��l 5�641 1
<br /> DE�D �F TRUST
<br /> ���ntl�ued} Page �
<br /> performance af any indebtedness vr obligatians secured by�his Deed of Trust an�fio exercise al!rights and powers
<br /> under�his Deed of Trust, under the Nate, under any of the Re[ated Do�urnents, or und�r any other agre�ment vr
<br /> any iaws now vr hereafter in f�rce; nvtwithstanding, same ar al! v�such �ndeatedness and obligations secured hy
<br /> this Deed of Trust may naw or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed of trust, p[edge, lien,
<br /> assignm�nt vr vthe�-wise. Neither the acceptan�e of this De�d af Trust nor i�s enforcement, whelher by court
<br /> activn ar pursuant ta the power o�saie ar a�her pawers can�ained in this Deed ❑f T�ust, shall prejudice or in any
<br /> manner affect Trustee's or Lender's right to realize upvn or enfarce any ather s�curi�y now flr hereaf�er held by
<br /> Trustee vr Lender,it being agreed that Trustee and Lender,and each❑f�hem,sha11 be entitled tv enfvrGe this Deed
<br /> of Trust and any ather security naw or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such order and mann�r as�hey or
<br /> either of them may in their absalute discretivn de�ermine. No rernedy conferred upnn ar reserved ta Trustee ar
<br /> Lender, is intended ta be exclusive o�any o�her remedy in this❑e�d vfi Trus�or�y!aw provided or permit�ed, but
<br /> each sha1� be cumu�ative and shall be in a�dition tn every ❑�h�r rernedy gi�en in this Qeed of Trus� or nvw or
<br /> hereafter exEsting at law❑r in�quity ar by statute. E�er�power or remedy gi�en by the 1Vate�r any of the Related
<br /> �7aGuments to �rustee o� Lend�r vr ta which eith�r �� them may be �th�rw�se en#itfed, rnay he exercised,
<br /> cvncurrently ur independent�y,�ram time to time and as vften as may be deemed e�pedient by Trus�ee�r Lender,
<br /> and either vf them may pursue incvnsis�en� remedies. �lathing in �his Deed of 1`rus� sha�! be constru�� as
<br /> p�ahibi#ing Lender from seeking a deficiency judgrnen�against#he Trus�or to the extent such activn is permi�ted by
<br /> law_ Election by Lender�a pursue any rernedy shal] nat exclude pursuit vf any other remedy, and an e�ectiQn ta
<br /> make expenditures or to take ac�ian tv perf�rm an obligativn of Trustor under�his Deed���rust, after Trustor's
<br /> �ailure ta perfarm,sha[f nat affec�Lender's righ�#❑declare a defauit and exerGise iks remedi�s.
<br /> Request for No�ice. Trus�c�r,on behaff vf Trustor and Lender, here�y requests that a copy af any No�ice af Default
<br /> and a copy vf any Nvtice of Sa[e under this D�ed af Trus�be mailed to#hem at the addresses se�farth �n the firs�
<br /> paragraph of this Deed o�Trust.
<br /> A#torneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender€nsti�utes any sui� or actian ta enforce any af fhe terrns of thts Deed of
<br /> Trust, Lender shal� be enfiitled fio reca�er such sum as�he court may adjudge reasonable as attarneys'�rees at tr�al
<br /> and upon any appeai. W1lhether or no� any cvurk action is in�al�ed, and to the exten� nat prohi�ited by law, a1f
<br /> reasanabl� �xpenses Lend�r incurs �hat in Lender's vpinivn a�e necessary at any tirne for�he protecti�n af its
<br /> interest vr#he en�o�cement of its rights shall become a par�af the]ndeb�edness payable on der�nd and shall bea�-
<br /> inter�st af the[Vate rate frvm the date vf the expendi�ure unti�repaid. Expen�s cove�ed by this paragraph inGfude,
<br /> without�imitation, hvwever subje��tv any limi�s unde�applicable law, Lenders atto�-neys'fees and Lender's��gal
<br /> expenses, whether vr not there is a lawsui�, inc�uding attorneys' fees and�xpenses far bankrupfcy proceed�ngs
<br /> �including effarts to modify or�acata any autornati�staJ�vr in�un�fion},appea[s,and any antiG'rpated pos�judgrnent
<br /> col�ection services,�he cost of searching reco�ds,obtaining title reports��nduding for�closure reports}, sur�eyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisal fees, �itle insurance, and �ees�or the Trusfee, tQ fhe exten� permitLed by applicabl� �aw.
<br /> Trustar also vUi I� pay any�vurt�osts,in additi4n�o a1l othe�-sums prav�ded by law.
<br /> R�ghts�f Trustee. Trus�ee sha�l have all of�he ri�hts and duties ofi Lender as set forth in fhis sec�ivn.
<br /> POVVERS AND aBLIGATlC�NS�F TRUSTEE. The fallowing pravisivns relating to the pvwers and vbligations of Trustee
<br /> are part vf�his❑eed❑f T�ust:
<br /> Pvwers of Trustee. ln add��ian to al[powers of Trustee arising as a matter of law, Trust�e shall have th� pvwer�o
<br /> take the fiallawing actions with respec�to the P�-operty upan�he written request ofi Lend�r and T�-ustor: �a}join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map o� p3at a�the F�eaf Property, inc�uding the dedication of streets or other righ�s tv the
<br /> public; �b}join in grant;ng any easemen� vr �reating any resi�rictivn an the Real Praperty; and �c} jvin �n any
<br /> su�ordinat'ran or v�her agreement a�fec�ing this ❑eed of Trust or th�interest of Lender under this Deed v�Trust:
<br /> �'rustee. Trustee shal[ meet all qual�f catians required for�rus�ee under applicable Eaw. In a�dditian ta th� rig�rts
<br /> and remedies set farth abo�e, with re�pect ta a�l or any part af the Praperty,the Trustee shal� ha��the righ#to
<br /> �o�ecfase by natice and sale, and Lendar shall have�h� right�v fareclase by judicial foreclvsure, in either case in
<br /> acc�rdance�vith and�o�he�ul[extent provided by appl�c�b[e 1�w.
