��l 5�641 1
<br /> �EED �F T1�lJ�T
<br /> ��ontinued� Page �
<br /> rep[acemen�s,and main�enance necessary tv preserve its value.
<br /> Comp�iance With En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustor represen�s and warrants#o Lender that: �'k} Buring�he per�od vf
<br /> Trus�or's ownership af the Praper�y,there has been na use,generafiian, manufa��ure,starage,�reatrnen�,disp�sal,
<br /> release vr threatened release af any Hazard�us Subs�ance by any persan �n, under, ahaut❑r frvm the Pr�perty;
<br /> {2} Trustar has n❑knawledge o�, ar reason ta believe�ha�#here has been,except as previously disclvsed�❑ and
<br /> acknawledged by Lender in writing, (a} any br�ach ❑r violation a� any En�irnnrnental Laws, �b} any use,
<br /> �enera�ivn, manufactu�-e, starage, trea�ment, disp�sal, re[ease or threatened release af any Hazardaus Substance
<br /> vn, under, ab�ut nr frorn the Property by any prior owners or v�cupants o�the Prope�y, or (c} any actual or
<br /> thr�a�ened li�igativn �r claims ��any kind by any p�rsan rela�ing ta such matters; and �33 Ex�ept as pre�iously
<br /> disc�osed to and acknowle�ged by Lender in writing, �a} ne��her Trustor nor any tenant,�ontractar, a�ent or other
<br /> au�horized user�f the Pr�perty shall use,generate, manufacture,store,trea�,dispose of or reiease any Hazardous
<br /> 5ubstan�e an,under, a}�out or from the Prvperty;and �b} any su�h acti�ity shali be conduct�d in cvmpliance with
<br /> alf applicabie federal, state, and lacal lav+�s, regulativns and ardinances, in�iuding withnut limitativn all
<br /> En�iranm�n�al Laws. Tn.rstvr auth�riz�s Lender and i�s agenfs t4 en�er upvn the Prvp�rty t� make suGh
<br /> ins�ections and tesfs, at Trus�or's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to deterrnine campliance of the
<br /> Property with �his se�tion vf�he Deed vf Trus�. Any inspectivns ❑r fests made by Lender shal! be for Lender's
<br /> purpases vnly and shall no�be cons�ru�d to create any resp�nsibility❑r liability on�he part a�F L�nder fo Trus��r or� �
<br /> �o any ather persan. The representat�ons and warranties con�ained herein are aased ❑n Trustor's due di�igence in
<br /> �nves�igating�he Proper�y for Hazardous Subs�ances. Trus�or hereby �'[} releases and vvai�es any fu�ure�laims
<br /> against Lende�fvr indemnity or can�ributian in the event Trust�r be�mes liable for cieanup or vther c�sts under
<br /> any su�h laws; and t2� agrees t❑�ndemnify, defend,and hold harmless Lender agains�any ar7d al��laims,lasse�,
<br /> I�abi�ities,damag�s, penalties, and�xpenses which Lender may direc�ly or indirectly sustain a�-su�fer resul�ing�rom
<br /> a breach o�f�his section af�he�]eed af Trus��r as a Gonsequence vf any use, genera�ion, rnanu�Fac�ure, s�tarage,
<br /> disposai,release vr�hreatened re��ase oc�urring prior��Trustor's�wnership or�n�erest in the P�-Qper�y,whether or
<br /> nat the same`nras or should �ave been kn�wn t❑ Trust�r. The pro�isions o�this sec�ion of the �eed of Trust,
<br /> inc�uding the❑bligation ta indernnify and defend,shall sur�i�e the payment of�he lndeb�edness and the satisfiaGt'ron
<br /> and re�on�reyanc�vf th��3en�f i�his Deed af Trus#and shall nat be a�Fected by Lende�-`S acquisitian a�any interest
<br /> in the Proper-�jr,whether by foreclasure or otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Wast�. Trustor sha�i na� cause, conduct flr perrnit any nuisance no� camm�t, permit, vr suf�e� any
<br /> s�ripping a�or waste on or�a the Prope�or any portion of�he Property. W�th�ut limiting the generality of the
<br /> �aregving, T�ustnr wi�l not rernvve, or gran#to any ather party the righ�to rema�e, any timber, m�nerals tincluding
<br /> ail and gas},coal,c�ay,scoria,soif,gravel or rvck products wi�hout Lender's prior written cansenf.
<br /> Remo�al of impravernents. T�ust�r shall nat dernalish or r�move any Impro�ements fram the Rea�Property withou�f
<br /> Lende�'s prior wriften consent. As a condition to�he remo�al of any lmpro�ements,Lender may require Trustor to
<br /> make a�rangements satis�ac#vry �a Lender �o repla�e sueh Impro�ement5 with Improvemeni:s o� at IeasL equal
<br /> value.
<br /> Lender's Right to Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agents and representatiWes may enter upvn the Rea! Properfy at all
<br /> reasanahle tim�s to atfend �❑ Lender's interests and �o inspect the Real Property for pu�poses af Tr�s#or's
<br /> cvmpliance wifh the terms and conditians of this Deed o�Trus�.
