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��15�63�9 <br /> The prop�rry is �o�ated in ,..Hal l............ ................................... a� ..........---.........---.........--- <br /> ... <br /> ��ounty} <br /> 4 3 5 ��mmanche Ave Grancl I s ., Nebraska_.6_�$a 3.__.__.... <br /> -•--..................................................., .... .. . ..... . .....,........... _ ....... <br /> �Address} (Ciry} �ZIP Cod�} <br /> Tog�ther with a�i rxghts, easements, appurtenances, rayalties, mineral rights, oii and gas righ�s, al.�wa�er and <br /> r�parian rights, dztches, and v�ater s�flck and a�.X ex�strng and impra�ements, structures, f�xtures, and <br /> r�placements that may now, or a�an�time zn the future, b�part of the real estate described ab��e�atl referred <br /> to as "Property"�. <br /> 3. MA�IMLTM�BLI�ATIQl�T IIIMIT. The tatal px-ua.cxpal amount secured by thzs Security Lnstrument at any <br /> one time shal� n�t exceed � �5,.��o..�.�...---•--.......................... . This Iinxitatxon of amount daes nat <br /> include xnter�st and other fees axid charg�s �alidly mad� pursuant to this Secur�ty Instrum�nt. Aiso, thi.s <br /> �im�tatifln do�s nat appl� to advance� made under the terms af �15 Securzty Instrumen� �o pratect <br /> Beneficzary's securit�and ta perfarm any of the co�enants�an�ained in thzs Security�nstrumen�. <br /> 4. SE�URED DEST AND FLTTLTRE AD�ANCES. The t�nn "Secured Debt" is defined as fol.�av�s: <br /> A.D�bt xncurred under the terms af all prom�ssory nate�s�, contract�s}, buaranty�i�s} or a�her e�idence of <br /> de�t described belaw and aIl their �xtenszons, renew�.s, madifications ar substztutzans. �YQu must <br /> speci�earZy identi.fy tT�e debt�s� secr�r�d and you should include t�he�nal rnat�urity dat�o�f su�h debt{s�.} <br /> Note Dat�d August.l8 ��15 In Th� Amaunt �f $25�0��.00 <br /> Accruing At A Variab�.e Rate With A Maturity Date �f August 25, 2�2� <br /> S aid Loaxx. In Th� Name�s} fl f Jim D rams e <br /> And Ila Dramse <br /> B.AII future advances from Benefz�zary to Trustor �r �ther future obl7gatrons of Trustar ta B�n�fi�iary <br /> under any promzssory not�, contract, guaranty, ❑r other evidenCe of debt e�ecu�ed by Trustar in favar <br /> of Bene�.ciary a.f�er this Securi.�y Instrument whether or not this Security Ins�rument xs S�7�C1f1CaII� <br /> referenced. If mare than �ne person signs thi� Securzty Instru�ment, each Trustor agrees �hat this <br /> Security Instrument wi�l secure a11 future ad�ances aza.d future abligatxons rhat are given to or Yn�urred <br /> by any one ar mar� Trustor, or any one or more Trustor and oth�rs. Al.� future advances and ather <br /> future oblrgations are secur�d by th�s Security Instrum�nt e��n thaugh al.� or part may nat yet be <br /> ad�anced. A�1 futur� advan�es and �ther futur� obXxgatian� are secured as if made on the date flf this <br /> 5ecurity I:nstrument. l�Iathing in this Securxty �n�trument sha�I cons��tute a cammztment t� make <br /> add�txonal or fu�ure l�ans or advances in any amount. Any such commit�nent must be abreed �� in a <br /> separate writing. <br /> �.All other obxxgatzons Trustor owes to Benefxci.ary, which may Iater ar�se, t�the extent not prohi�ited by <br /> �aw, �nclud7ng, but not lixnzted ta, ��ab��it�es f�r overdrafts re�ating ta any depos�t account agreemen� <br /> be��ween Trustor and Beneficzary. <br /> ]a.Ax� additzonal sums ad�an��d and exp�ns�� incurred by Beneficiary far �n�ur�ng, preserving ar <br /> otherwis�prot��ting the Property and its value and any ather sums advanced and e�penses incurred by <br /> Ben�fx�xary under thc t�rms of this Securxty Instrum�nt. <br /> �n�he e�ent that Beneficiary fai.�s to provzde any required notzce of the rxght of rescisszan, Beneficiary u�aives <br /> any subsequent security znterest in.the Trustar's princxpa�dwe�.��ng that is created�y th�s 5ecurity Instrument. <br /> 5. I]EEI] �F TRL�ST CDVEI�TAN'I'S. Trustar agrees that the covenan�s in this section ar�mat�r�al abligatians <br /> under the 5e�ured Debt and t,�.�s Security Ins�rument. Zf Trustor breaches any cov�nant in this sect�on, <br /> Beneficiary ma�refuse to make additianal ext�nsz�ns af credit and ���u�e the credit limi.t. By not exerc�sing <br /> either remedy on Trustor's breach, Benef�crary daes not vwai��Benefi��ary's rzght�o�at�r�ansrder the e�ent a <br /> breach if it happens again_ <br /> Paym�nts. Trustar agrees that all paym�nts under�he Secur�d Debt wz�x be pai.d when due and in ac�ordan�e <br /> wxth the terms of th.e Secured Deb�an�thxs Secur�ty Instrument. <br /> Priar Security Interests. Wzth regard to any mortgage, deed of mzst, securx�y agreement vr ather Iien <br /> document that created a pr��r securzty interest or encum.brance an the Properry, Trustor agrees ta.�nake aII <br /> payments u�hen du� and �� perfarm ar �ampiy wzth al� �avenants. Trus�or also agrees not to all�w an� <br /> madxfz�at�on�r extension af, nar to reques� any future advances und�r any note or agreem�nt secured by the <br /> lzen documen�vvi�hout Benefi�iary's prior wrztten apprava.J�, <br /> C� Aga�ns� Tit��. Trust�r wrll pay al.x ta.x�s �i.ncluding any tax assessed to this I3e�d of Trust�, <br /> assessments, l.zens, encumbrances, l�ase payrnents, ground rents, ut�lx�z�s, and oth�r charges r��atua.g to th� <br /> Property when due. B�n�ficiary ma�requzre Trustor ta prav�de t� B�n�ficzary c�pies af all n�tices that such <br /> amounts are due and the receipts evic�encing Trustor's payment_ Trustar wz�l def�nd tztXe to the Praperty <br /> agaznst azay c�azms that would impair the �xen of this Security T�nstrument. Trustor agrees to assign to <br /> Benefi�xary, as reques�ed by B�neficiary, any r�ghts, c�aams or d�fenses Trustor may ha�e aga.�nst part�es who <br /> supply labor or materza�s to maintain or improve the Pr�perty. <br /> Security Instrument-�pen-End-CQnsumsr-NE OCP-REDT-NE 71�1��'I'I <br /> VMP�Banker5 Systems�'" VMP-G455tNE] {��p7}.pp <br /> Wafters K[uwer Financial Senrices C1994,ZdT 1 Page 2 af� <br />