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<br /> Bank of�h �IVest ����7�•��#������•������
<br /> 5Z❑Main A e ��������$'��
<br /> Far ❑ ND '�2� FDR RE��RDER"S USE nNLY
<br /> DEED []F TRUST
<br /> THIS DEED aF TRUST is da�ed August ��, ��'i�, among THE ELKS BLIIL�IN� ASSt]ClATI�N
<br /> �F �RAND �SLAND, NEBRASKA, a Nebraska Corpora#ivn, wh�s� address is �3'� S L�CUST,
<br /> GRAN❑ 1SLAN17, NE �88a'� �"Trustor""�; BANK �F THE 1NEST, �vhose address is Grand lsland
<br /> . #2'13�4'!, 33�'f W S�a�e St, �rand lsland, NE f��t�3 �referred to b�1aw somet�mes as "Lender"
<br /> and samefimes as '"Benefic�ary"}; and BACV�t �F THE WEST, whvse addr�ss is 33�'1 Vllest S�a�e
<br /> St, Gran� ��land, NE C88U3 �referred �� �ae�ow as "Trust�e"}.
<br /> CONVEYANCE AND GRANT. For�afuable�onsideration,Trustor con�eys to Trustee in trust,1N�TH PUVIIER�F SALE,
<br /> �or the beneff# of Lender as Beneficiary, ai[ o�Trustor's righ�, �itle, and int�rest in and ta the follawing described rea[
<br /> pr�perty, tagether with a!! existing or subsequently ere�ted or affixed buildings, irnpro�ements and fixtures; all
<br /> eas�ments, r�gh#s af way, and appu�tenances; ail water, wate�righ�s and ditch rights �including stock in utilities�nri�h
<br /> di��h or irriga�ion ri�h�s}; and all ❑the� rights, royal�iEs, and profi�s r�lating �a the real prape�ty, includin� without
<br /> limi����on all minerals, ❑il, gas, geathermal and similar mat�ers, ��he "R�a� praperty'"} I�Ca��d 111 HALL
<br /> Caunty, S�a�e vf Nebraska:
<br /> A tract of fand c�mprising the Easterly T►n�� Hundred Twenty Six ���6.D} f�et af the
<br /> INes��rly Two Hundred Twenty Eight ���8.4} fe�t �f Lat S�xteen ['[�} and th� Sou�herly
<br /> Tw�nty Five �2�� fee� of Lot Se�enteen ��!7), al� �n th� Cvunty Subdi��sion �f the IIVes� Half
<br /> af �he �outhwest C�uarter �VI!'I1� SV11'114� af Sect�on Fifteen �'1 a}, T�wnsh�p Ele�en �'i'�}
<br /> Nor�h, Range Nine �9}, West of #he Cth P.M., �n Grand is�and, Ha�� County, Nehra�ka,
<br /> Ex��pting There fram a par� vf said Lo�Sixt�en �'I�} mare part�cu�arly described as fol�ovvs: .
<br /> Beginning a� a point fln th� 5outh line of said Lo� '�6, said point being T►nro ��.fl} feet Eas�
<br /> of the Southwest carn�r af said Lo� �i�; th�nce Nartherly �assumed az�rnuth ��QU�'�, a
<br /> d�stance af Eighteen and Fif�y vur Hundredths �'#$.5�} f���to �he Actuai plac� af be�inning;
<br /> fhence Nor�herly azm ������ a d�stance of S�x ��.0} f�e#; �hence Easterly, azm 9�p��', a
<br /> d�stanc� af Two �2.Q} feet; thence Svutherly, a�rn, '18t����', a distance vf S�x �6.fl} fee�;
<br /> �h�nce �ester�y, azm, 27�°�D`, a distance of Two ��.�} feet fn the Actual p�ace of
<br /> be�inning; AN D �xcept �ha� por�ivn dQe�ed �o the City af �ran� Island an Dee� recvrd�d
<br /> Juiy '19, �97'� in Bo�k '���, Page �?3.
<br /> Tne Rea! Praper�y ar ��s addr�ss i� commonly knovun as ��9-63'1 S LD�uST, GRAND ISLAN�,
<br /> N E �88��. The Rea� Property�ax id�n�i�i���i�n r�umb�r i� ���'�d�43J�w
<br /> Trustor presently ass�gns �o Lend�r �a�sa known as B�neficiary in thi� Deed of Trust} al� a�Trustor's righ�, t�t�e, and
<br /> interest in and to a�� present and future �eases af the Property and all Ren�s firom the Praperty. In additian, Trustor
<br /> � ,��...���i��� ����.������4�r`���,�
<br /> � � .
<br />