<br /> Compliance with Gavernmental Requirernents. Trustor shall promp�ly carnply with all laws, ordinances, and
<br /> r�gulations, naw or her-eaf�er in effec�, of all go�ernmental aufihorities appf�cable t��h� use or occupancy of the
<br /> Prap�r-�y, inGluding wi�hvut lirnita�ian,�he Americans With Disabi�i�ies�c�. Trustor may contest in ga�d fai�h any
<br /> such law, ord�nance, or regulatian and withho�d �ompliance dur�ng any pr�ceeding, inc�uding apprapriate appeafs,
<br /> so lang as Trustor has natified Lender in writing p��or t❑daing sa and sa Eang as, �n Lender'�sole❑pinion,Lendet's
<br /> in�erests in the Prap�rty are not jeopardi��d. Lend�r rnay requ�� Trustar t❑ posf adequate security or a surety
<br /> bond,reasanably safiisfac�ory ta Lender,t�pr�tect Lender's interest.
<br /> �uty to Prv�ect. Trustor agrees neithe�to abandon vr lea�e unattend�d the Property. Tnastor shall do all ather
<br /> acts, in additEon�o thnse ac�s set f�rth ab��e€n this sect�vn,wh��h�rom�he�haracter and use�f the Property are
<br /> reasonably ne�ssary to prate��and presenre th�I'roperty.
<br /> TA�CES AND L�ENS, The following prvWisions relating ta the taxes and liens on the P�operty are par�of�his Deed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> . Paymen#. Trustor shall pay when due�and in all even�s privr t�delinquency}all taxes, speciaf taxes,assessments,
<br /> charges �including water and sewer}, fines and imposi�ions le�ied againsfi ar an account af the Property, and shall
<br /> pay when due all cla�ms fvr work done vn vr far services �-endered ar ma�eria�furn�shed to the F'rvperty. Trus�vr
<br /> shall maintain the P�operty free a�al!liens ha�ing priority v�er�r equal�o�he in�erest o�Lender under this Deed vf
<br /> Trust, except for the lien ❑� taxes and assessments nv� due, except fflr the Existing lndek��edness referred �o
<br /> k�elow,and ex�ep�as a�herwise pra�ided in this�eed c�f Trus�.
<br /> Righ��v Cant�st. Trusta�may withhoCd paymen�a�any tax, assessrnent,ar claim�n connectivn vUifh a gvod fiat�h
<br /> dispute vver the a�aligativn to pay,sa�vng as Lende�'s intere�t in the Property is nvt jeopardi�ed. if a lien arises or
<br /> is filed as a result❑� nonpayment, Trustar shall within fii�een �'!5� d�ys�ft�r the lien ar�se� ar, if a lien is fi�ed,
<br /> within #�i�een t��) days a�ter Trustor has natice�f the filing, secure�he discharge vf the lien� vr if requested by
<br /> Lender,deposit wi�h Lender cash❑r a sufficient carparate surety hond or�ther security satisfactory to Lender in an
<br /> amvunt su�Ficient ta discharge th�lien plus any costs and attorneys'fees, or o�her charges that cvuld accrue as a
<br /> result of a foreclosure or sale under�he lien. In any�on�est,Trus�or shall de�end i�sel�and Len�ier and shal!satisfy
<br /> any adverse judgment before enforcement against the Prop�rty_ Trustor shal)name Lender as an additional obligee
<br /> unde�any surety bvnd fiurnished in the con�est p�nceedings.
<br /> E�idence af Payment. Trus�or sha�1 upon demand furnish ta Lender sa#isfactory e��dence of payment of the taxes
<br /> �r assessments and shall auth�r�ze#he appr�pria#e ga�ernmental official to de�i�er tv Lender at any time a wr�tten
<br /> s�atement v�the taxes and assessmen�s against the Property.
<br /> Nati�e of Cans�ru�tion. Trust�r shall nati�y Lender a�Eeast fifteen ��5}days befo�e any work is commenced, any
<br /> services ar��urnished,ar any materials are supplied�v the Praperky, if any mechanic's 1ien, maferiakmen's lien, ❑r
<br /> ather lien�ould be asserted on accvun�of the work, senri�es, or materials. Trustar will upon �-eques�o� Lend�r
<br /> furnish to Lender ad�ance assurances satisfaGtvey ta Lender thafi Trusfior can and will pay the cost of SUCh
<br /> � irnpro�ements.
<br /> PRQRERTY DANfAGE INS�IRANCE. The fo�lowing provisions relating to insuring�he Prape�ty ar�a part af this ❑eed of
<br /> �rust.
<br /> Main�enance a# Insuran�e. Trustvr shall procure and rnain�a�n policies of fire tnsurance with s�andard extended
<br /> �ove�age endors�ments �n a fair value bas�s for the full insurable �alue cvvering al� fmpro�ements an the Real
<br /> Property in an arnount suf��cient t❑ avoid applica�ion ❑f any coinsurance clause, and with a s�andard mor�gagee
<br /> clause in fa�ar af Lender. Tn.i��vr shall als❑prvcure and maintain cvmprehensi�e general liability insurance in such
<br /> coverage arnaunts as Lender may request uvith Trustee and Lender being named as additinnal insure�is in such
<br /> �iability insurance p�licies. Addi��anal�y, Trustor shall maintain such o�her insuran�e, incfuding but nvt ��mited �a
<br /> haza�d, �usiness �nterrup�ivn, and �ailer�nsurance, as L�nder may reasonably require. Poli�ies shall be written in
<br /> form, amounts, co�erages and basis reasonabiy acceptaE�le �o Lende�- and issued by a campany o� companies
<br />