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��l 5�641 1 <br /> DEE� �F T�L��T <br /> ����1�1i1u�d} Page � <br /> o�L.ender. <br /> Gauerning Law. This Deed of Trust will be ga�erned by federal law applicable to Lender and, �v �he extent not <br /> preempted hy federal law,�he I�ws of the State of Nebraska wi�hout regard to its conflicts of!aw prQ�isi�ns. This <br /> ❑eed of Trust has been accepted by Lender in�he Stat�of Nebraska. <br /> Chaice of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Trus�or agrees upon Lender's request to submit�o the jurisdiction of the <br /> courts o�F Ha[I CQunty,5�a�e o�N�braska. <br /> Jvint and 5e�eral Liahil�ty. All obliga�tions ❑f Borrowe� and Trus�or under this Deed of Trust sh�il he joint and <br /> se��ral,and al�references�t�Trustor shall mean each and��ery Trustor,and all r�ferenc�s��Borrower shall mean <br /> each and e�ery Borrawer. This means�hat each Trusta�-signing be�ow is responsible for a�l v�ligati�ns in�his Deed <br /> of�frust. <br /> N�Vllai�er by Lender. Lender shall nat be deerned t❑ haWe wai�ed any rights und�r this Deed af Trust unless such <br /> waiver�s given in wri#ing and signed by Lender. fVo delay or omission❑n the part of L�nder Fn ex�rcisin�any right <br /> shall aperate as a wai�er�f su�h righi v�any v�her r�gh�. A wai�er by Lender❑f a pro�ision of this �e�d af Trust <br /> shall nat prejudice or �ans�itute a wa�ver of Lend�r's right otherwise to demand stricf compliance with that <br /> provision ar any o#her provision o� th�s Deed of Trus�. No prior wai�er by Lender, nar any course o� dealing <br /> betw�en Lender and Trus�ar, shall consti�ute a wai�er vf any A�Lender's righ�s ar��any of Trustor`s ab�igations <br /> as to any future transactions. �hsnever the �ansen�a�Lender is required under this Deed of Trust,the granting <br /> ❑f such consent by L�nde�'in any instance sha�l nat�onstitute continuing Gansent to suhsequ�n�instanc�s where <br /> such consent is required and in al�cases such Gansent may be gran#�d vr withheld in#he sole discre��on af Lender. <br /> S�aerability. !f a court of competent junsdictivn finds any pro�ision a�this Deed of Trust�a be illegal, in�ra�id, or <br /> unenfa�ceabl�as ta any person❑�-circums�ance,that find�ng shalf not make the of��nding proWision illegal,in�alid, <br /> or uner�orceabfe as ta any athe�person or circums�an�e. If feasible, the off�nding pra�ision shall be considered <br /> modifed so that i�beoames legal, valid and enf�rceable. if the offending pro�isian r�nnat be so rnodifi�d, it shall <br /> he �ansidered deleted �rorn this Qee�1 of Trust. Unless oth�nrvise required by �aw, the il�e�aiity, in�alidity, or <br /> unenfarceabiiity of any pravision vf�his Deed of Trust shasl not a�fect the�egaEity,va��dity v�errfarceability af any <br /> ather prv�isian of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Successvrs and Assigns. 5ubject to any limitations sfiated in this Deed fl�Trust on transfe�'vf Trustvr's �nteres�, <br /> this Deed of Trust shall be�inding upvn and inure t�#he benefit o�th� parties, their successars and assigns. �� <br /> avtirnership of the Praperty becornes vested in a person❑�her than Trustor, Lender,withou�no��ce t❑Trustvr, may <br /> d�af with Trustar's suc�ess�rs with reference to�his Deed af T�us�and the Endebtedness by way of forbearance or <br /> extensian withaut rel�asing Trustar frorn fhe❑bligations o�this �eed ofi Trust ar lia�ility under the Indebtedness. <br /> Time is of�he Essenc�. Tirne is af the essen�e in�he perforrnance o��his D�ed af Trus#. <br /> Wai�e Jury. A11 parfies to this I�eed of Trus�hereby wai�e the righ#ta any jury�ria� in any action, praceedin�,or <br /> cvunterc[aim braugh�by any party agains�any other par�y. <br /> VlJaiver af Homesfead Exemptivn, Trus�or hereb� releases and wai�es all right� and benefits o�the hornestead <br /> exernptian laws of the Sfat�flf Nebraska as to a[1 Indebtedness secured by this Deed o�r Trust. <br /> DEFlNITlDNS. The fiollav►ring capifial�zed words and terms shaCf have the following meanings when used in this Deed o� <br /> Trus�. LJnless speGifical�y stated ta �he cvnt�-ary, a�l �efe�ences to �ollar amvunts shalf inean amounts in lawful money <br /> af th� United 5tates of America. 