<br /> SuGcessor Trustee. Lande�,a�Lender's aption, may fram�irne tv�irne appoint a successor Trus�ee ta any Trus�ee
<br /> app�inted undar this ❑eed vf Trust by an instrurnent�xecuted and acknowledged by Lender�nd recorded in the
<br /> offi�e of the ��carder of Ha[I C�untjr, 5tate af lVehraska. The instrument sha�i contain, in additivn �o a!1 ❑the�-
<br /> matters required by state law, �he narnes of the orig�na� Lend�r, Trustee, and Trustar, the bvQk and page 4ar
<br /> �arnputer system referen�e} where this Deed ❑f Trus� is recarded, and the narne and address vf the successor
<br /> trus�ee,and th�ins�rument shall be exe�uted and acknowledg�d by a!1 the beneficiaries under th�s Deed of Trust or
<br /> their successars in in#�res�. The successar trustee, withou�con�eyance of�he Property, shall succeed tQ afl the
<br /> tifle, pvwer,and dut�es conferred upon the Trustee in�his Deed vf Trust and by app�icab�e faw. This procedure for
<br /> substitution of Trustee shal]go�ern to the exGlusion of a[I other p�ovisions for substi�ution.
<br /> N�TICES, Any n�tice required t� be gi�en under this Deed of Trust, �n��uding wi�hau�limitatian any nati�e v�defauft
<br /> and any natice vf sale sha�� be gi�en in wri�'tng, and shalt be e�Fecti�e when ac�ual[y deli�ered,vvhen actually recei�ed
<br /> by te�e�Facsimi[e(unles�atherwise required by law�,when dep�sited with a na�ionally recagni�ed avernigh�c�urier,❑r, if
<br /> mailed,when depvsited in the Unit�d 5tates mail, as first class, ce�tifie�or regi�tered mai[ posfiage prepaid,directed ta
<br /> the addr�sses shown near the beginning of this Deed of Trust. AtE cvpies af nvti�es af fare�losure fram the halder of
<br /> any lien which has priarEty vv�r this I�eed a�Trus�shall be sent to Lender's addr�ss, as shown near�he beginning o�
<br /> this Deed �f Trust. Any party m�y change i�s address for notices under this Deed of Trus� by gi�ing formal writ�en
<br /> notic� to the other partEes, specifyin� �hat the purpase of the notice is to change the party's address_ For no��ce
<br /> pu�poSes,Trustor agrees fa keep Lend�r in��rmed a�al!tim�s Qf Trustar's Gurrent address. Unless atherwise pr�vided
<br /> Qr required by law, if there is mare than one Trustor,any notice gi�en by Lende�#❑ any Trustar i�deemed t❑ be notic�
<br /> gi�en�o al1 Trustors.
<br /> ELECTRONIG C�PIES. Lender may �opy, elec�ronical[y or otherwise, and therea�ter destroy, th� ariginals af this
<br /> Agreemen� andlor Re�ated Documents in the r�gular course vf Lender's business. All such copies produced frvm an
<br /> electr�n��form or by any other reliabie means �i.e., phatographic image or facsimile}shall in all resp�cts �e cansidered
<br /> equivalent t❑an original,and gorrower herehy wai�es any righ�s o�objecfiions#o th�use❑f su�h copies.
<br /> M�SCELLANE�l15 PR(]Vi51DN5_ The�ollowing misc�Elanevus pra�isions are a par�o�this�e�d of Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This Deed af Trust,tvgethe�uv�th any Related DoGuments,�nnsti�utes�he entire under�tanding and
<br /> a�r�em�nt vf the parties as ta the rnat�ers set forth in�his Deed a�Trus�. Nn alterat3on af ar amendment ta th�s
<br /> Deed ❑f Trust shall be effec#ive un�ess given in writing and si�ned by�he�party �r par�ies sough��v be charged❑r
<br /> baund by the alteratian or amendment.
<br /> Annuai Reparts. �f �he Prvperty Es used fvr purposes other�han Trusto�'s residence, `�frusto� sha�� �umish ta
<br /> Lender, upon request, a certified sfatement of nef operating income reGei�ed from the Property during `�rustar's
<br /> pre�iaus fiscal year in such farm and detai#as Lender shali require. "Net aperating incvme" shaf� mean alE cash
<br /> r�ceipts from the Property less al!cash e.xpenditures made in connec�ion with�he aperafion af the Property.
<br /> Cap�ion Head�ngs. Caption headings in th�s Deed af�'rust are far Gon�enience purp�ses only and are nofi t❑ be
<br /> �sed t�inte�-pret or define the pro�isions of this Deed�f Trus�.
<br /> �lerge�r, There shali be no merger��the interest or�sta�e created by�his D�ed af Trust with any other inte�-est❑�-
<br /> �s�ate in th�Praperty a�any#ime held by vr�vr the benefi��f Lender in any capacity, without the written Gonsent
<br />