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� <br /> - r � � � <br /> Iti7 � rn C� � � � <br /> o = �� � c� Q m I�] rn <br /> cn � �o � � C� p o <br /> � � �n � m �� C C�n <br /> � , �� � � �m � �_ <br /> � - �� D � D Ca � Cn <br /> _ �� rn �� � � <br /> � rn� � � �� � � <br /> � �� � � <br /> � r <br /> - �a a r rn <br /> 00 � � � <br /> v C� �y � <br /> � � <br /> � <br /> WHEN REC�F�DE❑ MAiL T�: <br /> First Na#�vnal Bank of�rnaha <br /> Branch#�70 -Grand lsland Branch <br /> 8�a AIlen D r <br /> Grand island NE G 8 8�3 FQR RECORDER'S USE O N LY <br /> Fi r ' <br /> �st N�f� n <br /> � �� ���� <br /> * �8�������a��� <br /> �EEQ �F ��UST <br /> M►�XIMUM L1EN. The I�en of this ❑eed of Trus�shal� nvt exceed a� any on�time $'��,SD�.��. <br /> THIS ❑EED �F TRUS� �s dated Sep�ember 'i S, �Q'1�, am�ng Gregory L. �eis and Sandie 5. <br /> �eis; Husband and 1Nife �"'Trustvr"}; Fi�st Natianai Bank of �maha, whflse address is Bran�h <br /> #�7� - Grand is�and Br�nch, 8'1� Al[en Dr, Grand ls[and, NE 6880� �referred t4 below <br /> som�time� as "'L�nd�r" and some�imes as "Beneficiary'r�; and Fi�rst National Bank of �maha , <br /> whas� addre�s �s 8'1 U A[len Dr. , Grand Islan.d , IVE �$8D� 4�-eferred �o belv►►v as 'rTrustee"}, <br /> CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For�aluable consideratian, Trustor can�eys tn Trustee in trusf,WITH PDVIrER OF SALE, <br /> fvr the benefi�af Lender as BenefiGiary, al[ of Trustor's right, ti�le, and interest in and #a the #ollovving described real <br /> prop�rty, �agether wi�h a!I ex�s�in� or subsequently erec�ed �r affixed buildings, irnpro�ements and fxtu�es; all <br /> easements, righ�s vf way, and appurt�nan�es; all water, water rights and ditch rights tincluding s�vck in u#ilit�es wi�h <br /> ditch �r irrigation righ�s}; and all ather rights, roya[ties, and pr�fits relatin �a the real prapart , �ncluding withvut <br /> limita�ion all min�rals, oil, gas, �eotherma�and simi4ar matters, ��he ��I�e�l �rvpertyr'} �aGa�e�in HaII Cvunty, <br /> �tate of N e b ras ka; <br /> � Lv� Twelve �'1�} and all af Lot Ten �'I��, except the Nor�h 5e�en t7� f�e� therevf, in Bfock <br /> Eighteen ��8�, Col�ege Adc�it�an �a Vtilest Lawn �n the Cit� vf Grand lstand, Wall Cvun�y, <br /> l�e��a�ka <br /> The Real Praper�y or i�s address is cvmmon[y knawn as ��Q� N. Lafay��te Ave., Grand Istand, <br /> iVE �S$�3. <br /> Trus�ar presently assigns ta Lender ���sv known as geneficiary in �his Deed vf Trus�} al� ❑f Trus�ar's righ�, �itle, and <br /> interest in and ta ali present and future leases❑�th� Praper�.y and a�l Rents fr4m the Prvperty. tn addi#ion, Trus�ar <br /> grants to Lender a Unifarm Commer�ial Code security interest in�he Persanal�mperty and Ren�s. <br /> THIS flEE❑DF TRUST,���LUDlh1G THE ASSIGNMENT�F I�ENTS AM❑THE SECURITY�hI`TE1�E5T IN THE RENTS A�iD <br /> PERS�Nt4L PR�PERTY, 15 G[VEN Tp SECURE �A� PAYIU�EN��F THE INDEBTEl�NE�S�iVD �B} PERFORMANCE DF <br /> ANY AND ALL QBLIGATIQNS UN�ER THE NQTE, THE RIELATED �UCIlN[ENTS, QND THIS �EED �F TRlJST, THIS <br /> DEED�F TRUST 1S GIVEN AND A�GEPTED�N THE F�LLOINlNG TEF�NiS: <br /> TRUSTOR'S �EPRESENTATIDNS AND WAI�RA1dT1E5. Trusto�warrants �hat: {a} �this De�d of Trust is ��€�cuted a'� <br /> garrawer's request and not a�the request of Lsnder; {b}Trustor has the full pawer, ri�h�, and authority tv en�er into <br /> this Deed vf Trus�and �❑ hypo�hecate�h�Property; �c}the pro�isions a�this Deed af Trust da na# �onflict wi�h, or <br /> resuft in a defau�t under any agreement ar other inst�urnent�inding upon TruS�or and do nvt r�sult in a vio�ation vf any <br /> �aw, regulativn, court de�ree Qr arder applicabl��o Trustor; �d}Trustor has established adequate means af❑btaining <br /> from Borrower on a cvntinuing basis informatian abau� 8orrower's tinancial Ganditivn; and �e} Lender has made na <br /> represenfiatian to Trustar abc�u�Borrower tincluding withvut�irnitation�he creditworthiness af g�rrower}. <br /> TRUST�R',�1NAiVE�S. Trustor wai�es a�l rights or de#enses arising by reasvn of any"one actian"or"anti--defciency" <br /> law, or any a�her faw which rnay prevent Lender from bringing any ac�ion aga3nst Trustor, including a claim for <br /> de��ciency ta�he extent L�nder is otherwise entit�ed to a claim far defciency, be�care ar af�er Lender's carnmen�ement <br /> ar comple#ian af any fore��osure ac��vn,either judicial�y ar by exercise o�a pawer o�sale. <br /> PAYIIJIENT AND �ERFQF�1111ANCE. Except as vth�rwise pro�ided in this Deed af Trust, 6orrower shail pay ta Lender a�l <br /> Indebtedness secure� by this Deed of Trust as it �ecames due, and Barrawer and Trustor shall pe�fiarm al! their <br /> re�pecti�e vb�igativns under#he Nvte,this fleed of Trus�,and the Related Documents. <br /> P�SSES�I�N ANI� �IIf►Q►lNTEhtANCE DF THE PRUPERTY, Borrow�r and Trus�or ag��e �ha# Borrawer's and l"rus�o�'s <br /> possession and us��f the PrQperty shall be�o�erned by the fal�owing provisions: <br /> P�ssession �nd �ise. Unti1 th� vccurrence of an Event v�Defaul�, Trustor may ��1} rernain in pvssessifln and <br /> cvntro[of th�Prc�perty; ��� use,operafie or rnanage�he Proper�y;and �3} cailect the Rents�rom�h�Prape�ty. <br /> �3uty �� lUlaintain. Trustnr shall maintain the Prvperty in tenanfiabla ovnditivn and prompfly perfvrm a�l repairs, - <br />