1Nords and �erms used in the singula�-sha[� include th� plural, and �he p�ura9 sha[I <br /> inc[ude the singu�ar, as the �ontext may �equi�e. 1Nords and ter'ms no!oth�rwise defin�� in this ❑eed of Trust sha�� <br /> have ths mean'rngs a�t�ibuted to such�erms in the U niform Commerc�ai Gode: <br /> �enefici�ry. Th�word "Beneficiary"means First National Bank o��maha,and its suc�essvrs and assigns. <br /> Barrawer. The wa�d "Borrawer" means Monte L. Schoens�ein, Maurine S. Schoenstein, Grega�-y L_ Geis and <br /> Sandie 5. Geis and includes al�co-signers and�o--makers sign�ng the Nate and al�th�ir successars and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The wo�ds "Deed af Trus�" rnean this Deed o�Trust amang Trus�or, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes with�ut l�mita�ion al� assignment and security interes� pro�isians re�a�ing to the Persona[ Proper�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> De�Fau[t. The vvord "Defaul�"means the❑efault se�fvrth in this fl�ed of Trust in the section tit�ed "�efauft". <br /> En�ironmental Laws. The words "Enyirvnmental Laws" mean any and all s�ate, federa[ and lacal statutes, <br /> regutation� and vrdinances relating to �he pro�ectian af human hea�th or the environment, including wi�hout <br /> ��mitatian the Cvmprehensive Environmental Response,Compensatian, and Liahility A�t of 1980, as amended,4� <br /> U.S.C. S��tivn 96D'I, et seq. �"�ER�LA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reau�harizativn Act a� '��8�, Pub. L. <br /> No.99-499 ���ARA"},�he Hazardvus Materia�s Transpartatian Act,49 U.S.C.Sec�ion �S�1,�t seq.,�he Resource <br /> Conservation and Re�overy Act, 4� u.S.C. Section �90'�, e�seq., or ather applicabfe s�ate or federal laws, rules, <br /> ar regu�ations adop�ed pursuant�h�reto. <br /> Even�vf Qefa�ft. The wvrds"E�ent af Default"mean any of�he e�ents vf defau[t set farth in�his Deed❑f Trust�n <br /> the��en�s�f de�aulfi sectfon�f this Deed of Trust. <br /> Existing Cndebtedness. The words "Existing fndebtedness" mean the indebtedness describe� in the Existing Liens <br /> provision ot this De�d of Trus�. <br /> Guaranty. The word "�uaranty"means the guaran�y from guarantar,endvrser,surety,ar a�cammodation party to <br /> Lender,including vvithout limitatinn a guaranty o�al�or pa�of�he N�te. <br /> Hazardous Substances. The wc�rds "Hazardaus Substan�es" mean rnaterials that, �ecause of their quantity, <br /> concentration o�`physicaf, ch�rn��a[ or in�ec�iaus charact�riS�icS, may cause vr pvs� a present ar po�entiaf ha�ard <br /> to human healih or the en��ronmen�wh�n �mproperly used,tr�ated, stared,disposed af, generated, manufactured, <br /> #ranspvr�ed or otherwise handled. The words "Ha�ardous Substanc�s"ar�used in their very broades�sens� and <br /> include v,ri#hout limitation any and all hazardaus or �oxic substanGes, rna#erials ar waste as d�fned by or listed <br /> under th�EnWironmen�al Laws. The terrn "Hazardous Substan�es"afsa inc[udes,withau�lim itati4n, p�trofeum and <br /> petroleum by-prvducts or any fra�tinn thereof and asbestas. <br /> lmpro�ements. The word "lmp�o��ments" means al! exEs��ng and future impro�em�nts, buifdings, struGtures, <br /> mob�le homes ai'fix�d an �he Real P�-operty, facili�ies, additions, replacements and other construction 4n the Real <br /> P roper�y. <br /> Indebtedness. Th� word "lndebtedness" means a!I principal, inte��s�, an� o�her amounts, costs and expenses <br /> payable under the Nvte or Related Dvcuments, toge#her with all renewa�s ❑�, ex�ens��n� of, madifications af, <br /> consosidations of and substitu��vns f�r�he Note or Related Documents end any amounts expended or a�van�ed by <br /> L�nder tv discharge Trustor's obligafions o� expenses in�urre� by Trustee or Lender �o en�arce Trustor's <br /> a�ligations u�der thEs �eed vf Trus#,�vgether�vi�h interest on s��h amoun�s as pro�id�d in this Deed of Trust. <br /> Lende�-. The word "Lend�r"means Fi�st hlationaf Bank vf�maha,its suGcessar�and assigns. <br /> No�ea �"he�nrord "N vt�" means any an� al�o�Bvrrower's liabilities, abliga�i�ns and debts t� Lende€-, naw existing <br /> or hereina�ter�ncurred or cr�ated,including, without fimitation,ali Ioans, ad�ances, Enterest, cos�s debts, o�erdraft <br />