forth in�his Deed of Trust. Na alteration af or amendment t❑ this
<br /> Deed flf Tn.ist shall!ae effecti�e unless giWen in writing and signed hy the party �r parties sought tv be charged ar
<br /> b�und by the alteration ar amendment.
<br /> Annual Reports. if fihe Property is used for purpases other th�n Trusfar's r�sidenr�, Trustar shall furnish to
<br /> Lender, upon �eques�, a ce�kifed �tatement of net operating incame re�ei�ed from the Praper�y during Trustor"s
<br /> pre�i�us fiscal year in such�orm and de�ail as Lender shall require. "Net ope�-ating income" shall mean ail cash
<br /> receipts from the Pr�aperky�ess all cash e�penditures ma�e in connection with�he operatian of the Prap�rty.
<br /> Gaption Headings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are for can�enience purpvses anly and are not�o be
<br /> used to interpret nr define the prv�isivns af this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Merger. There sha!!be nn merger vf the�n�erest or estate crea�ed by this ❑eed of Trust with any other intersst or
<br /> estate�n the Proper�y a�t any tima held by or fv�the benefi�of Lender in any capaci�y,vvi#hout the written �vnsent
<br /> v�Lender.
<br /> Ga�erning Law. Th�s Deed ❑f Trust wiC� be governed by federal law app[icable t� Lend�r and, ta the extent nat
<br /> preempted by federal law,#he laws of the State o�Nebraska withaut re�ard fa'rts conflicts vf taw p�vvisivns. Th�s
<br /> Deed of�rus#has been acc�pted by Lender @r�the S�at�of Nebraska.
<br /> Choice ❑f Venue. [f there is a lawsuit, Trustor agre�s upon Lender's reques�t�submit t� the ju�isd�ction af�he
<br /> Gourts�f Hall Gounty,S�ate of f�ebraska.
<br /> Joint and 5e�eral Liabili�y. All vbligations �f Barrvwer and Trust�r under this Deed of�rus� shall be j�int and
<br /> several, and ai!referenc�s t�Trustvr shaf I mean each and every Trustar,and alE re�erences to Borrower sha[�mean
<br /> each and every Borrower. This means that ea�h Trustar signing belvw�s respvnsib�e for alf oaEigations in this Deed
<br /> �f Trus�.
<br /> Na WaiW�r by Lender, Lender sha[l not be deemed to ha�e waived any righ�s under this ❑eed��F Trust unless such
<br /> wai�er is g��en in vtirriting and signed by Lender. [Vo defay vr omission on the part of Lend�r in exercising any righ�
<br /> shall operate as a waiWer of such right or any other�igh#. A wai�er by Lender of a pravisian of this Deed of Trust
<br /> shall n�# prejudice ar constitute a wai�er of Lender's right otherwise ta demand strict campl�ance wEth that
<br /> p�ovision or any �ther provision o� this Deed ❑f Trus�. �v priar waiver by Lender, nor any course of dea�ing
<br /> �etween Lender and T�ustvr, sha1� constitute a wai�er af any vf Lender's rights or af any o�Trustar's �bligations
<br /> as to any future�ransactivns. Whene�er the�onsent af Lender is required under th�s ❑eed of Trus�,the granting
<br /> a�suGh cansent by Lender in any insfance sha�f n�t�anstitu�e cantinuing consent to subsequent instances where
<br /> such consent is required and in al!cases such cvnsent may he granted or withheld in the�ole discretian o�Lender.
<br /> Severability. if a court af compstent jurisdiction f nds any p�ouisian a�this Ueed of Trust tn be illegal, in�alid, vr
<br /> unenforoea�ie as ta any p�rson or c�rcums�ance,that finding shall not make the offending pravi�ian i�lega�,in�a�id,
<br /> ar�unenforesaE�le as tc�any ather pers�n or circur�stanoe_ If feasible,the affending prouision shall be�vnsidered
<br />